View Full Version : Great Pb Vidogame idea

12-20-2001, 11:41 PM
Ok, i know there have ben paintball videogames in the past, and i know they havnt been all that good. Well this is what i was thinking. Put an intelli feed type thing in the grip and run that to a sensor. everytime the trigger is pulled, it fires a round. then put a replacement bolt in that has a sensor in the tip, kinda like the old nintendo blasters (remember duck hunt?). Do this and and then put good paintball soft wear in. there would be a little sensor to step on so you could move around. it would be cool i think

12-20-2001, 11:48 PM
I've always wanted them to do something like Railroad tycoon..but call it paintball Park Tycoon..where you can control the cost of entry, air and balls and try to make all of your parkgoers happy...

12-21-2001, 12:23 AM
Thats a good idea dirtybunny... I was thinking something more like starcraft or warcraft or ages of empires for a paintball game... Or maybe something like Time Crisis with the light gun and pedal...

12-21-2001, 01:58 AM
I think the downfall to all paintball games has been, why shoot little gelatin balls of paint when you can switch the marker for a real gun, and shoot real bullets, and be all hollywood-ish...

I do suppose you could replace the parts of a time crisis or similar light-gun into some marker, though I do suppose that wouldn't be very politically correct to be shooting a paintball marker which then kills people on the video game... whatevers

12-21-2001, 09:32 AM
Replace the parts, have sensors... I don't know about you guys but I'll rather be doing the real thing. :D

12-21-2001, 01:03 PM
Why play a game when you can be in a real game? Its kinda pointless really............. I used to be a video game addict a few years ago , then i started paintball........it much funner to play paintball then stupid videogames.

12-21-2001, 01:12 PM
i don't see the point in paintball video games. why play paintball when you can run around shooting real guns or laser guns :D and blowing stuff up? why play a video game version of something you can do in real life? that's silly. where's the fun in that? it's not like it's going to be anywhere near as good as the real thing.

12-21-2001, 03:06 PM
Good point, The only problem is that I CAN'T PLAY PAINTBALL EVERY WEEK LIKE YOU GUYS!

12-21-2001, 06:01 PM
Half-Life Paintball is good... as real as it gets. Now they comming out with another HL mod called Digital Paintball which i hear will be even better.

Top Secret
12-21-2001, 07:07 PM
See the problem is that with the popular video games, it's something you can't do in real life without going to great trouble or it's impossible. Take Half-Life/Counter-Strike for example, you can't gun down your friends and random people in real life with an MP5. It just happens to be illegal. Stupid laws. ;)

The premise of paintball is that anyone can do it for a relatively low price. Sure you could buy simmunition MP5s and play "CS" but thats extremely expensive, or the same with car games, sure you can drive, but not everyone can afford to go around banging the crap put of their McLaren F1 in a desparate race to the finish. IMHO, anyone who plays paintball videogames needs to get their *** out on the field. If you want videogames, play counterstrike.

12-21-2001, 07:11 PM
Sorry but I can't get my *** out on the field cuz my parents are dumb enough to say no for 361 days of the year!

12-21-2001, 08:27 PM
Ever play a coin-op called Police 911? (its called Police 24/7 here in limey country)

Its basically a time crisis clone, but instead of having 2 states (behind cover, out of cover), you have to move yourself around on the pad (the machine works by pressure from both of your feet and the position of your head) and shoot.

The game iteslf sucks, because the enemy bullets travel at a snails pace and I keep headbutting them, but I've always thought that it would convert well into a fairly decent paintball thing.

You also look like a retard attempting some Michael Jackson moves when playing it, not as bad as Dance Dance Revolution though.

[edit: No, do not play counter strike... ever (my last score was 3/21). I am currently enthrawled with Uplink by Introversion (http://www.introversion.co.uk). Although this has nothing to do with paintball or counter-strike :D]

12-22-2001, 01:02 AM
A paintball police 911 would be GREAT!!! It would be like the ultimate paintball game because you can actually duck and snapshoot like in real paintball. great idea!