View Full Version : RTP Rail and Barrel Lock assembly problem/question:

06-04-2006, 12:51 PM
Just picked up a RTP rail, and I pulled my old twist lock pin off another classic rail.

It's the same assembly right? I can only fit the lock assembly in about half way and then it gets stuck. I don't have a rubber mallet or anything to really knock it in there, but I never recall other ones taking this much force either. Is it just a tighter fit that I'd need to possibly shave down or open up the hole on the rail?

Or am I wrong and there is a completely seperate lock assembly for RTP rails vs. classic rails. I'm a mechanical engineering student and so I have a moderate shop that I can access with a pretty good drill press if necessary.

Let me know what you guys think. Personally I think I just have a slightly large pin assembly or slightly small hole in the rail.


06-04-2006, 02:33 PM
Its the same assembly. They are press fit in there with an arbor press at the factory.


Which method should I use then to get the assembly in there? I'm unsure if we have an arbor press around the various shops. I'm sure I could rig up something push it in there. Maybe a vice and put a protective housing around the lock pin. Then just torque it up until it's in?

Shield and Hammer?