View Full Version : How can we colonize mars ?

Soopa Villain17
05-22-2006, 07:39 AM
im doin this as a topic for my final.

its on how we can colonlize mars in the near future.

i need a comparison of earth and mars


food for the trip and when your settled on the planet.

energy issues


water issues

comparison of erath and mars atmosphere

any other stuff you guys could think up.

thanks guys

05-22-2006, 07:47 AM
Take in the DVD of "that Arnold movie".....it answers all your questions. :D

Soopa Villain17
05-22-2006, 07:50 AM
Take in the DVD of "that Arnold movie".....it answers all your questions. :D

blah i dont have time for a dvd. this is gutta be done 2morro

05-22-2006, 07:53 AM
Holy crap, do your own freakin homework.

05-22-2006, 08:09 AM
Holy crap, do your own freakin homework.

He speaks the truth. Maybe you should brainstorm ideas instead of asking straight up answers. Anything anybody posts will have to be researched anyways, so save yourself some time and stop being lazy.

05-22-2006, 08:27 AM
im doin this as a topic for my final.

its on how we can colonlize mars in the near future.

i need a comparison of earth and mars

Mars has a thinner atmosphere, and no free-standing water.


Possibly ion drive. Trip will take quite a while.

food for the trip and when your settled on the planet.

Grow your own. Taking too many consumables along just adds weight, though you will need to take a certain amount, as growing everything is impractical.

energy issues

Solar, but nuclear would be better, like the Russian Topaz reactors.

water issues

Maybe locate close to the poles, where frozen water is concentrated. Recycle everything for maximum efficiency

comparison of erath and mars atmosphere

any other stuff you guys could think up.

thanks guys


Soopa Villain17
05-22-2006, 09:03 AM

thanks man

05-22-2006, 11:01 AM
the poles are not frozen water though, its CO2

05-22-2006, 11:09 AM
the poles are not frozen water though, its CO2

if you could somehow induce global warming into mars and start a greenhouse effect -- you could possibly open it up to teraforming. increase the temperature and co2 levels, and plants could survive -- if you provided liquid water for them to grow. plants then give off oxygen as waste.

05-22-2006, 11:56 AM
(best movie ever)

I would suggest you just go read Kim Stanely Robinson's "Mars" trilogy, that would answer every one of your questions, but you probably don't have time to read 1200 pages.

Excellent books.

Automation is the answer to all you questions, robots who can build robots will make it all possible. Or perhaps they will achieve senscience and destroy us all... like skynet.

05-22-2006, 12:00 PM
the poles are not frozen water though, its CO2

Actually, the south polar cap is CO2 with traces of water, the north polar cap is water with seasonal caps of CO2. :p

05-22-2006, 01:28 PM
shut your mouth i didnt ask for your opinion.

Yes you did, you asked us to do your homework. Stop with the stupid threads if you want people to stop responding with stupid answers. This thread is particularly stupid, as you basically asked for someone to write the whole essay for you the night before you are supposed to turn it in. Why dont you go ask your juffalo friends to cheat for you. Isnt it in your sacred code that you had to help each other? The point is that there are 50 bajillion different resources you could have found in a matter of seconds by typing into google, and doing your own research. Yet you come here, where nobody likes you, and ask us to do your work. I fail to see how you think you will be successful.

05-22-2006, 03:04 PM
Its actually an interesting concept, terraforming... I was looking at some of the concepts not too long ago and its just amazing how people can come up with this stuff and how much sense they made.. I think it's most likely going to happen pretty soon.

Do your homework.

05-23-2006, 01:01 AM
So yeah mars is a dead planet. Its cold, it small, and very little water.

Sure you could pump the atmosphere with green house gasses but we have 2 problems that I can think of off hand. Mars is small, thus it has a weak gravitational pull. Atmospheric gasses are very light and it takes a substantial amount of gravity to actually hold down enough of an atmosphere to get a pressure that we could tolerate. Second even if we could get an atmosphere on that rock, we would need some serious radiation shielding otherwise the atmosphere would bake off. Mars has no electro-magnetic field to protect it from the solar winds (really nasty radioactive particles and gamma radiation). It would only be a matter of time before the atmosphere quite literally just blew away with the wind.

For humans to be able to walk around on mars would take some serious leaps in technology that I am sure will someday be a reality.

Martian sunrise. This is my desktop image. For some reason this picture just makes me stop what I am doing because I realize that is a picture taken by a man made devise driving around on another planet. Incredible