View Full Version : Why paintballs? and not Paint bullets?

12-20-2001, 05:51 PM

I have been an avid rec baller for over 7 years and I have been really interested in paintball technology as it has evolved.
What I don't understand though is after all these years and with all this technology going into our electro pneumatic markers there has yet to be paint bullets introduced to the general public.
There is an inherent design flaw in gelatin Balls.

From what information I have gathered a bullet shaped paint glob would far excell in accuracy, distance, consistent breakage, and velocity.

I read in Tom's tech tips that AGD did design a paint bullet for the military.

Why hasn't the consumer markets been notified and how come the paintball/marker manufacturers exploited this obvious enhancement to the game?:D

12-20-2001, 06:00 PM
Goto the main forum and goto the "AGD Super Tour Video Online" thread stickied to the top. Then look at the clips. One is of the military paintballs. Look at the dents on the door. Would you like to be hit with one of those? I wouldnt.

12-20-2001, 06:05 PM
cost issues for the retooling of the paint manufacturers?
i think a paintbullet would probably link paintball with more undesirable things and set the game back in Public Affairs.
A bullet would also take a different hopper design, a bullet is one directional, a ball can load any way and fire the same.
Anyway, who wants to say, yeah im going to go out to play paintbullet.

12-20-2001, 06:05 PM
They have football shaped ones. It would be expensive to make, an entirely different feed system would be needed... various issues... but would be cool to see.

12-20-2001, 06:27 PM
An entirely new feed system is exactly what we need.
In case you haven't noticed Hoppers SUCK!!!

The only company doing anything about it so far is AGD!

If the projectiles were more accurate then we would not need as many shots per load. Smaller profile, more dependant on skill not volume of paint.

Also retooling would be a simple matter of changing the shape of the rollers and messing around with the gelatin formula so it would not kill you.

Hiding the fact that paintball is basically a game for hunting and shooting sentient targets is a blatant lie and just short of a waste of time.

Think about it boxing is a sport based on pummeling your opponent senseless. + All other martial art tournaments.
GAME ON! That is what it is, that is why we like it.

P.S. If you can't take the pain, get out of the game.

12-20-2001, 06:53 PM
i think the balls add something to the game, it is like a handy cap that people learn to over come. so when you first look at it, it seems that it needs a new idea, but after to take into consideration that it is very much a part of the sport (paintBALL)
you see that it is not the the factor that gets most people anyway.

12-20-2001, 08:04 PM
Here is an experiment you can do
Sharp Pencil
Step 1 Push the eraser into your leg as hard as you can. This will represent being hit by a normal paintball.
Step 2 Push the sharpend leg into your leg as hard as you can (but only if your too stupid to figure out what will happen if you do). This represents being his with a pointed paintball.

Aside from that, more expensive to produce, can only hold a few in a magazine.

12-20-2001, 08:35 PM

Again if you can't take the pain, get the hell out of the game!!!

Far more interested in accuracy and reliability than worrying about whether or not I recieve a larger bruise.

They will still be made of gelatin people.

And by saying playing around an inherent weakness and why upgrade because it hasn't been fixed by someone in so long that it is part of the game is a very good example of why so many sports stagnate. Why are we not still using singles and pumps then?

12-20-2001, 08:40 PM
You failed to adress my other two arguments :)

12-20-2001, 08:40 PM
Change is good, bu people fear it. Besides paintball rocks anyway. if you want more accuarcy get good with your gun.o and tbr13 get a better hopper. mine works fine. and come on if you want skill over volume you loose that cool sound that occres when two Spyders and a shocker are shootin like 20balls a second ( combined, not individualy) over your bunker from 15 yards away. And you know that the Twib is about to get a lesson in old school pumps.

You would have o retool all the machines that make the guns too

Ad i don know wat game your playin ut my games about over comming a stronger enemy while useing as little resorces as posible.

And o yea "If you cant take the pain, get out of the game" i got 2 balls in the temple from 10 feet away buy a loser who though paintball was about death, violence , and dumping down on the kid with the pump( back on like my 3rd game ever)

12-20-2001, 08:44 PM
Figure youve only got 20 or so shots in a magazine. It would be a whole new game.

12-20-2001, 11:28 PM
(*edit* uncalled for flak)

I dont have any problem with being hit by a paintball, the worst you'd get from one of those is a welt, or maybe a small cut in a worst case scenerio. But getting hit by a pointed shell would be a different story altogether, when it gets to the point where you have to worry about serious bodily injury its stops being fun.

(*edit* more uncalled for flak)

But anyway, if you started redesigning the paint, it would start getting pretty damn expensive. Paint is expensive enough as it is, and there really is a significant amount of fun in playing with this "low tech" stuff.

12-21-2001, 12:51 AM
well... it's been tried... and it failed.

There was a company that put out a clip fed football shaped paint shooting paintball gun in the early 90's. Complete with optional rifled barrel. As I recall from reviews at the time

1. they didn't shoot straight with either rifled or smoothbore barrels.

2. you had to reload after 20 shots. Almost everyone else had at least 40 paintballs.

could it be done?
would it be commercially viable?
would it add any performance?
Past experience says no.


ps... look at other clip fed paintball guns. The smg's from tippman are pretty much never seen on the field. Why would you sumrise that to be.

12-21-2001, 09:20 AM
An oblong object is not stable in flight unless it is spinning on an axis parallel to it's flight path.

I believe AGD did some testing on this and the amount of spin that would be required to accelerate the liquid inside the gelatin shell is not realistic.

Not to mention that the way spin is imparted on a firearm's projectile wouldn't work with paintball. In this case, the barrel actually cuts into the surface of the bullet and forces it to spin as the bullet travels down the barrel.

In order to do this for paintball, you'd have to use something a lot less fragile than gelatin to encase the paint, which would in turn would make the paintball alot less likely to break on impact. If you want this, there's always Airsoft...


12-21-2001, 10:55 AM
Advanced Tactical Systems makes clipfed markers.


It's pretty cool. Almost totally reliable loading...one ball per cycle of the bolt.

12-21-2001, 12:08 PM
How about "fins" on the back of a standard paintball. Kinda like and arrow or dart. They could be made out of the same material as the shell is now. I think that would work. :D

12-21-2001, 12:11 PM
Again, that would need to be magazine fed. Even then, it wouldn't so much.

12-21-2001, 12:51 PM
Don't fix it if it ain't broke! :D

12-21-2001, 01:16 PM
Magic your no fun. Takeing thigns apart is what makes he world go round.

12-21-2001, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by PyRo
Again, that would need to be magazine fed. Even then, it wouldn't so much.

Yes it would. However, that isn't very hard to do (I have lots of ideas on the subject). Considering the rate of changes these days it wouldn't be THAT big a deal, in my opinion (I'm never humble). :D

12-21-2001, 01:39 PM
Straying from a convential magazine style would be more expensive, and more prone to break.

12-21-2001, 07:47 PM
another thought.... the best way to get more distance out of it would be add mass or to decrease the air resistance by shrinking the area.... Either of those would hurt more and the legal fps would have to go down some more for insurance reasons.

As for my Retooling issue... i bet simply changing the rollers would be a fairly spendy investment... we are talking about a bunch of rollers...
Not to mention the fact that everyone that wanted the Bullet technology would have to buy a brand new Emag body at least.

12-21-2001, 09:11 PM
The fins on the ball was already done back in the pumpgun days. It was known as a "sniper ball", looked like a badmitten birdie and was expensive, i think like a pack of 20 were 100.00, they were reviewed and got a bad rating due to inconsitency in manufactoring. Plus it was only good for one shot and had to be loaded like old flint-lock musket. Forget that !!!!!!!!!!!!1

12-22-2001, 04:07 PM
Ouch taking one of those in the kidneys could cause some serious internal bleeding and hurt like a female dog. And if you die from internal bleeding you wont be playing any game. :rolleyes: Like magic said if it aint broke dont fix it.

12-22-2001, 10:35 PM
I have said this time and time again, we should just use Simunition!! Its made is a bunch of differnt calibers and law enforcement and the military have used it for years!! VERY expensive though. :D

12-22-2001, 11:04 PM
ok...2 different types of paint bullets-

-FGJ = Full Gelatin Jacket
-G-JHP = Gelatin-Jacketeted Hollow Point

I would chose the ladder of the 2... paint shrapnel would be launched, possibly eliminating other players.

only if the market ever sees these types of paint

12-22-2001, 11:23 PM
Maybe we should do away with paint and go with lead think of the advantages. No more cheating no need for refs no calls for paint check. The only down side I can see is it wouldnt be long before you run out of players. Still the world is over populated as it is. :D

sir welt-alot
12-23-2001, 10:24 AM
Maby we should leave it to this...paintball is called paintBALL for a reason not paintbullet or paint kill people or whatever, it is a fun sport and think of all the 10 year olds who would get hit by a little mini football or sumthing at 280 fps, that wouldn;t make them come back. Paintball has a bad image for a reason and we have all worked long and hard to clean up how the sport looks and assing paintbullets would just be a setback. If you want realism and bullets and etc then go play airsoft, if you want good clean fun wiht a good image,play paintball

2000 cocker (i kno i'm a sinner, lol)
ans gen-x quickpull bolt
hinge trigger
ans front block and pnuematics
10 inch cp
14 ss
16 boomie

12-23-2001, 12:00 PM
Umm, no offense, but your only partly right sir welt alot.
Airsoft Does NOT use bullets...they use 6MM BB's in .12 gram or .2 gram. You can Buy 6MM paintballs for them. and
Airsoft does not have a bad image. its pretty big over in japan. The guns definately do have every bit of realism, as well as price...i seen $1300 m-60 airsoft trench guns. what a waste. Paintball does have a good image in our eyes but some other people interpret paintball as a nuicense to society, and relate us as a bunch of trouble makin punks. not so. Now, i can see if you were walking down the street with your paintball gun, i dont think much would happen. i have done it before. if you walked down the street with your airsoft gun and the cops rode by, all i can say is good luck movin like NEO on the matrix.

The moral? paintball nor airsoft doesnt have the best image in the sports world. 'freakin soccor mommys. Everybody has worked hard to make sure paintball has a good image, but some people are biased and cant open their eyes to the reality around them. And, as for Airsoft, it can stay in japan. Stupid japs will lose their eyes, theres hardly any safety precautions for airsoft and they shoot like 430 FPS...i seen shop safety goggles being worn by somebody...oh well. when he loses an eye, i wont be there to help.