View Full Version : trading in rt parts for x valve at airgun.com

05-29-2006, 04:47 PM
ok...so i am slightly considering this as one of my options...however....i just looked at the price and it seems a bit high to me. airgun is closed today so i couldnt ask them...but you give them 325 bucks plus your valve and body and what you get in return is an x valve and a ule body...

but that means the rt valve and body you give them only warrants a $45 credit? i guess you get two screws with it also.but those arent more than a buck each.

im confused....should i do this or just have luke(lukecustoms) change my body?

05-29-2006, 06:42 PM
Its the rail too. You give them $325 and your Classic RT, and they give you back an RT Pro(basically).

Meh, sounds like a better deal to just keep the Classic RT and buy an RT Pro for a tad over $400

05-29-2006, 06:46 PM
oops....i didnt even realize ...an rt pro custom is only 355 brand new....and thats anew grip.

am i lost here? i realize the trade will allow me more options in the furutre as far as upgrades go since ups for the classic rt are basically non-existant...but shouldnt i just pay the extra 30 bucks....is a classic rt really only worth 30 bucks of trade in value?

05-29-2006, 07:52 PM
I would just get a new rtpro if its only like 355, then toss your classic up on ebay

05-29-2006, 09:36 PM
sell the classic rt for $, then add the $ towards a custom ule, the trade in really is HIGH

ex considering some/alot of people payed over $600 at the time for their rt, then adding another $325 to that making it $900 for a ule custom.....meh