View Full Version : Q loader vs Warp vs standard hopper

06-01-2006, 12:25 PM
What works the best? I've read tons on all of the forums. So I'd like to see what wins. I cant find much for videos of any of them firing other than there website. I wanted to get a tac one with a low profile. so i was going to get a warp left feed on it and get a q loader. Or a warp feed. I am right handed so that is why i wanted it left. Also what would be the best way to feed air to the gun. Remote or through the drop forward? Through the front grip or not through the front grip. I realize this is all preference based but i would like to hear everyones opinion with lots of pictures. I want to have a low profile with a sight or something on top. I play mostly woodsball. I just love people opinions. Please no put downs. Stay at topic at hand and always have fun.
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06-01-2006, 01:04 PM
Welcome to AO!!

I prefer the warp over the qloader, simply becuase its easier to use. While fellow qloader owners dont have a problem with it, i hate winding and loading them. Its somewhat of a pain. No batteries is a big plus though.

If you want a low profile, a normal hopper is not really the way to go. It is the most simple way to do things however.

If you do get the warp you will need at least a revvey anyways, so that might be something to consider.

If noise is an issue the qloader is the most quite (maybe?). Ive never used them to compare loudness but i am relativly sure.

Any way you go, see if you can try it first. You can get all the online opinions you want, but nothing helps like useing it for a game or two.

Hope this helps!


06-01-2006, 01:05 PM
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I'm takin it you copied this from somewhere else?

06-01-2006, 01:06 PM
He prob copied it form another forum that he posted it in.

Anyway, im gonna have to go with a normal loader for practicality reasons.

06-01-2006, 01:50 PM
I got tired of getting shot in the hopper, so I bought a qloader. I dont shoot that much in one round, so the capacity isnt a problem and neither is reloading them. There still are times though when I wish that I had a normal hopper...

06-01-2006, 02:01 PM
its in a lot of fourms i want to see who will win in the polls. Thats why im working on positing it in pbreview on specialops paintball and other places. If i could i would get everyones opinion

b e n
06-01-2006, 02:11 PM
I would run a warp feed with a duckbill on the grip, If you use a drop your gun will be needlessly tall. I would use the warp over Q because reliblity and capicity the Q's break down, break paint, only hold 100 balls, and you can only shoot like 80 of them or else you will have no buffer and you might have to reload in big fight. With a warp it might be a little bigger but you will have over 200 balls if you need them and it will work all the time. :clap:

06-01-2006, 02:18 PM
i run a warp set up, with the 12 v mod..and a halo on top..im feeding the halo and warp of the emags battery..it seems to work just fine..but i had to sawp out the cheetah board..it was acting retarted..i like the warp..especially with the power mod i got from shades..and lukes 4 way warp drop..

06-01-2006, 02:37 PM
I like the warp because it offers more capacity than the Q. standard hoppers are so usual that they are boring and often take hits in the woods on them.

with my Revy/warp setup it sits in the crook of my arm so if you get shot there. your marker or you would have been hit anyway. since your right handed the new Tac-one warp is awesome (they dont make em for us southpaws)

06-01-2006, 02:52 PM
I can use normal pods with a warp. The qloader pods cost quite a bit to lug around. I like that I pay about 2 dollars for a pod instead of 30

06-01-2006, 03:00 PM
normal hopper. warps and qloaders are very heavy and awkward and if you hold your gun at the right angle you wont get shot in the hopper.

06-01-2006, 03:41 PM
Go stock class pump. Almost no feeder mechanism at all.


06-01-2006, 04:13 PM
I've used a warp for bout 3 years... i've recently been useing vert feed and i wont go back

stop whining buy a mag
06-01-2006, 04:19 PM
Refer to this thread:

You don't need a warp to keep your hopper in.
Q-loaders are even worse. 100 round capacity and they can break balls in certain conditions.

Pop a Revy on top of that Tac One and play smart. Simple and practical.

06-01-2006, 05:16 PM
normal hopper. warps and qloaders are very heavy and awkward and if you hold your gun at the right angle you wont get shot in the hopper.

Only true with the warp after the shots in the feeding disk have been used. They can snap a few off at any angle. Qloaders will feed from any angle; there is constant pressure on the ball stack. And by "in the hopper" I assume you mean "in the breech" considering the loading systems are assumed to be filled with 'balls.

06-01-2006, 05:34 PM
Only true with the warp after the shots in the feeding disk have been used. They can snap a few off at any angle. Qloaders will feed from any angle; there is constant pressure on the ball stack. And by "in the hopper" I assume you mean "in the breech" considering the loading systems are assumed to be filled with 'balls.
i wasnt talking about it feeding. ppl said they didnt like getting shot in the hopper. they get shot in the hopper b/c they have bad shooting form. when you shoot you tilt your hopper toward the bunker so its not sticking out. it had nothing to do with feeding balls.

06-01-2006, 07:02 PM
what about when your sitting right on a ridgeline and you are just barely looking up? how do you hold it then?

thats why i like warps and Qloaders better. just my 0.02 cents/

06-01-2006, 07:14 PM
I have been playing with a warp for a few months now. I think it is the best thing to ever happen paintball wise. I feel that my gun locks in my arms with my front arm around the front of the warp. Also I have never been good at pushing airbunkers so when I do that the warp just sits in normally. Especially nice when playing on wooden bunker fields. Also I just went back to playing a few games vert feed due to me screwing up my warp. It just isn't the same. Balls don't feed the same even with a revy that you get with the force feed. Intellied the warp is a force to be reconded with.

06-01-2006, 07:20 PM
warp is more trouble than its worth

Q loader is just too abstract for me and dosent seem like it would balance well

standard hopper, has worked for years and still does.

06-02-2006, 01:03 AM
I don't have experience with the warp, but my first force-fed loader was the qloader, recently followed by the halo.

Lets see... when I first bought my qloader, I bought it for two reasons: low profile, and super fast feed rate. Looking back, I now realize that the super fast feed rate is only really useful if you're zak vetter, but the low profile is a HUGE bonus. If you buy the cms kit, you can place the qloader practically anywhere you want on the marker, allowing you to balance it for any sort of feel you like. Personally, I went with it right above my tank, so my gun was really back heavy, but really easy to whip the front around. Reloading really isn't a problem, once you get used to it. It shouldn't take any longer than opening your hopper, pulling out a pod, opening the pod, trying to tip the pod into your hopper without spilling and also keeping your eye on the game, and closing the hopper. For the people who complain that the qloader breaks paint... get to know your equipment! Sure, I've split a ball trying to take the pod out, but it was entirely user error, and after I had used the system a few times and learned from my mistakes, I didn't have another problem. You get fewer shots when reloading, and they aren't force fed, but it really isn't a problem. The main problem with the qloader, if you're looking at it from a tournament standpoint, is that it has a lomited capacity. For each pod, you are only getting 100 balls, instead of the 140 from a normal pod. They weigh more, and are a tighter fit into your pod harness, which might make them stick. Still, that low profile gives you one less thing to worry about getting hit on.

Now the halo, I bought when I got my viking. Vikings are known to have really god efficiency, and since I could only take 500 rounds onto the field at one time with my 5 pod qloader setup, I wanted to try the whole mainstream hopper/pod deal. It's actually worked really well for me. With my qloader'd emag, I shoot about 475 balls before I start getting serious drop-off from my 45/45 filled to 3k running out. With my viking, I shoot every one of the 740 balls I take onto the field, before my pressure drops to 150-200 psi. This is the #1 reason I have a halo, but I still have my qloader on the mag.

The Halo is definately easier to deal with at the field. Plop it on your gun, grab a fistfull of paintballs and stuff them into the opening. Do the same with your pods, and you're good to go. The qloader requires asking a friend to hold the 'silo' while you crank balls into the pods. This isn't really a problem, but the Halo definately wins on the convenience meter. The Halo isn't as fast, but can easily feed faster than your fingers can move, and since you're not one of those people who go to the field, turn off their debounce, and acts like a prick ;) , you don't have to worry too much about loader speed. It will always keep up with you. The Halo is definately a large object on the top of your gun. I can't express how frustrating it is to be shot in the hopper, after playing with a qloader for a year. You can't come over the top of your bunker, because theres a large object above your gun to be shot at before and after you appear/disappear. It isn't really a problem with doritos, since you can turn your gun at an angle with the bunker, but you can't turn the gun a complete 90 degrees to reduce the profile, without giving up your firepower. The Halo can't load at an angle more than about 45 degrees, unless you have an exceptionally full hopper.

Finally, if you happen to have an angel, you can always find contentment from putting a Halo on your Angel :wow:
(I know... I know...)

I'm not voting, because I honestly don't have an preference of either. They are built for different purposes.

In a nutshell:

Low profile
Less convenient
More custom
Can break paint, but only if you don't know what you're doing

More convenient
More paint
Can't feed at a steep angle
Everyone and their little sister has one...

06-02-2006, 01:09 AM
Oh, and to answer your second question, about the air source, I would personally go with an on-gun setup. I wouldn't want a hose dragging the gun the entire day, and compared to a hopper with paint(or the warp, if you go that route) the tank shouldn't be too big a problem. I would also advise a rail over a drop forward, or if you need to drop it, try to find something that moves your tank foreward, instead of down. If you get a big drop, you're essentially making your marker that much taller, because your tank will still be pressed up against the same spot on your arm. I personally like a really small setup(45/45), because the fields around here have all-day air, but some people like to get a 114/45 tank, fill it once, and use it all day. Just depends on what you like.

And if you want qloader vids, go to www.zakvetter.com
Also a nice qloader vs halo vid there :P

06-03-2006, 01:01 PM
Is that it i wanted more people to vote! Comeon hets hear those opinions

06-03-2006, 01:26 PM
well,I cant figure what I should put on my new creation. a Q or Warp. what will work nicely. Im thinking a Q but I need a bracket that angles to correct the parrellizim of the Q and barrel :ninja:


06-03-2006, 05:57 PM
<img src="http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e383/jenarelJAM/IMAG0009.jpg" border="0" Height=480 Width=640></a>

That's how I have mine attached.

Or alternatively, you could attach the qloader directly to your barrel. It would make taking your barrel off a pain, but that would put it under the barrel, parallel to it.

06-03-2006, 06:44 PM
Div']its in a lot of fourms i want to see who will win in the polls. Thats why im working on positing it in pbreview on specialops paintball and other places. If i could i would get everyones opinion

Good idea, would you mind linking to the other polls, I wanna see the difference in opinion between forums :)

06-03-2006, 08:02 PM


Just got them up feel free to vote on them also

06-03-2006, 08:24 PM
:clap: :cheers:

That's how I have mine attached.

Or alternatively, you could attach the qloader directly to your barrel. It would make taking your barrel off a pain, but that would put it under the barrel, parallel to it.

yea, i think i wouldnt be a problem, cause i use that longshot squeegie i think, its made to squeegie your barrel without taking it off. i think it would work great parellel. thanks

06-06-2006, 04:22 PM
We need more votes!

06-06-2006, 04:27 PM
hopper, theres a reason its the standard.

06-07-2006, 02:15 PM
Because it is easy to manufacture and not hard to use?

stop whining buy a mag
06-07-2006, 02:25 PM
Manufacturing has nothing to do with it really. It's just simplicity and price.

The Warp requires a hopper so it's extra weight, batteries, and money. I tried using a warp a while ago and found it to be too much of a pain.

The Q-Loader pods are expensive and only hold 100 rounds. I've also seen them blend paint when the paint is not perfectly round or too brittle.

06-07-2006, 03:06 PM
Manufacturing has nothing to do with it really. It's just simplicity and price.

Just to pedantic:

Complex > difficult to manufacture > higher price. ;)

06-07-2006, 04:11 PM
Now since I normally prefer to play stock class, I am not a huge fan of hoppers. But I admit that I believe that standard hoppers are definitely better than warps or qloaders. The Halo/ReloaderB were a little bulky but got the job done. I just picked up a VLocity today and that thing RIPS! I'm actually fairly confident it is about as light as my 12v as well. Has a very beefy neck, simple programming, and is overall a well built unit. I can't wait to pop that thing on and shoot my proto like it was meant to be used.

06-07-2006, 05:18 PM
"the halo b has a chip for $25 that can make the halo shoot 35 bps. that is exactly how many bps a qloader can shoot. I did the math for a halo b hopper." -from Pbreview.com

LOL... That chip is SUCH hype... The qloader feeds over 100 bps off gun, and as fast as the gun cycles on-gun(which has only been tested to 34, thats what he's referring to).

And that chip(victory board) even just unloading the halo won't get it to 35 bps...

Geeze... the utter crap coming out of people's mouths these days...

stop whining buy a mag
06-07-2006, 08:01 PM
Just to pedantic:

Complex > difficult to manufacture > higher price. ;)

Where did you pull that from?

I was talking about simple to use. I'm sure it's no harder to make a Warp than to make a Revy. You need 2 shells, the paddle/wheel, and the board. Then there's some other little things and you put it together.

06-08-2006, 10:37 AM
I was talking about simple to use. I'm sure it's no harder to make a Warp than to make a Revy. You need 2 shells, the paddle/wheel, and the board. Then there's some other little things and you put it together.

You said it's all about simplicity and price. NOTHING to do with manufacturing.

I just pointed out that the complexity of the Q and Warp add to their cost. So, ipso facto, manufacturing DOES have something to do with it.

The warp is far more complex to manufacture. Both to make the parts (plus there are more parts) and to assemble.

06-14-2006, 10:58 AM

Tally thus far
q loader 35
warp 26
standard hopper 43

Please keep voting!!!

06-14-2006, 12:30 PM
I think you're simplifying it far too much. The Qloader is great, but certainly not perfect for every use. As a frontman, it's the perfect loader. But for playing back, a regular hopper is better. So nothing is the BEST for every single application. For each different style of play and the facets within each, different options are better than others.

06-14-2006, 01:40 PM
No effort use
Works all the time
Easily Purchased
Easy set up
decent speeds

Hard to find
Hard to set up
easy to use
fast as hell
no more blimp
looks diffrent

Easier to find
Harder to set up
no blimp
looks fancy
can be expensive