View Full Version : Smells like a scam, opinions.

05-29-2006, 09:55 AM
Dan Yochelson ,

Thanks for your response. I am glad to know it is still for sale.
I am interested and Will offer you $700 . and
for running around so I would need you to
remove the ad from the web so we could proceed with payment.
At the moment, I am not in the states, I am on vacation in the uk I will be
staying with my family for a while And that is where I
want it shipped.
Regarding payment, I have suggested that my associate to send you
a international check international certified check or money order of $ 5,000 which
will carter for the cost price and for shipping. It is going to be a
cashier's check or money order so funds will be given to you immediately you
present it to any check cashing establishment.
I have an International shipping agent that will pick-up and ship
over to
me here in the uk and its expensive though. Cause
there are other items that will be shipped along with it.
So, on getting the payment, you are to cash it and deduct the cost
price then do me a favour of sending the remaining funds meant for
shipping to my International shipper via WESTERN UNION.
Immediately he gets the money, he will come for the pick-up.
I am trusting you with my money and need your assurance that you will
safely send across the balance to the International shipping agent.
So try to get the Bill of Sale ready to make things easy
when he comes over.
Confirm this and send your full name, address and phone number which
will be used in mailing the check payment to you via courier service.
I'll be waiting for your favourable response

<[email protected]> wrote:

Hello frank I'm Dan,

I'm looking for 600 US. you would have to pay at least some of the shipping since it is over seas.
everything is included except the extra battery in the picture, the warp, or the revy.
the Marker, Barrel, charger, and Xvalve repair kit are all going with it.

frank sean <[email protected]> wrote:

My name is Dr frank i am located in london, i am interested in buying your item for sale pls mail me the last offer and the pics so we can proceed immediately
__________________________________________________ _____________________________________

This is the Conversation I have had with someone today. I def think its a scammer because my gut is telling me so. non the less, what do you all think and anyone else get hit by this lately?

05-29-2006, 10:00 AM
Dan Yochelson ,

Thanks for your response. I am glad to know it is still for sale.
I am interested and Will offer you $700 . and
for running around so I would need you to
remove the ad from the web so we could proceed with payment.
At the moment, I am not in the states, I am on vacation in the uk I will be
staying with my family for a while And that is where I
want it shipped.
Regarding payment, I have suggested that my associate to send you
a international check international certified check or money order of $ 5,000 which
will carter for the cost price and for shipping. It is going to be a
cashier's check or money order so funds will be given to you immediately you
present it to any check cashing establishment.
I have an International shipping agent that will pick-up and ship
over to
me here in the uk and its expensive though. Cause
there are other items that will be shipped along with it.
So, on getting the payment, you are to cash it and deduct the cost
price then do me a favour of sending the remaining funds meant for
shipping to my International shipper via WESTERN UNION.
Immediately he gets the money, he will come for the pick-up.
I am trusting you with my money and need your assurance that you will
safely send across the balance to the International shipping agent.
So try to get the Bill of Sale ready to make things easy
when he comes over.
Confirm this and send your full name, address and phone number which
will be used in mailing the check payment to you via courier service.
I'll be waiting for your favourable response

<[email protected]> wrote:

Hello frank I'm Dan,

I'm looking for 600 US. you would have to pay at least some of the shipping since it is over seas.
everything is included except the extra battery in the picture, the warp, or the revy.
the Marker, Barrel, charger, and Xvalve repair kit are all going with it.

frank sean <[email protected]> wrote:

My name is Dr frank i am located in london, i am interested in buying your item for sale pls mail me the last offer and the pics so we can proceed immediately
__________________________________________________ _____________________________________

This is the Conversation I have had with someone today. I def think its a scammer because my gut is telling me so. non the less, what do you all think and anyone else get hit by this lately?

Total Scam...don't fall for it!

05-29-2006, 10:00 AM
"I def think its a scammer because my gut is telling me so"

go with your gut instinct on this one, from what ive read its a classic scam.

05-29-2006, 10:07 AM
wait, if he's sending you a check, then youre giving him the stuff, how can he scam you?

You get the money and take your $700.
Random Dude picks up marker and $4300
Random Dude takes care of the buyer.
just make sure you can document all of your actions thuroughly

Worst case scenario is the guy is laundering money and wants a high end marker too.

05-29-2006, 10:10 AM
wait, if he's sending you a check, then youre giving him the stuff, how can he scam you?

You get the money and take your $700.
Random Dude picks up marker and $4300
Random Dude takes care of the buyer.
just make sure you can document all of your actions thuroughly

Worst case scenario is the guy is laundering money and wants a high end marker too.

The check will be no good and bounce like a pb left out in the rain for a week!

05-29-2006, 10:12 AM
it deffinatly seems weird... but if he sends you a money order how do you not get your money... the whole 6 grand thing and then giving it to some one else doesnt seem right though, it almost reminds me of like money laundering or somthing. but if this is a "classic" scam can some one explain it?

05-29-2006, 10:14 AM
It is a scam. Been circulating around for years in very similar form.

Don't waste your time.

For the record , I don't deal with ANYONE specifies Western Union. That's always been a Redflag for me.

05-29-2006, 10:24 AM
I was thinking, what if i cashed the check before i turned over my pb gun.

either way im not gonna do it, but im gonna mess with this guy some.

05-29-2006, 10:27 AM
I was thinking, what if i cashed the check before i turned over my pb gun.

The scam is that the check is supposedly drawn on an acount in some bizarre back-water located bank.

You'll think the check cleared only to find out quite some time later that the account doesn't exist, is NSF, or the check is bogus in some other fashion.

05-29-2006, 10:28 AM
is western union even a bank anymore? i thought they went bankrupt...or something.

same type of email went to my dad about his laptop he was selling on ebay, SCAM!

05-29-2006, 10:28 AM
but why offer up the 6 grand thing?

05-29-2006, 10:29 AM
I was thinking, what if i cashed the check before i turned over my pb gun.

either way im not gonna do it, but im gonna mess with this guy some.

The check will cash and the bank will give you the money. But in a week or so the bank will find out it is a fake check and will come after you for the money

05-29-2006, 10:36 AM
this was a classic scam that was on the news a couple of months ago...

don't do it

05-29-2006, 10:45 AM
those damn nigerians made this scam famous.

05-29-2006, 12:02 PM
They do this scam for many things too. I had almost an identical message sent to me in regards to a car I had for sale, and when I told him that wouldn't cut it (I'd had one e-mail from him and no response to my questions) I never got another response again. He didn't even give me an address.

If it sounds fishy it probably is.

05-29-2006, 12:13 PM
Yep, very popular scam. The money orders are often fake, and when the bank finds out they come to you looking for that $5000. Don't even talk to the guy anymore, he'll just try to smooth talk you into something else.

05-29-2006, 12:18 PM
and the what they guy that picks it up walks away with the gun an en extra $4300 from the fake money order?

Big Boy
05-29-2006, 12:24 PM
I have definatly seen this circulating around, it's bad. I don't know exactly how it works, but basicly the bank will give you the money, later realize it is a bad check, and then come after you for the money. At that point you only have $700 and he has the rest without anyone knowing he was involved.

05-29-2006, 12:30 PM
At least you didn't get the "send it to Nigeria then I'll pay you" scam.
Happened to me 4 times while trying to sell on ebay.

05-29-2006, 12:58 PM
pretty much. total scam. he gets your gun and your $4300

Grey Goose
05-29-2006, 01:39 PM
Scam. Been around for years. Also, never, never Western Union anyone money for anything.

50 cal
05-29-2006, 03:15 PM
It's a scam. They send you a Western Union check for some outrageous amount of money. Tell you to keep the rest for your time and troubles. You ship the product. Your bank comes back and tells you the check is worthless. You owe the bank the full amount of the original check.

One of the first Nigerian scams.

05-29-2006, 04:19 PM
its not a scam
its illegal
This is a classic case of what's known as "Money Laundering". It's basically sending a specific amount of money to a party thats not connected to them in efforts to lose the paper trail. On top of the fact that its illegal and highly lucrative, its also not worth the sale you'd get.

05-29-2006, 04:39 PM
Like others have said....It's a scam. AND It's illegal.

don't do it laddy

05-29-2006, 06:03 PM
wait, if he's sending you a check, then youre giving him the stuff, how can he scam you?

You get the money and take your $700.
Random Dude picks up marker and $4300
Random Dude takes care of the buyer.
just make sure you can document all of your actions thuroughly

Worst case scenario is the guy is laundering money and wants a high end marker too.

My understanding is that if you get the check(which is fake) it will it will be found fake long after after your bank has "cleared" it. By then you have sent out the gun, you have sent out the $4300, You have however kept your 700$ and mostlikly spent it on something new.

That is until the bank finds out its a fake money order then they will come looking for the money. ALL OF IT. So youll be out your gun. And The 4300$ and the 700$ you kept(which youve mostlikly spent). So in the end you lose the gun, and 5K+ of cash after the bank is done with you.

Oh and there is no going after the buyer his name isnt what he told you. They were never really interested in the gun. They were interested in the $4300 youd send them.

05-29-2006, 09:36 PM
This is a pretty popular scam like everyone else said. I had the exact same type of message sent to me when I sold a Tippmann a couple years back.

Now, what if time. What if you simply kept the $5000 and never sent him jack? Would he report it? Bah, the guy's trying to launder money and the authorities would notice it at once. He would never report it lol.

05-29-2006, 09:41 PM
The scammer could care less about your gun. All they want is for you to cash the check and send the leftover amount back to them. Getting your gun is irrelevant. This is a classic Nigerian scheme, and the scammers do nothing but trawl ebay, craiglist, and other online sales forums for suckers. Good job in not falling for it.

Don't try to be clever and mess with them. Its better to just ignore them and be done with it.

05-29-2006, 09:58 PM
yea i was tryin to sell my cadillacv on ebay...and i had pretty much the exact same message sent to me.....i reported it to ebay and promptly told him to get lost......classic scam dont ever fall for it...i do not ship anything overseas period...bottom line....good eye in not falling for it...

05-29-2006, 10:10 PM
I just told him it would cost an extra 1000 and asked how the hell am i supposed to know if he's scamming me. never got an email back.

Recon by Fire
05-29-2006, 10:12 PM
These are the same guys that want to deposit $10M in your account from Nigeria, if you just provide them your account information...they are trusting you. LOL

05-29-2006, 10:38 PM
I got one of these today:

My name is Dr frank i am located in london, i am interested in buying your item for sale pls mail me the last offer and the pics so we can proceed immediately

05-29-2006, 10:59 PM
I got one of these today:

My name is Dr frank i am located in london, i am interested in buying your item for sale pls mail me the last offer and the pics so we can proceed immediately

Well, if he is a doctor, then I guess everything should be okay...

05-29-2006, 11:07 PM
this is most like a major scam where someone sends a bogus cashiers check ... the bank immediately credits it and you think great but when it finally get processed throughly the bank realizes its bogus now you have to repay the money they gave you and you are out not only the money but also your gun ...... i wouldnt touch it with a ten foot pole. But if you must deposit the check and do nothing for atleast 2 weeks to make sure its a good check ie: dont send the gun or the change

for more information google nigerian scams or cashier check scams

05-29-2006, 11:08 PM
You have to give him credit though; His grammer is actually pretty good compared to your typical Nigerian scammer. Infact, it's better than some honest traders. :D

05-29-2006, 11:33 PM
i wish i was a nigerian scammer..i bet they make a fortune off pbn...

05-30-2006, 12:04 AM
Funny ... I happen to be looking at a Delorean Time Machine on e-bay ... because let's face it, who doesn't want one ... and I scrolled to the bottom and found this little gem:

"Please don't bid if you intend on trying the old," here's a check for 10k more than the price, please send me the difference" scam.

I have had way too many of those offers."

LOL, sound familiar?

here is the auction by the way:


05-30-2006, 12:06 AM
Definitely a scam. I would have him send the check, then not even cash it. Make the guy spend the money to send the check. If everyone whom he tries to scam makes him send the check/money order, and then not cash it, they scammer will be paying a lot in postage, but getting nothing in return. Lead the guy along, let him think the money is on it's way. After a month, send him a xeroxed copy of your *** and tell him to kiss it.

05-30-2006, 12:38 AM
Yeah, there's a bunch of fun things to read about scammers and people that have tricked them on www.419eater.com

05-30-2006, 04:50 AM
www.snopes.com is always a good place to check for the latest & greatest scams....Cowboy, I'm a little disappointed that you hadn't heard of this one yet....but at least you asked before committing yourself.

05-30-2006, 05:06 AM
ohh, ive heard of it and I never ship overseas.

Just wanted to bring up something people may have forgotten

(my gut told me no after his first email)

that and in his second email he said he was willing to pay 700 even though i said 600.

Cow hunter
05-30-2006, 06:06 AM
if the grammer is too good it must be a scam!

05-30-2006, 07:56 PM
Nstein or what? :rolleyes:
Sounds like a scam and a half! :nono:
Mess with him for sure! :headbang:

Tony :rofl:

05-30-2006, 08:28 PM
When yous cash the chack and send it the bak realizes a weak later that the check will bounce and the excess money you western unioned comes straight from your account
because of the delay in the money transfer from the uk to the united states you are usually advised to not spend the money but most ppl spend it anyway