View Full Version : Is this Evil Scion tank unsafe?

05-29-2006, 03:14 AM
So I just bought this Evil Scion 45/5000 off eBay. The seller stated that "nothing at all is wrong with it." When I got it, it was in pretty damn good shape, with the exception of one sort of eliptically-shaped chip in what seems to be the "skin" or whatever protective coating on the tank. It's very clean, there are no cracks around it or anything, and whatever material's under it doesn't seem to be damaged at all. What I want to know is if this outer layer is really necessary to the structural integrity of the tank, or if it's just some protective layer that can get a little chipped without compromising the tank. Is this something I shouldn't worry about, or should I talk to the seller about this? If someone who knows more about these tanks than me could tell me what's up, that'd rock. Oh, and here's the pictures.
Pic 1 (http://www.jayloo.com/photo_gallery/show_pic.html?pIMAGE_ID=37060)
Pic 2 (http://www.jayloo.com/photo_gallery/show_pic.html?pIMAGE_ID=37061)
Pic 3 (http://www.jayloo.com/photo_gallery/show_pic.html?pIMAGE_ID=37062)
Pic 4 (http://www.jayloo.com/photo_gallery/show_pic.html?pIMAGE_ID=37063)
Pic 5 (http://www.jayloo.com/photo_gallery/show_pic.html?pIMAGE_ID=37064)
Pic 6 (http://www.jayloo.com/photo_gallery/show_pic.html?pIMAGE_ID=37065)
Thanks for any help you can offer. Peace.

05-29-2006, 06:15 AM
So I just bought this Evil Scion 45/5000 off eBay. The seller stated that "nothing at all is wrong with it." When I got it, it was in pretty damn good shape, with the exception of one sort of eliptically-shaped chip in what seems to be the "skin" or whatever protective coating on the tank. It's very clean, there are no cracks around it or anything, and whatever material's under it doesn't seem to be damaged at all. What I want to know is if this outer layer is really necessary to the structural integrity of the tank, or if it's just some protective layer that can get a little chipped without compromising the tank. Is this something I shouldn't worry about, or should I talk to the seller about this? If someone who knows more about these tanks than me could tell me what's up, that'd rock. Oh, and here's the pictures.
Pic 1 (http://www.jayloo.com/photo_gallery/show_pic.html?pIMAGE_ID=37060)
Pic 2 (http://www.jayloo.com/photo_gallery/show_pic.html?pIMAGE_ID=37061)
Pic 3 (http://www.jayloo.com/photo_gallery/show_pic.html?pIMAGE_ID=37062)
Pic 4 (http://www.jayloo.com/photo_gallery/show_pic.html?pIMAGE_ID=37063)
Pic 5 (http://www.jayloo.com/photo_gallery/show_pic.html?pIMAGE_ID=37064)
Pic 6 (http://www.jayloo.com/photo_gallery/show_pic.html?pIMAGE_ID=37065)
Thanks for any help you can offer. Peace.

My initial reaction is that it is probably not safe. My secondary reaction is that does not look that bad. I would take it to a professional in the area (I'm thinking a SCUBA shop, not a paintball store) and ask them to evaluate it for you. I expect they will tell you its unsafe, or have it hydroed.

05-29-2006, 08:54 AM
Better to air on the side of safety. I'd agree with Lohman. Air America once rewrapped a tank for me. Maybe that is an option here for you. Never the less I'd have it checked out.

05-29-2006, 09:21 AM
just put duct tape over it :eek: :argh:
im just kidding (just so you know)

05-29-2006, 09:48 AM
take it to somene who rehydros (ie: firestation, scuba shop, etc) and get their opinion. Possibly get it hydroed. If the tank cannot be used, get a statement from the inspector and then you can get a refund.

:ninja: Hide whenever it gets filled :ninja:

05-29-2006, 07:15 PM
just put duct tape over it :eek: :argh:
im just kidding (just so you know)

I knew it, Red Green watches the forums on AO !

Heres the Evil Paintball tech / warranty / general info page,
with email and toll free number :


I would email them the pics and then call them.
It may be that its a defect and they may replace it.

/// If the women dont find you handsome, make sure they find you handy.

05-29-2006, 07:41 PM
im pretty sure thats safe. it appears to be the clearcoat, but ide check with Evil/Pmi just incase:)

Temo Vryce
05-29-2006, 08:04 PM
Personally it looks like a bubble that was formed when the tank was wrapped that has since chipped off. In and of itself it doesn't look serious but I would highly recomend that you have it rehydro'd. Contacting the manufacturer is a very good idea. Compressed air cylinders are like small bombs and not something you want going off when you or anyone else is standing close to it.

05-29-2006, 08:23 PM
the scion i believe is covered with a protective hard coat, over top of the regular hard resin, and the wrapping, much like a nitroduck tuff skin, thats what appears to be damaged, as stated, get it hydro'd, and tell the seller he is responsible for the fee.

05-29-2006, 09:41 PM
I was gonna say, it's comparable to Nitro Duck Tuff skin. It's simply an extra outer covering. However, if you have it hydroed and the company deems it unsafe, a hole will be drilled through the tank. Do not have it hydroed until you find out whether or not it can be fixed. Possibly, Evil or their supplier might be able to "re-tuffskin" it.

05-30-2006, 12:21 AM
Yeah, I just emailed Evil about it, so I'll see what they say. My bet is it's some sort of coat that just protects the stuff that actually holds the air in, so it'll still be safe. I've got a tank cover, so I don't think it'll get worse, but I'll check it from time to tim. Best to see what Evil and the seller say before I air it up, though. Here's my email to the seller, since I started the thread might as well make with the follow-up.

Hi - I'm ThePixelGuru on eBay, and I recently won your auction for the Evil Scion 45/5000 tank, listed here:
(Link Removed)
Sorry I've been out of contact, I've been moving back from college and just got home (where the package was shipped). I just got an opportunity to open it and check out the tank, and I'm slightly concerned with a chip in it, though the rest of it does seem to be in great condition. It's the little elliptical chip near the butt end of the tank. I don't think it'll be a problem, but I wanted to get in touch with you about that since you said on the auction that "nothing at all is wrong with it." I really could care less about the chip so long as I know I can pressurize it without blowing my hand off, so I had a couple questions. How long ago did it get the chip, and have you fully pressurized it (to 5000psi) since then? I assume it hasn't been hydrotested since then. Do you know what that layer of the tank is? Is it essential to the structural integrity of the tank, or is it some sort of protective layer that can get chipped without the tank being compromised? Are you the original owner, and if not do you know how it was previously treated? Any information you could give me would be awesome.

I've posted something about the tank on the forums at Automags.org to get more information. I'll probably check some other, more official info sources as well. No worries, though, I won't mention anything that identifies you as the seller until I know what's up with the tank - you seem to have a good rep on eBay, so I don't want to screw up any of that over what's probably nothing. Oh, I can provide a link the the forum thread and to pictures of the chip in the tank if you want. Thanks for your time.
And the email to Evil:

Hi - I have an Evil Scion 45/5000 tank that got a small chip in the outer layer while unpressurized, and I'd like to know if this is a big problem before I air it up again. It's only through the outer layer, and there's no damage to anything underneath. What I'm looking to know is if the outer layer is just a protective layer that can have a few chips and dings without becoming unsafe, or if it's actually essential for the structural integrity of the tank. Any information you could give would be helpful. I've taken a few photos, which I've posted here (clicking the photo on the linked page brings up a higher resolution version):
(Jayloo Links)
Thanks for your time.
Anyone who's delt with this sort of stuff before or knows more about these tanks than I do, help me out if you can. Thanks.

EDIT: Oh, I just thought of this. If someone knows of a site that describes how various paintball tanks are made and what they're made of, that'd tell me a lot and probably be a useful link for a lot of other people, too.

06-01-2006, 04:38 PM
And the word from Evil, in case anyone's curious:

That tank is safe to use. That is just a thin layer of epoxy
that is over the black coating. There is still the standard epoxy
coating below that.
Just the clearcoat. Awesome. Thanks for the help, guys. :headbang: