View Full Version : help with my mag!

12-20-2001, 06:24 PM
everytime i playt with my mag it messes up one way or another.i only get 300 shots of with my nitro,but its the smallest one u can buy.im getting a bigger one but today my balls were barley going 30 feet and somtims when i shot it made this weird clanking noise like somthing was wrong with the bolt like it was hitting something.i just want it to shoot right because today i only took out like 2 people when i usually kill the hole team!i also fing myself having to rain paintballs by shooting the way up in the sky hoping they will fall down on people.whats the problem?? :mad: :confused:

12-20-2001, 07:56 PM
Turn up your velocity... Turn the nut counter clockwise to turn it up. Other than that, it could be a bad reg seat, or your paint may be too small for your barrel. The paint being to small for your barrel would explain your low number of shots per tank, low velocity, and any breaks that occured. As for the bolt clanking, if you have an SS barrel, a ping noise is normal.

12-20-2001, 08:53 PM
i know its not normal,ivwe been using this for a year.just a sec ago i was wachin that video and accidently pushed my on off valve(think thats what it was) to far into it.what do i do about that?should i get a retro valve,my valve is old and it saids a rt valve is more gas sufficent.how much more?

(note also i had it chronoed,then used it and the shots were 30ft&drop)

12-20-2001, 09:37 PM
You probably forgot to put the on-off top in. You can take the valve out of the gun, and give it a quick bust of air, and that will shoot it out. Just make sure you don't loose the parts when they shoot out.