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06-06-2006, 11:47 AM
Well this might not be for everyone but occaisionally a record comes along that strangely I actually listen to the lyrics (normally for me it is the extra tune they create that appeals to me for example I like 'Paranoid' by Black Sabbath but I doubt I could tell you more than about 4 words of the song) anyhow go to www.sandithom.com sign up or follow links to get her current song and listen to the words, they apply to around 75%+ of the people on this forum, there are a couple of english references that might not be understood by americans but skip those parts, the rest of the song is extremely true. If you only listen to music by classification then this artist is Folk music but seriously don't let that put you off. I say folk as that is what we would classify it as here but you could at a stretch say Country/Rock.

If you like that song then search for KT Tunstall and find the LIVE (this is THE version) recording of 'The Blackhorse and the Cherry tree', I saw this when it was recorded from TV and it is a single person doing it in front of the audience, amazing...well I thought it was ;) the album was re-released because of this performance the 2nd release included this LIVE version and the differences between LIVE and Studio are quite a lot.