View Full Version : Bad Weekend Both my Emags down

05-28-2006, 04:43 PM
Okay. The first emag was getting the XMOD software. Now since I never messed with the buttons on the board any I found out the lower button was sticking and staying stuck down.

It would not let me change the mode when I scrolled through it so I took the screw out and lifted the baord up to make sure that the hole didnt have paint in it and causing it to stick.

After cleaning it up and reinstalling the board, the marker would not power up???

No clue what I could have done to cause this????

The second mag I was playing and all of a sudden it stopped firing in electronic mode. The board is lit up and the marker works on mech and I can hear the noid working but it will not fire the marker.

<~~~~ hangs head, it was still an awesome time at Blanding LOL even if it did cost me 2 markers.

Thank God I had 2 others

Any help would be greatly appreicated

05-29-2006, 03:52 PM
Best guesses based on stated symptoms.

EMag #1

Check to make sure all the frame ground points are making good contact. The check the frame wires and connection wires to the board for contacts. Lastly, check the battery contacts for dirt/paint/whatever. If none of these fix your problem, try testing the battery in the other mag, or using the other mag's battery. Either you're not getting power to the board, or the board is fried.

EMag #2,

Mine did this little hiccup a couple of times as well. I never did pin down the cause of it, but it seemed to go away with a freshly charged battery. I am assuming you have the DWELL and FIX set at the default values?

I'll do some digging, I have mine torn apart at the moment to clean it. Hope this helps.

05-29-2006, 04:28 PM
The second mag I was playing and all of a sudden it stopped firing in electronic mode. The board is lit up and the marker works on mech and I can hear the noid working but it will not fire the marker.

Im having this problem right now, and still have not gotten it fixed.

05-29-2006, 04:54 PM
Well thanks to Big Evil I am pretty sure I have figured out what is wrong on the second mag.

The plunger has come out of adjustment. I am gonna set it to the spec that Lorne has in his manual this week and Ill let you know how it comes out but I do know that if I put a little pressure on the plunger it will fire like it is supposed to so I am guess that is the problem.

05-29-2006, 05:38 PM
Well thanks to Big Evil I am pretty sure I have figured out what is wrong on the second mag.

The plunger has come out of adjustment. I am gonna set it to the spec that Lorne has in his manual this week and Ill let you know how it comes out but I do know that if I put a little pressure on the plunger it will fire like it is supposed to so I am guess that is the problem.

Hahaha, as what I said too. lol :cheers:

05-29-2006, 05:59 PM
Hmm, than mine is retarded. I adjusted it to the exact measurment that Lorne has in his manuel, to the significant digit of 4, and I am still having problems. I am pretty sure that Im going to be sending my X-mag into AGD sometime soon.

05-29-2006, 06:54 PM
Yeap Eric said the same thing :dance:

You guys rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its awesome to have help like this available for us dumbasses LOL