View Full Version : Thinking of buying ...... Suggestions?

06-04-2006, 10:36 PM
hey guys,

I am new to this forum.

I recently had to sell my Tippman A/5 with R/T. I had big plans for that gun, like realism package off of opsgear... I had to sell it 'cause I got a huge *** fine , and I needed money quick. Well, now I'm looking into a new gun, and I figured I"d try something different, like an Automag. I've only been looking for 2 days, but I've already set my eye on the R/T ULE Custom Automag, with the trigger mod, a black ULE body, the ULE barrel, and the Intelliframe.

I've read some reviews off of pbreview.com and it seems to have fairly good reviews. Some people are *****ing about weight issues, but ... I mean, how much does the gun weigh, 3-5 lbs ... lol... if tht's to heavy, you better start lifting some weights.

Does anyone have any information that mayt help me out, in my decision. I want to stay away from Kingman, PMI, Tippmann, because they're so common, and I want something that when I take it ot the field, people are like cool an Automag, or HOLY ****, THAT d00d's SO PR0, HE ROX0RZ, and I also want somerthing that doesn't make me have to sell my car to pay for, lol.

Hopefully someone can give me some very useful information.

Thanx for your time folks


06-04-2006, 10:39 PM
If you're looking at stuff that you can customize to look more milsim have you looked at the Tac One? If you're looking for a more scenario type gun that's probably what you'd want. Otherwise the RT is reaaaaaaaaly nice, and w/ the ULE it's definately not 3 pounds at all.

Really can't go wrong w/ any mag IMO. Good luck with whatever you decide :D

06-04-2006, 10:41 PM
The Tac One just doesn't intrest me at all, I don't really like the looks of it, and I"m not centering my decision around realism. I wanna try something different, and an automag is diffferent for me.

How much would the marker weigh?

06-04-2006, 10:44 PM
I've heard a ULE'd emag weighs in at like 2.something pounds.... so for an RT I'd say 2 pounds would probably be the absolute tops, but I'm going from memory. I'll see if I can find the numbers, they're around someplace.

06-04-2006, 10:47 PM

06-04-2006, 10:50 PM
yeah. if you get an x-valve with ULE rail/grip - they are really light. So light I almost don't like it. but AGD uses great aluminum, so no worries about light meaning its weak.

06-04-2006, 10:52 PM
Well this is an emag, but just assume the RT would probably be close if not a little lighter...

REDRT's Post (http://automags.org/forums/showpost.php?p=2097853&postcount=1)

Hope that comparison/number helps a little.

06-04-2006, 10:55 PM
CAn anyone here point me to any good Canadian online stores that I could price this gun on. I'm in Nova Scotia.

06-04-2006, 11:27 PM

In case you are interested I have a few mags up for sale in this thead-some brand new others used: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=198146.

I have to mention though-mags are FANTASTIC guns; I'm sure that you've gotten used to the tippmanns quality and you would not be disappointed in a mags either.


06-05-2006, 01:08 AM
Automags are great! The only downfall I can think of is typically they're gas hogs. Other then that there are a million reasons to buy one. Including accuracy, and reliabilty. RTs are awsome too. :D

06-05-2006, 01:13 AM
Yeah definately buy a big tank for your mag. And dont buy electro mag - its obsolite.

06-05-2006, 09:08 AM
Automags are great! The only downfall I can think of is typically they're gas hogs. Other then that there are a million reasons to buy one. Including accuracy, and reliabilty. RTs are awsome too. :D

I get free air, so gass hogs aren't a problem.

06-05-2006, 09:09 AM
What do uyou guys thinka bout the level 10 bolt? Is it a must have upgrade, or is the bolt in it good enough?

06-05-2006, 10:04 AM
Id say if you can afford it then DO IT!

06-05-2006, 11:58 AM
What do uyou guys thinka bout the level 10 bolt? Is it a must have upgrade, or is the bolt in it good enough?

you got acces to nitro in canada? :confused:

yes, and it comes with x-valve so..no worries there.

themagsmith.com seels to canada i believe, as well as some of the other dealers i would assume could..(dealers section)

06-05-2006, 02:05 PM
I'm from Canada and Rogue built my mag, he's awesome to deal with. You have to check his site : http://www.themagsmith.com

...and yes we have access to hpa in Canada. :tard:

06-05-2006, 05:20 PM
Yeah definately buy a big tank for your mag. And dont buy electro mag - its obsolite.
How are e/x mags obsolete?

I just got xmod on my emag, and I can tell you it's anything but obsolete. Even running 3.2 I was still more than keeping up w/ my friends using more "current" guns.

To each his own I guess though, right?

06-05-2006, 10:47 PM
I just use compressed air, that'll be good enough to run the R/T ULE Custom right? I don't have Nitro, and I don't use dirty Co2

06-05-2006, 10:54 PM
same thing,comp air is fine

as for berserk, i know paintball isnt big all over canada, and hpa can be even more scare, so i was just checking, no need to get :tard: about it :rolleyes:

06-06-2006, 10:28 PM
no, Paintball isn't big over Canada. And I don't know anyone who plays with Nitro.

06-06-2006, 10:36 PM
One thing you should know about the mag before you get it.

After you get a new mag w/ lvl 10 and even ULT if you have thought about that.....you WILL have to adjust it a bit as it breaks in to operate properly and not leak. Its not a serious thing, or even hard to do. If you are at all mechanically inclined it will pose no problem.
Many new to mag owners get one, have this issue come up and think they have a bad marker, etc, etc.
Contrary to much of the "non" hype on this board, Mags like anything else require a bit of attention to work at peak performance. When they are right, there is no finer fully mechanical marker made in respects to speed, weight, and its ability to avoid chopping. When it gives you trouble it can be a pain considering most parts and support are via mail, especially for you.

I would highly suggest trying one. I don't use them as a primary anymore (at the moment) but I will always have at least one.

06-06-2006, 10:55 PM
if you want somethign unique, you could try a semi-custom build. I have been thinking about putting a mech frame on an Omen - it has a flawless antichop system, and they're cool looking to boot :)

It wouldn't really be too hard at all - just get a spyder mech frame and put it on an Omen. Should be easy.

06-08-2006, 10:54 AM
I'm really not mechanically inclinded, but I love to tinker with stuff, lol!

06-08-2006, 10:54 AM
I sent themagsmith guy an email, but no response.

06-08-2006, 11:54 AM
an email? try sending him a PM.

06-08-2006, 11:22 PM
I didn't know he was on the bored.

06-09-2006, 11:48 AM
pretty sure let me find his user name

06-09-2006, 12:01 PM
If you cant get ahold of him seeing as he only has 5 posts try Rougefactor I think he should be able to help you reach him. http://automags.org/forums/member.php?userid=3490
Here is the magsmiths username