View Full Version : World Cup...

06-10-2006, 08:45 AM
It is amazing, in August I will be going to Germany for student exchange, and currently I am speaking to my host family alot about Germany. Because of their win yesterday, they are having a big party, it just amazes me as to how "into" it they are..

Any of you guys soccer fans?

06-10-2006, 09:44 AM
It is amazing, in August I will be going to Germany for student exchange, and currently I am speaking to my host family alot about Germany. Because of their win yesterday, they are having a big party, it just amazes me as to how "into" it they are..

Any of you guys soccer fans?

i am, i used to play but hated my coach and quit. to use its just another sport, but to them its a lifestyle. but the way germany played yesterday, there up for a big dissapointment if they face brazil (i cant believe kahn isnt on the team this time)

06-12-2006, 09:09 PM
Ugh .. US got thier butts handed to them today. First goal scored in four mins of game time, and then it all went down hill from there.

At least the last 10 mins of the Aussie, Japan game was pretty sweet.


06-12-2006, 09:46 PM
me and my brother watched some of the games today. we are trying to watch as many as we can when we are home from work. my brother played in highschool and also played for 2 different really good travel teams.

06-17-2006, 02:58 AM
who do you guys think would take it this year. I am watching Germany (home countries), and Argentina (the olympic winners).

06-17-2006, 10:24 AM
probably brazil.

06-22-2006, 08:50 AM
but they are not even perforing to what they can yet. Brazil is disappointing me so far in this tournament.

06-22-2006, 09:48 AM
brazil isnt playing as strong as they really are.

kahn is on the roster of germany just he is riding the bench. they arent playing well.

the big names arent playing to top potential. its true a win is a win but if you struggle to win it says something.

USA is currently down 2-1 :(

argentina and spain are my favorites.

06-22-2006, 10:53 AM
Man US played a pretty good game, but again we got screwed on a bad ref call. His hands were not even on that Ghana player when they called it and gave them the free kick ... I think that pretty much killed out momentum (fan wise anyway), and pulled the team down a notch.

I'll give it to Ghana though, they played hard and were considered the underdogs from the get go. Hope they do well in the round of 16.
