View Full Version : Happen or not?

Team VeNoM
05-22-2006, 10:40 AM
On saturday i was reffing at my local feild when i kid who was probably like 13-15 came up and said that someone had punched him in the face while on the field (woodsball) i reported it in walked him down to lower staging where the owner of the field met with him and talked to him, we triedt o get a description of the person who hit him and he couldnt identify anyone for 100% so in my mind this raises the question...
Did he actually get hit or did something not go his way and he decided to try and get this person in some trouble....

Just my take but i belive something happened but it wasnt a punch in the face becuase if they get that close you should be anle to see them pretty darn clearly

Your takes on this situation?

05-22-2006, 11:03 AM
Well if said kid did get punched in the face then there should be a mark. Then punish the other kid and your on your own there.

no mark then nothing happened. and ask poeple that were at the game if they saw anything.

05-22-2006, 12:30 PM
wait, punched in the face? or punched in the mask? he could have been fogged up at the time.

05-22-2006, 01:12 PM
wait, punched in the face? or punched in the mask? he could have been fogged up at the time.

well if he was fogged up then he could have just been to close and the tree limb the guy in front of him pushed out his way slapped his mask... should get the anti-fogg mask....

05-22-2006, 08:51 PM
punched in the face? he should of been wearing a mask.

punched in the mask? he might of gotten pretty shaken up. If he got hit hard enough to come complain, then the hit may of moved the mask over his eyes.

05-22-2006, 08:59 PM
was anyone else on the field at this time? or just by himself? :nono:

if he did get pushed i can see how you can maybe nto identify somone if theyr are 15+ people wearing camo and shooting rentals or soemthing

also was he psuhed in the mask or punched in the face

05-22-2006, 09:08 PM
I'm going to assume he got punched in the mask, and similarly, that the other guy was also wearing a mask so he couldn't see his face. I would say that since you can't be sure who the other guy was, theres nothing you can do about it.
It seems like probable circumstances, but nothing can be proven either way, so tough luck.

05-22-2006, 09:09 PM
Ask him which side of the face he was punched on. Then punch the other side and say, "there, it's even now!" Make sure to smile, smiling makes everyone happy!

Team VeNoM
05-23-2006, 09:53 AM
sorry for the unclarity in my post, it was a "punch" in the mask, right after it happened he came up to me and his glasses werent fogged up at all, and it was in the middle of the game so there were many people out on the field...everything has been taken care of as much as possible so im not trying to figure out whgat to do about it just what you guys think migt have happened. thanks for the replies


05-23-2006, 06:06 PM
Ehh...he's just looking for a reason to sue your field. Cut off his arm - to at least give him a reason.

05-23-2006, 07:34 PM
i refferee soccer. this happens alot "he did something and should get in trouble" but i didnt see it so i cant do anything.

unless he has some physical evidence or a witness that says he got punched in the face, i wouldnt do anything besides keep a closer watch for the players getting in a fight.

05-23-2006, 09:51 PM
kick him in the balls and tell him to go walk it off

05-24-2006, 02:11 PM
If he was trying to get someone in trouble he would have been able to ID that someone...

05-25-2006, 12:25 PM
hey venom...
would this have happened at the Chilli Paintball Pits.
the "lower staging" clued me in.
I started paintballing there in the mid 90's, and reffed there for years...
moved away years ago, but i still miss the place... the best terrain for woodsball in the world.
i'm actually going to go play there this saturday. sort of a homecoming.
anyway...just excited to see someone on here from my old home field

05-25-2006, 12:39 PM
I may of missed it, but did he state why the person allegedly punched him? Or was he claiming that a person just randomly punched him?

In the future, if there are allegations of an assault or battery, I recommend having the person contact local law enforcement. Not only is it more appropriate for them to investigate it, they have the training and experience to handle it.

Team VeNoM
05-25-2006, 07:48 PM
well there was a story of him overshooting his female counterpart becuase she wouldnt call out and so she got mad and her husband or boyfriend or heck maybe just friend (im not sure) walked all the way shooting at him then got close enough for him to lay a punch/ shove on the kids goggles,The owner of the field wanted to call the law enforcement but wanted a positive
ID and even then there was no witness and the alleged criminal had friends with him that would sya he didnt o it so it probably wouldnt have turned out any different

05-25-2006, 11:22 PM
ok than the punk desewrved it..he was bonus ballin a chik..for all we know..it was her first time and she was prolly more scared of gettin bonus balled if anything...

Team VeNoM
05-26-2006, 09:52 AM
no, i think she had been in the military, she was buff and she never complained when i was around about getting shot so i think it was more she just got pissed off that they were doing it, and if it were her first time i would agree that the kid eserved it but we cant have that happen becuase the way everyone already looks at paintball the only thing we need is for the field to be labled as somewhere to some to get beat up
ya know?

05-26-2006, 10:01 AM
i do not thinkt he kid shot up a girl on purpose. maybe he didnt see her call out, and i am sure the bf/husband didnt care at all he was just pissed. no matter what you should NEVER touch anyone, ever. the kid knew who it was, there are only a certain amount of girls at a field anyways. you should have asked every single player as well as the girl. kick the guy out for a few months as well, you just dont go bullying kids.

i have been acused of bunkering a kid during practice....yes practice. the kid (13-14 yrs old?) wanted to play with the big boys and payed the price. He got bunkered in a back standup and started crying, the father ran up to me cussing and ready to fight. I told him we could fight but he should know that I did not shoot his son. He then preceded to chew out the guy that did shoot his son for at least 10 minutes, it was quite hilarious from my demented point of view.