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View Full Version : mini morlock in the e-mag...possible??

05-28-2006, 06:38 PM
hello there...i see www.exarin.com has released the mini morlock...its pretty damn small...and has more features then the original morlock. i wasa thinking of picking one up and throwing it in the emag to see how she did...

i was just wonder...what should i se the solenoid on and of times dwell and all that good stuff too....also i was going to try out the eyes....\

supposed to be able to handle up 5-30 volts of power...pretty awesome.....and any type of solenoid...i figure this is not much different the the e-magnum boards people were running...but still i would like to try it out .....something a little different...

05-28-2006, 06:49 PM
Sure you can put the Mini Morlock in the Emag. I like mine but really prefer the XMod software over the mini. But still a nice board. A member created a Mini Morlock/Predator II install thread. K2 is to realease the Micro Morlock next.:cheers:

05-28-2006, 06:54 PM
Yes it can be done. The wiring is a little tricky, but once you figure it out its not too bad.


DO NOT order anything from KM2. Ive been waiting for almost 3 months for a Mini-morlock, Cool hand ordered about 15 before that, and only recently got 8 of them. I would suguest waiting until they get their act together if you are going to attemt an emag install with a Morlock.

Also, btw, you can send the Morlock to TAG and they will flash it with the PRedator code for $50. Well worth it.

Like ATAC said, Xmod is the way to go.

05-28-2006, 07:07 PM
yea...i want a totally custom e-mag.......i am talking with RRFireblade for some custom milling...

I have already....done up one e-mag....which is for sale in the B/S/T forum from Cowboy 00

Looking to do another project.....but want to go a bit more extreme this time

05-28-2006, 07:17 PM
yea...i want a totally custom e-mag.......i am talking with RRFireblade for some custom milling...

I have already....done up one e-mag....which is for sale in the B/S/T forum from Cowboy 00

Looking to do another project.....but want to go a bit more extreme this time

Kinda like this

05-28-2006, 07:29 PM
no not going to do any pnues

05-28-2006, 07:45 PM
Yes.. it is possible.

05-28-2006, 08:23 PM
no not going to do any pnues

Not really a Pnue now is it? Electro-pneu

Your board choices are limited, due to the 18v that the emag noid needs. You can use a stock board with Xmod, Pred2 or (Pred) Morlock. Anything else wont handle the voltage.

They are even more limited to what is currently available.

If TAG ever gets off its *** and gets the Pred emag boards out, those would be a great choice for a custome project. The break beam eye support alone would be worth getting them.

I can run my frame at 6vs, since thats all the noid needs. I've been playing around with it for a few months and im still on the same 9v that I started with.
(just some food for thought)