View Full Version : delrin capabilities in a matrix ?

05-29-2006, 01:47 PM
Ok so i was sitting here thinking about if it would be possible to make the whole fuse bolt assymbly (matrix bolt system) out of delrin, the only major advantage would be weight and im not sure if it would be a significant enough amount to undergo such a task...but i dont know much about delrin so would it be possible? and i dont just mean a derin bolt but the whole shabang...well except for the guide that just wouldnt look to good...so give me some insight...or something i dont know im board and its and idea that has been turning in my head for a few weeks.

05-29-2006, 01:49 PM
Yeah, im sure it could be done. What if you made a delrin evolve? :D

05-29-2006, 02:00 PM
Yea a delrin bolt that also increases effiency by design and also the weight could help increase it,which could also allow faster cycling rates if the weight difference is sufficient enough...hmm

05-29-2006, 02:09 PM
Yea a delrin bolt that also increases effiency by design and also the weight could help increase it,which could also allow faster cycling rates if the weight difference is sufficient enough...hmm

you have to remember, as well, aside from efficiency the DM3/4/5 is limited by the solinoid when it comes to cycle rate

05-29-2006, 02:38 PM
Won't really do anything. The only advantage to Delrin is it's self lubricating properties.

Delrin is fairly heavy compared to Alu , not any stronger and you have to have ride the bolt on o-rings in the trix so the lubricity had no benefit.

05-29-2006, 09:00 PM
not to mention

A evolve tried it and found it was more detrimental than good, since delrin scratches and can create a much looser seal over time, which results in gas inefficiency...

and Sp tried it as well, hence why shocker bolts are not delrin any more, for the same reason. it isnt worth it. if you want to save weight, get an orange bolt.

05-29-2006, 09:25 PM
Delrin can be good for recoil reasons but it's not a very good material to use in a Matrix. The airflow is very harsh in some places, and the bolt would be likely to snap after being used for a while.

Delrin bolts would still need to be lubricated and have all the same maintenance proceedures as a regular bolt. Delrin is lighter but it is a LOT less strong in some applications.

Shockers are okay to use delrin due to their design but you still run into potential scratching problems if you live in a dusty climate (or don't take care of the gun).

05-29-2006, 11:24 PM
well i knew there had to be a some reason why someone hadn't already tried it and all of those above sound pretty good..so thank you :cheers: