View Full Version : felt like such a nooob....

05-31-2006, 02:32 PM
so i went to SC village in norco, ca on monday. it was a nice morning, and day for that matter. i started off the day playing scenario games, and got a few kills. my automag was working at about 70% cuz i was just trying the different springs and all. i didnt like the red spring i had in there and went back to the gold spring. after that my gun was performing perfectly. i played a few more scenario games and i only died once before lunch and assisted in the flag being captured...ANYWAYS here is where i felt like a nooob...

after lunch i refilled my tank. it is a 68ci/ 4500 psi with a max flo high pressure reg on it. the on/off has a leak but im too lazy to get it fixed but it still functions by just unscrewing the psi knob. me and my buddies decide to play some speed ball. this is when i noticed that my mag was recharging really slowly. i would get 2 shots off and the 3rd would choke and fall 1 feet out of the barrel. i knew something was wrong but i did not know what. i felt like i was shooting at a rate of 1 ball per 5 seconds. pump players could shoot faster than me...so i decided to stay in the back field and try to just pick some people off..surprisingly i got a few people out with my gun performing like a 20 dollar walmart gun. at the end of the day my friends and i were going to go against another group who all had dye dm6's or timmy's. i decided not to play cuz i was not about to get potentially shot by 7 guys who can all shoot well over 12 bps. while back at the car i decided to go to the test firing range and i noticed the on/off on the reg was to the off position (keep in mind my on/off leaks that is y i was still able to fire). after i turned it on i was firing perfectly like the beginning of the day...man i sure felt like a noob!!! i am itching to go back and rematch them guys.

so in one game in speed ball we were facing some kids...i happen to get out early that game, and as i was watching i noticed that one of the dead players was walkin around the other end of the field giving his teammates extra air and gun!!! i was immediately fired up and furious...i wish my gun was working cuz i wanted to light that bastard up!!! my teammates and a few other people watching were calling them on it too. later i asked one of the regs there to see if it was legal, and to my surprise IT WAS!!! but it is not legal in tournament. i think asking a dead teammate to change guns or exchange air etc is totally unethical and ruins the game.

i was cleaning my gun last night and i noticed if i set my output pressure to 600psi my mag goes full auto. i have a level ten bolt and xvalve on it. does anyone know y it goes fully auto at low pressure? i always thought it was high pressure that makes it go full auto.

i usually do have my output pressure set to 900 and i get good trigger bouce and sometimes i can go full auto if i have the trigger pressed at the right spot at 1000 output psi. i guess im just curious y at low pressure i can go full auto.

My set up if you are curious:
custom automag-
level 10 bolt
ULE trigger
lft feed ULE body
splinter rail
splinter trigger
inline max flo reg

05-31-2006, 02:37 PM
while back at the car i decided to go to the test firing range and i noticed the on/off on the reg was to the off position (keep in mind my on/off leaks that is y i was still able to fire). after i turned it on i was firing perfectly like the beginning of the day...man i sure felt like a noob!!! i am itching to go back and rematch them guys.

Ha! Good story. Tis good to laugh at self.

Big'n slo
05-31-2006, 02:38 PM

05-31-2006, 03:01 PM
i noticed the on/off on the reg was to the off position (keep in mind my on/off leaks that is y i was still able to fire). after i turned it on i was firing perfectly like the beginning of the day...man i sure felt like a noob!!! i am itching to go back and rematch them guys.

A few months ago I got a new ASA with a push button On/Off. I think 3 out of the first 4 games I went shooting off the break only to find that I had forgotten to push the little red button...

I love that On/Off now though.

05-31-2006, 03:16 PM
maybe i should put a yellow post it note on my on/off switch to remind myself..LOL j/k

im thinking about getting a dmc cuz im selling my dj equipment. what do you all think? and OF COURSE im gonna keep my mag...i love that thing i just want another toy

05-31-2006, 04:05 PM
For your personal E-safety, do not post that on Pbnation...

Either way, it is good to hear you had your mag working!

05-31-2006, 04:22 PM
i was cleaning my gun last night and i noticed if i set my output pressure to 600psi my mag goes full auto. i have a level ten bolt and xvalve on it. does anyone know y it goes fully auto at low pressure? i always thought it was high pressure that makes it go full auto.

i usually do have my output pressure set to 900 and i get good trigger bouce and sometimes i can go full auto if i have the trigger pressed at the right spot at 1000 output psi. i guess im just curious y at low pressure i can go full auto.

mmm, I'm guessing that the gun just runs away, but those arn't complete cycles. I know spyders and other markers do something similar when they are low on air, and then they just refuse to recock.

Maybe there just isn't enough pressure to reset the sear properly, so the bolt never catches and stays back?

05-31-2006, 04:32 PM
they seem like complete cycles because i have shot a full pod (100 rounds) in literally less than 3 seconds with velocity just as consistant as 800psi.

and...i dont post on pbnation anyways...even if i did i think everything that i am using is great as long as you know how to maintain ur equipment and fix everything when it is not working properly...i dont find it a hassle when i trouble shoot...infact it only teachest me more about my own equipment.

Cow hunter
05-31-2006, 05:04 PM
i think its because when you first air up, the mag fires. when it fires the sear is moved causing the bolt to be released and the pin to be pushed. when it resets the sear catches and the pin returns. with only 600psi the Xvalve doesnt have enough pressure to rest the pin and therrefore cant catch the bolt, which continues to fire.

/just my theory

06-02-2006, 03:18 AM
i think its because when you first air up, the mag fires. when it fires the sear is moved causing the bolt to be released and the pin to be pushed. when it resets the sear catches and the pin returns. with only 600psi the Xvalve doesnt have enough pressure to rest the pin and therrefore cant catch the bolt, which continues to fire.

/just my theory

well, that's what I ment to say...I think. I also might just be retarded.

06-02-2006, 05:36 AM
Again, be glad i got here late.

06-02-2006, 06:19 AM
so in one game in speed ball we were facing some kids...i happen to get out early that game, and as i was watching i noticed that one of the dead players was walkin around the other end of the field giving his teammates extra air and gun!!! i was immediately fired up and furious...i wish my gun was working cuz i wanted to light that bastard up!!! my teammates and a few other people watching were calling them on it too. later i asked one of the regs there to see if it was legal, and to my surprise IT WAS!!! but it is not legal in tournament. i think asking a dead teammate to change guns or exchange air etc is totally unethical and ruins the game.

In situations such as the above my friends and I do this all the time; if a gun goes down in any way or if air runs out we help a friend out. It's all in good fun isn't it?..and if it isn't then it is just more practice.
I don't see anything wrong with it if you are just trying to enjoy the game... "Lighting that Bas**** up" doesn't seem to be such a great showing of sportsmanship.

06-02-2006, 06:23 AM
Again, be glad i got here late.

well dammit, we totally missed out on some quality entertainment :(

06-02-2006, 07:01 AM
when my gun breaks down on the field I carry a snap on tool kit with me. oh the days of my cocker....what wonderful days.

06-02-2006, 07:10 AM
The first time I saw you plop down in a back bunker and start taking your gun apart...I was suprised to say the least. The second time, I just laughed and tried to cover your lane.

06-02-2006, 08:26 AM
i was just out there as a diversion anyways

06-02-2006, 10:35 AM
I hate it when the little stuff breaks and you totally over look thinking its the valve or something more expensive and complex...

As far as the paint sharing and things go, dude your playing a rec game not a tourny. Who cares if they share paint and guns, I do it all the time so someone else can enjoy the round if I'm already done. It's rec man chill out and have fun.