View Full Version : pred board refund?

05-29-2006, 04:26 PM
hhhhhhhOK, so, I've been patiently waiting for this stupid board to come out... and now I am le tired of it all... so... where do I get my monies back? AND... what's the deal with this XMOD thing I've been hearing about?

05-29-2006, 05:30 PM
I suppose you would just email Tagsportz about the refund. The XMod software utilizes the stock E/Xmag board and has several fireing modes, dwell setting, fix, ROF, and so on. You buy the programmer off of ebay and recieve the software free thru Lornecash's website, www.NiedTech.com . He is an AO member who created the XMod. Check out the threads in the Deep Blue section to learn more about it. Good stuff. :cheers:

05-29-2006, 06:39 PM
Call TAG. Have your Paypal transaction ID ready if you paid via paypal.

I already got a refund one one I ordered. No one needs to hold all of my money without paying interest on it.

05-30-2006, 05:25 PM
Anyone else think this is rediculous? I don't even *own* an e/x-mag and I think this is nuts. Let's see, Curt went from nothing to a fully operation Halo Cheetah board, in hand, in a month. That's a new board, new code, new parts. How long does it take to get this thing out?

I mean, I like TAG. Bob's a good guy and they have good products... it just seems like them getting new products out seems almost like pulling teeth. They were supposed to come out with a new universal board... then that fell off the face of the earth. Same thing with the Freestyle board... ..and the 10.0 code... I'm sure they'll say support, R&D, etc takes up all of their time. But why tell people product 'X' will be out 2 weeks after such and such event, then 2/3 months later, no one's heard anything.

05-30-2006, 10:27 PM
I don't like the way it has been heading the past few weeks but I do see why TAG has slowed way down as of late. Curt moved across the continent so I'm sure it impacted the total effectiveness of getting his work finished and out into the hands of the people.

But it's also true that TAG is the principal retailer and have rights to the stuff in all terms, so what they want is what we get. If they don't want to deal support for all the boards out there then that's probably the way it'll be (I've heard Bob mention that a few times). Personally I don't like it but hey I'm just one guy.

TAG is catching a lot of flak about this and other things though so I'm sure Bob and friends are keeping watch on it.

05-31-2006, 06:39 AM
I don't like the way it has been heading the past few weeks but I do see why TAG has slowed way down as of late. Curt moved across the continent so I'm sure it impacted the total effectiveness of getting his work finished and out into the hands of the people.

But it's also true that TAG is the principal retailer and have rights to the stuff in all terms, so what they want is what we get. If they don't want to deal support for all the boards out there then that's probably the way it'll be (I've heard Bob mention that a few times). Personally I don't like it but hey I'm just one guy.

TAG is catching a lot of flak about this and other things though so I'm sure Bob and friends are keeping watch on it.

He's moving AGAIN? Wasn't that why this took so long to even start in the first place last year? I hope TAG realizes just how bad this makes them look.

05-31-2006, 09:40 AM
nah I'm talking about when he moved to cali a few months ago. I assume, at nothing else, if the communication gap worked back when first moved out it may hav ebecome a little tiresome in recent weeks, hense some of the delays.

In the more dismal case, it wasn't working then and it isn't now. Who knows though.

05-31-2006, 06:39 PM
I got tired of waiting too,a couple months ago,and emailed them about a refund, they credited my Paypal account the next day, no problems. Very nice about it too.

05-31-2006, 06:43 PM
I got tired of waiting too,a couple months ago,and emailed them about a refund, they credited my Paypal account the next day, no problems. Very nice about it too.

Yeah TAG knows the bad situation that Curt has caused.

At last that guys posted, he said he would have the design by the end of the week, which was about 2 months ago. I also heard from various places that they were almost ready, which Im guessing wasnt true either.

05-31-2006, 09:24 PM
I love watching the vid of Bob explaining it and hearing him say "were not thinking about it, were definitely going to do it"--- :rolleyes: