View Full Version : x-men 3 discussion (spoilers)

bam wannabe
05-22-2006, 01:17 PM
so the movie isnt out yet. but the midnight showing is just around the corner.
we can still discuss on that we have heard or plan on seeing from the movie.
plot wise, i dont know much. except even after this they are making a magneto movie and a wolverine movie (wolverine film is rumored. but magneto movie is confirmed) (if it takes place after this movie or not is beyond me. probably prequels to events leading up to the first x-men)

oh, and after the credits roll... stay in the theater. the director says theres "something special after the credits for true x-men fans"... so im basically more excited for that than the actual movie.

anyone else see the clip all over youtube.com of them in the danger room? if the whole movie is like that clip, im not going to be happy. although the final battle in the movie is said to be "the most violent fight yet in the x-men series."

so, what are your thoughts of the movie based on what you have heard so far? and do you know any juicy details on the plot/story?

05-22-2006, 01:25 PM
I think you've got it reversed.

The Wolverine film is confirmed, most likely a Prequel, and the Magneto movie is a rumor and I doubt it will happen.

bam wannabe
05-22-2006, 02:45 PM
i probably do. i merely heard this from a friend. so i will have to go look crap up for it i guess
i honestly doubt a magneto movie would be interesting. although the clip of his childhood at the concentration camp from x-1 was a very cool thing to see.

05-22-2006, 03:41 PM
I'll go watch it wednesy night, all alone, with noone else to bother me.

bam wannabe
05-26-2006, 01:22 AM
just got done seeing it...

go see it!
its easily my favorite of the 3. i wont say anymore, even though i did put "spoilers" in the title, i know people will throw a fit over things i say if they havent seen it.

but, i will say i actually felt sorry for Magneto in the end. and i wish cyclops had a bigger role.

05-26-2006, 04:19 AM

Didn't you see the metal chess peice move :headbang:

Oh yeah... Wait till the END OF THE CREDITS!!!

FRAKIN AWSOME!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

bam wannabe
05-26-2006, 11:55 AM

Didn't you see the metal chess peice move :headbang:

Oh yeah... Wait till the END OF THE CREDITS!!!

FRAKIN AWSOME!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

lol yeah i sat there and waited until after the the credits. the people i was with were like "wtf, that was a waste of my time" because they didnt get it.

and yeah the chess piece moved, but i still felt sorry for him in a way.

05-26-2006, 01:01 PM

Worst. Adaptation. Evar.

Way to completely blow the best story arc in the Marvel lineup, Rothman. I know, I know, you just had to beat Singer to the market. :rolleyes:

Ratner was a great idea too.


05-26-2006, 08:52 PM
just got done seeing it...

go see it!
its easily my favorite of the 3. i wont say anymore, even though i did put "spoilers" in the title, i know people will throw a fit over things i say if they havent seen it.

but, i will say i actually felt sorry for Magneto in the end. and i wish cyclops had a bigger role.

Cyclops is annoying. Even in the comics I got tired of his attitude. Nightcrawler & Wolverine are my favs. Then again I did like Gambit in the cartoon series.

Grey Goose
05-26-2006, 08:53 PM
If you're a newbie x-men fan, you *might* like this movie. Maybe.

If you're a "I got a box of X-Men comics and been a fan since John Byrne...", don't even bother wasting your money.

Worst adaptation. The other two were entertaining enough, and the plot lines bent lightly enough that you could forgive them. This was terrible.

Do. not. mess. with. the. Phoenix. Saga. Period. This is one of the strongest storylines ever told in comicdom, and apparently the Daredevel/Elektra fiasco taught Marvel nothing. Why not keep shredding sacred stories?

Ok, ok. I'm a geek. Let's forget the Phoenix retelling that is still making me nauseous. Let's look at the other goodies:

So I guess someone forgot to tell the director:

1) Prof X & Juggernaut are 1/2 brothers?
2) Juggernaut is *not* a mutant?
3) If Kitty Pryde phases you into a floor, you DIE?
5) That surrounding Juggernaut by concrete is EXACTLY how to beat him?
6) That those are not Callisto's abilities?

I could go on, and on, but these are the hardest to swallow. Star Wars was saved by E3; X-Men was just killed by it.

05-26-2006, 08:57 PM
well I havn;t read any of this thread....but I'm seeing the movie in like 30 minutes soooooo :ninja:

bam wannabe
05-26-2006, 09:28 PM
So I guess someone forgot to tell the director:

1) Prof X & Juggernaut are 1/2 brothers?
2) Juggernaut is *not* a mutant?
3) If Kitty Pryde phases you into a floor, you DIE?
5) That surrounding Juggernaut by concrete is EXACTLY how to beat him?
6) That those are not Callisto's abilities?

where's 4?

good points though. i was wondering why they never mentioned the whole 1/2 brother thing

hm, so juggernaut doesnt have the mutant gene in his blood? so the whole deal with him losing his powers and hitting the wall part... that wouldnt have happened?
i dont know much about juggernaut. other than the half bro thing, so hes just a regular person but really strong? enlighten me on some facts here

Grey Goose
05-26-2006, 09:37 PM
Sorry, I erased #4 because it was a bit too "in depth".

#4) Ok, So the X-Men have the Danger Room & Blackbird, so I waited the whole movie for Praetorian & the Imperial Guard to show up, and... nothing.

So that was #4.

Cain Marko, Charles Xavier's 1/2 brother, stumbled upon the Gem of Cyttorak, which gave him his powers. His powers are mystical in nature, not mutant... so yeah, Leech would not have affected him...

05-26-2006, 10:16 PM
Haven't seen the movie yet... no matter what you say Goose I'm still going to spend the $8 to see it.

I want them to do something with the Sentinels in a movie but apparently Singer isn't looking at doing another flick.

05-27-2006, 12:59 AM
the main thing that pissed me off. he's MAGNETO! in the show from years ago, to get people to his asteroid/refuge mutans step into an orb magneto controls. SO WHY DOES HE HAVE TO RIP APART A DARN BRIDGE! heck, he could have given each brotherhood member a trash can, "here stand on this" and gotten them to alcatraz faster anc cooler, silver surfer style. just to give a nod to him cause he got cut. and yeah, being pheonix and all, why was she trapped under water for months(at least, hard to judge time scale)? if she can rip people apart and turn them into dust with her mind, i would assume swimming would be easy!! also, i found the cure-tillery freaking hilarious. otherwise, the movie made me mad.

and angel..... emo :eek:

Grey Goose
05-27-2006, 04:41 AM
Yeah the Sentinel in the Danger Room teaser was a real jerk job. THAT would of made a much better movie, the Days of Future Past storyline.

tribalman, I wondered the same thing, but then chalked it up to Maggie wanting a) to destroy a 'human' landmark, b) cars to throw, c) hostages.

05-27-2006, 06:47 AM
Why not keep shredding sacred stories?

I just thought I'd consider that line closer.

05-27-2006, 07:24 AM
OKay, someone has to post this ... in case you walked out before the end of the credits (like 80% of the crowd I went to see it with, doesn't anyone have internet?) highlight this:

Professor X transferred his mind into the brain dead man he used as an example in the ethics class

bam wannabe
05-27-2006, 11:12 AM
OKay, someone has to post this ... in case you walked out before the end of the credits (like 80% of the crowd I went to see it with, doesn't anyone have internet?)

:D im glad i stayed. i made everyone i was with stay as well, even though some people didnt get the endiing until i explained it to them

i heard about staying after the credits a loooong time ago. i almost forgot once the movie ended, i stood up and had to catch myself on it

05-27-2006, 12:38 PM
... magneto playing chess and seeing his powers coming back was cool too... ;)

... makes me wonder about when Rogue is gonna find hers are back too... (oops!)

Grey Goose
05-27-2006, 07:30 PM
Rogue is a mess w/out Carol Danvers' powers.

05-28-2006, 05:03 AM
Rogue is a mess w/out Carol Danvers' powers.

yeah, that stupid xavier thing after the credits, i knew it was comming up as soon as the credits started rolling. and magneato getting his powers back. bull, it was a strong breeze! :ninja:

some friends have this theory about the bridge. they think the director said, 'well they blew up a big monument in V, so we should do the same.'

05-28-2006, 04:37 PM
*high fives* Grey Goose

Isn't this one sort of a take on the Asgardian Wars plotline?


05-28-2006, 06:07 PM
I really like the movie. Credits were a little long to sit though for a 10 second clip

Grey Goose
05-28-2006, 07:33 PM
*high fives* Grey Goose

Isn't this one sort of a take on the Asgardian Wars plotline?


True, I hadn't thought of that. Man I still remember how my jaw dropped when I saw NM SE 1, Art Adams was god!

I had been thinking circa 185, the neutralizer Forge made...

05-28-2006, 10:37 PM
What a bad movie. They ruined the entire story. The writing sucked and the acting took a nosedive.

First of all, Jean Grey turns into the Pheonix first. In X3 she goes right into Dark Pheonix mode. They didn't even give her the pheonix shaped aura either.

They killed off Cyclops/Scott Summers and Professor X. WTF, both are pretty much the main characters of the Xmen comics. They make Wolverine and Storm into the leaders of the Xmen. On the contrary retards, Wolverine is a loner in the comics and basically just comes and goes. Storm is only the leader of gold team. She isn't even close to Xavier's second in command.

Towards the end, Kitty Hawk (whose character was never explained but rather shoved in your face), makes the comment that "there are only 6 of us". What???? There are plenty of Xmen! What about Gambit? What happened to Night Crawler? Jubilee? Bishop maybe? Crap man, there are tons of Xmen!

They also don't do anything with Archeangel. He comes into 3-4 scenes. If he were cut out of the movie, it wouldn't have affected anything.

The only good thing about X3 was its representation of Beast. That was well done. Everything else was bullpoopy. They ruined the entire story line of the Pheonix. I hope they just end it there and don't make X4. I WILL NOT GO TO SEE IT. How retarded will it be without Professor X, Cyclops, and Jean Grey. Oh let's kill off all the main characters and then make a 4th movie! I can't believe Stan Lee allowed that trash to go to the theaters.

Grey Goose
05-29-2006, 07:34 AM
Storm is only the leader of gold team. She isn't even close to Xavier's second in command.

Actually, Storm led the X-Men for a quite a while. Mid-way through her leadership, she beat Cyke in the Danger Room to continue leading. Powerless, baby. UX #201. She also knifed Callisto in the heart to take leadership of the Morlocks. Don't know about the current day comics, but Storm wasn't a punk. :)

Also agreed about Beast, very, very nicely done. I've never thought much of Kelsy Grammer (sp?), but I have to give him his props for a great portrayal.

I also missed Nightcrawler. His raid on the White House in X2 was STUNNING. I thought if they were going to give Callisto super speed, a fight between the two of them would have been awesome.

05-29-2006, 07:40 AM
Sounds like they killed off everyone not under contract for a 4th one.

bam wannabe
05-29-2006, 10:53 AM
once again, for everyone complaining about prof. X, did no one watch after the credits!!!???

and nightcrawler has some random reason for not being in the movie, it just happens to be told in the game that just came out... im not in the mood to go rent a game just to get a story. but i might have to (ala, Enter The crappy Matrix)

on another note, theres a rumormill somewhere saying that there is a 4th, and that cyclops isnt really dead... blah blah blah. they just tried to throw too much into this movie. but it was still a good movie to me. nothing great that will make me see it numerous times in theaters. but still a good movie

05-29-2006, 11:04 AM
rogue didnt get the cure, the little kid was just hidding in the closet untill they were finished doing it :eek: :rofl: :D

05-29-2006, 03:57 PM
Actually, Storm led the X-Men for a quite a while. Mid-way through her leadership, she beat Cyke in the Danger Room to continue leading. Powerless, baby. UX #201. She also knifed Callisto in the heart to take leadership of the Morlocks. Don't know about the current day comics, but Storm wasn't a punk. :)

Dangit, you made me bust out the collection. :)

Grey Goose
05-29-2006, 05:37 PM
LOL! Sorry man, 201 was just very memorable for me because Rick Leonardi guest penciled it, and I always loved his artwork. That's why I can't remember the issue Storm knifed Callisto... that was a John Romita Jr. issue, and I never cared for his work.

... although I *think* it was somewhere around 177... :)

05-29-2006, 05:58 PM
ok crap, i just watched the movie but i didn't wait till the end of the credits. what heppens? i watched up until magneto moves the chess piece, and i'm not gonna pay to watch it again. just PM me if you don't wanna post spoilers....

IMO, i felt that archangel was in the story just as an afterthought. he barely did anything. like, he was probably the director's favorite character so he just HAD to put him in there somewhere. i'm quite dissappointed that Gambit wasn't there :(

05-29-2006, 06:03 PM
LOL! Sorry man, 201 was just very memorable for me because Rick Leonardi guest penciled it, and I always loved his artwork. That's why I can't remember the issue Storm knifed Callisto... that was a John Romita Jr. issue, and I never cared for his work.

Your Marvel-fu is far superior to mine.

05-29-2006, 06:52 PM
I saw it - not being ultimately into the comics I cant talk to all the points.

Archangel had an important part, to show that the person making the "cure" was not doing it out of hate, but out of love - and that went both ways. It was a plot point that required him.

The destruction of the bridge was meant to show Magnetos hatred (as portrayed in the movies) of the humans. Poor Mystique showed that to some degree.

05-29-2006, 07:40 PM
All I have to say is:

Wolverine is amazing. I liked him in the other movies, but he still wasn't my favorite... but in this one his is just awesome.

OK, I do have more to say. I wish Collosus and Archangel would have had bigger parts in the movie. they could have had much larger rolls in the plot. Beast was also done very well

All in all I enjoyed this movie a lot, and I'll probably have to go see it again.

05-29-2006, 08:43 PM
I might just have to bust out the old card collection, and the X men cartoons locked away in my basement, I know I still have alot of X men cards in a box somewhere

05-29-2006, 09:29 PM
Whatever happened to Leech at the end of the movie?

If they made another movie.. Gambit better be in it because Gambit > :ninja:


There were some mutants that I had forgotten about like Thorn and Psylocke in the movie. I think it seemed kind of random when Psylocke just did her shockwave thing.. I had no idea who she was until then.. she was just like an evil lingering mutant.

Archangel was not in the movie at all, that was just Angel. Apocolypse would have been nice.. I thought he would be in there since they fought the Sentinal in the simulation thing. I wanted to see Nightcrawler again because his role in X2 was pretty cool.

Recon by Fire
05-29-2006, 10:28 PM
Hey Marvel nerds! Nope, I am not one of you but I did see the show (my first movie in over a year!). Good show all around, I felt bad for Magneto..he is a pretty cool dude. But the absolute worse thing and it doesn't seem that anybody mentioned this; poor Mystique! Gone is her blue scaly hotness :cry:

05-30-2006, 12:38 AM
Hey Marvel nerds! Nope, I am not one of you but I did see the show (my first movie in over a year!). Good show all around, I felt bad for Magneto..he is a pretty cool dude. But the absolute worse thing and it doesn't seem that anybody mentioned this; poor Mystique! Gone is her blue scaly hotness :cry:

Replaced by nude Rebecca Stamos :clap: :headbang:

Saw the movie this afternoon and I'm disappointed. First off the "X'ed" out two main pieces of the Xmen universe. They made Colosses(sp) look like a pitcher and that is it. Wolverine isn't a leader of a group, he does his own thing and tells everyone else off why doing so. They did a great job with Beast. There were some small similarities to the Dark Phoenix story but not enough to deserve the character. Juggernaught isn't a mutant but provided some funny one liners from time to time.

The danger room scene got me all excited, hoping they would have some sentinels in it, but forgot that Goose had said it was a big dud and it was.

Seems like to me they tried to include too many mutants and not enough story. Especially since this is the Dark Phoenix story, where in the heck is the White Queen and the other goon. Ahh anyways, X1-X2 are worth seeing, this one erased all credibility this series would have.

05-30-2006, 12:55 AM
Whatever happened to Leech at the end of the movie?

If they made another movie.. Gambit better be in it because Gambit > :ninja:

Archangel was not in the movie at all, that was just Angel. Apocolypse would have been nice.. I thought he would be in there since they fought the Sentinal in the simulation thing. I wanted to see Nightcrawler again because his role in X2 was pretty cool.

leech runs up to storm at the mansion, storm says "hey kiddo" or something of the like, he goes inside for his schoolin'

yeah, i was pissed when i first heard gambit was cut.

thank you for pointing that out. his name was angel. he doesn't become arch-angel until he is one of apocolypse's 4 horse men. i'm a fan of x-men, not a huge comic reader, and even i know that...

also, somebody mentioned a new video game. what is it called, haven't heard of anything about that. or is it one of the dumb, turn-a-movie-into-a-video-game titles?

bam wannabe
05-30-2006, 02:35 AM
also, somebody mentioned a new video game. what is it called, haven't heard of anything about that. or is it one of the dumb, turn-a-movie-into-a-video-game titles?

its just called X-men: The Official Game

and gamespot gave it a 5.6 out of 10. i'll rent it... just for the story. but im in no rush to do that
should be cool to play as Nightcrawler though, and get his storyline.


Grey Goose
05-30-2006, 05:53 AM
There were some mutants that I had forgotten about like Thorn and Psylocke in the movie. I think it seemed kind of random when Psylocke just did her shockwave thing.. I had no idea who she was until then.. she was just like an evil lingering mutant.

That wasn't Psylocke, that was Arclight. She was one of the Marauders that Gambit led to kill all the Morlocks.

06-01-2006, 08:09 PM
Man I thought the girl with the shockwave thing was really poorly done. I had no idea what she was, who she was, whatever, even though I don't know any of the comics, it would've helped to know she was a mutant. I thought her power was to be a super-lesbian for the longest time, cause she looked like it and showed no other powers.

06-01-2006, 09:13 PM
Man I thought the girl with the shockwave thing was really poorly done. I had no idea what she was, who she was, whatever, even though I don't know any of the comics, it would've helped to know she was a mutant. I thought her power was to be a super-lesbian for the longest time, cause she looked like it and showed no other powers.

Poorly done yes, I thought she was a he.

I liked the movie, I started collecting the comic at the dark phoneix saga, so I was a little bummed.

I think they should have used the extinction agenda, rumor has it that this should be the last movie, this would have been a better way to kill off so many.

If you really want to be pissed of about something, wolverine is 5'3" in the comics, hugh jackman is 6'2" and he dont say bub enough.

06-01-2006, 10:32 PM
Am I the only one that stayed after the credits and saw what happened? Seemed to me like it was a pretty important part of the series; maybe it's just me. :confused:

06-01-2006, 10:35 PM
Since when are chess pieces made of metal?

(Ya, you know what I'm talking about)

06-01-2006, 10:36 PM
Since when are chess pieces made of metal?

(Ya, you know what I'm talking about)
i know what your talking about. i saw it and i thought it was a good movie. i didnt read any of the comics but i thought it was a pretty good movie. i would buy it when it comes out on dvd

06-01-2006, 11:06 PM
Poorly done yes, I thought she was a he.

I liked the movie, I started collecting the comic at the dark phoneix saga, so I was a little bummed.

I think they should have used the extinction agenda, rumor has it that this should be the last movie, this would have been a better way to kill off so many.

If you really want to be pissed of about something, wolverine is 5'3" in the comics, hugh jackman is 6'2" and he dont say bub enough.

I still think Danzig (if he could act) would have made a perfect Wolverine. He's short, hairy and well built.

This is the last movie Singer will do. He says not to rule out a spin off on Wolverine (so they can ruin him again) and/or Professor X.

06-01-2006, 11:40 PM
I still think Danzig (if he could act) would have made a perfect Wolverine. He's short, hairy and well built.

This is the last movie Singer will do. He says not to rule out a spin off on Wolverine (so they can ruin him again) and/or Professor X.

Uh, the reason its horrible is that Ratner made it. Singer jumped ship to do Supe Returns. On top of that, Rothman at Fox butchered the schedule to get it out before Supe becuase he's bitter that Singer jumped when Fox wouldn't guarantee the same crew.

/and Supe is cooler material
//Danzig would be a pretty cool Wolverine, but I'm alright with Jackman

Grey Goose
06-02-2006, 05:28 AM
Yeah, Wolverine is short, but let's see... Joe Pesci... or Hugh Jackman? I'll take Hugh. If I had my druthers, I think the Xtinction Agenda or Days of Future Past (as they hinted in the opening sequence) would have rocked.

I actually thought Arclight was well done. Psylocke was disappointing as hell, though.

06-02-2006, 09:34 AM
I'm curious, and way too lazy to research it myself, but what's the extinction agenda or whatever you guys keep talking about? Sounds like its pretty cool..

I've never read the comics, so I really liked the movie, but it was pretty badly done. There are way too many obvious 1-liners and not enough character development (like with Angel, the shockwave girl, Pheonix, etc). I wanted to see more mutant powers, period. Did we ever see Xaviers powers in X3? Other powers were used in a couple scenes or less, like Pyro and the Iceman. The Magneto+Pyro flaming car duo in the last scene was pretty lame, imo, considering Magneto has the power to throw shrapnel at the soldiers and wipe them out in less than a minute, instead of throwing some flaming cars at them. Overall I think they downplayed a lot of mutant powers and when they did utilize them it was is ****ty ways.

Grey Goose
06-02-2006, 03:18 PM
The X-tinction Agenda was probably the last great Chris Claremont story. It basically reunited the scattered mutants of X-Men, X-Factor, & New Mutants and pitted them against a villain (Cameron Hodge) and a country (Genosha) which practiced mutant persecution. Characters were kidnapped, brainwashed, killed, etc, etc. Stunning artwork by Jim Lee made this storyline a bit better than it otherwise would have been; but still a good, broad (x-over wise) plot.

Days of Future Past was a story line of future X-Men Kitty Pryde transferring her psyche back into her younger self to prevent a future of Sentinel domination, concentration camps, extermination, and maiming of mutants. Very good, but maybe too brutal for mainstream.

I always liked Kitty Pryde, very underused character. Considering the girl could walk through anything, then phase your heart out of your body, she gets very little respect.

Grey Goose
06-20-2006, 05:57 PM
Read this. Someone on another forum posted it. Very thought provoking.


Lastly, you mostly missed that this movie is about being a homosexual. Angel cuts off his wings as a child so that his father doesn't see, because he doesn't want to be different. As he grows up, he hides what makes him special. Angel's father creates a cure for Angel's condition, but Angel refuses it, takes off his bondage gear, spreads his wings, and soars out over the city of San Francisco.

So, I ask you, how is Brett Ratner a hack when he can make a more open, successful action blockbuster about homosexuality than Brian Singer and Joel Schumacher? (I am pretty sure that Batman and Robin is about having a cabana boy.)

06-20-2006, 07:30 PM
That's a bit of a stretch... the SF thing is interesting, but the whole "bondage gear" thing seemed to me more like it would be annoying to hold the wings in such a tight position for so long. More of a convenience than a bondage. People wear briefs instead of boxers sometimes cause they sorta hold you together more. Sports bras do the same thing. So does that mean if I start wearing boxers all the sudden I'm gay? Plus SF is an ideal place for the setting- locales. He didn't want to upset his DAD, not the population. He was embarrassed about the wings cause his dad hated mutants- which I guess could be thought to represent gays, but it could also represent women, blacks, hispanics, mentally/physically handicapped... any minority. Same could be said about reformists in the US revolution, or Renaissance, or anything where something was typically "taboo'd", either rightly or wrongly.

Grey Goose
06-20-2006, 08:16 PM
I think the author threw in the bondage gear comment to be facetious.

I also think it's dead on.

Brett Ratner, in an interview:
"And then there's Rogue, who can't have contact with humans, you would understand why she would consider taking it. I think it has a lot of contemporary relevance. I think it's something that is an issue that a lot of people deal with. Alienation, prejudice and I think that each person is going to feel differently about it. If you offered gays an opportunity to get a shot and they won't be gay anymore, some gays will be like, "Oh, I'm happy being gay. I wanna be gay." Some people would be like, "I suffered my whole life... okay, make me straight." If they could."

Interesting choice of examples? Aren't Ratner and McKellen both gay? I definitely think Ratner pulled a very slick fast one.

06-21-2006, 08:43 AM
rogue didnt get the cure, the little kid was just hidding in the closet untill they were finished doing it :eek: :rofl: :D


the whole gay thing i was noticing that while watching the movie. I tried not to think to much about it, but i did notice it.

THE GOOD: Beast and especially when he was kicking some arse. Kitty, cute girl, glad to see her being used in this movie.

Never brought Jubilee in, I effing hated her. What a lame character.

THE BAD: Really to much to mention, but i'll try.
Phoenix: ugh, where do i start? This aspect just plan sucked.

Gambit/Angel: Back when they were writing/casting it they were planning on having gambit but late in the casting dropped him and added Angel. What a disappointment. I never read the comics but i loved the cartoon. I never liked Angel (big pussy) but i loved gambit. I have been praying for him to be in the movies since they started. But as far as this movie went, yes Angel was so under used....what a disappointment.

Jugger: Another major disappointment. So under used. I understand why they made him a mutant, more than likely mainstream non-comic fans would have been pissed if they showed him getting his "powers" from a magic gem.

Iceman vs pyro: Very disappointing, but not surprising either. I didn’t expect much of a battle, but sure was hoping for one.

Magneto/Mystique: loosing their powers was kinda depressing. Even though they are "the bad guys" they were such central characters i still liked them, they were just misunderstood.

I've still been upset that they never brought saber tooth back.

Someone else said it very well, its like they wanted to cram as many mutants into this one as possible (i guess because this is the quasi end of the story line) and too little story.

meh, if i watch it from the aspect of joe movie goer that knows next to nothing about Xmen and just likes the movies, i semi enjoyed the movie. If i start analyzing it like i've done here, then i'm not too happy.

Lastly, where the hell was Night Crawler? He was so sweet in X2, they did an amazing job with him. I mean he go the moving going to just an outstanding start. And he wasn’t even in this one!?!?!?!?!? WTF?!?!?!?!

06-21-2006, 10:45 AM
Please, please don't compliment Ratner. He makes my brain hurt. And Singer is gay, not Ratner. Ratner brags about his wimmins all the time at conventions and what-not.

I really think this one is a stretch.

06-21-2006, 03:44 PM
Hey it did show at the end Magneto getting some of his powers back with the little moving chess piece. And I agree- where was Nightcrawler??? He pwnd.

06-21-2006, 04:07 PM
THE GOOD: Beast and especially when he was kicking some arse. Kitty, cute girl, glad to see her being used in this movie.

They could have used kitty sooooo much more through, same way with Colossus.

I played the game to find out what happend to nightcrawler, and he leaves because he doesn't approve of all the violance, and that kid from X-2 was haunting him. Don't get eh game, it sucked.

06-21-2006, 06:55 PM
I was pretty disapointed with Juggernaut. First off, his costume wasn't accurate to the cartoons or the comics.. I like his big red rice-hat-ish dome. It also kinda ruined it that it was played by the guy who was the head of Manchester United in Eurotrip.. I just could not take him seriously. I also thought he was kind of corny.. being able to run through walls at will.

The Phoenix thing was cool at first, but then it god old as everyone started getting killed the same way over and over again.

The Iceman vs. Pyro fight was the most Dragonball-Z fight I have ever seen in a movie, the two powers going back and forth and then one guy all of a sudden realizes he can use his powers in a different way to completely own the other guy in two seconds.

The thorn vs. wolverine fight seemed to come from far left field. I really didn't know where he came from and why, other than he was in the woods with the other people.

Gambit>all. I was kind of dissapointed when he wasn't even mentioned, same goes for Apocolypse and the Senitals.. other than the fake Sentinals they were not in it.

Nightcrawler could have come in handy a couple of times, of course he was not in it either.

To me, Magneto's defeat was not very dramatic, and was VERY predictable. I saw it coming just based on the camera angle, and that is kinda lame some times.

Storm did not really do anything other than make fog during the last battle.. I have determined that her powers are for the most part useless in these movies.

Sabretooth would have been cool, especially since he was so involved with Wolverine in the comics/cartoon.

The final clips, the one with the chess piece and then with the "Charles?" thing seemed kind of rushed and just thrown in at the end because they had to get the point across some how.. then again the whole movie felt like that.

Let there be a sequel? :headbang: