View Full Version : Help, please?

06-13-2006, 02:27 PM
OK, I just orederd my shiny new E-mag from Tuna. Now, I need help.

1)What loaders should I consider?
2)Is there a real advantage to an adjustable HPA reg, or should I stick with fixed?
3)I like J&J, has anybody used the Edge kits?, and I need Autococker threading, right?


06-13-2006, 02:34 PM
1. Viewloader eVLution II works great for me. And its almost twice as cheaper than halo/empire.
2. Fixed would be fine unless you are planning to use 20+bps while firing.... Make sure it fixed at 850psi and you fine.
3. Yes autococker threads. You can find better barrels than J&J

06-13-2006, 02:38 PM
OK, I just orederd my shiny new E-mag from Tuna. Now, I need help.

1)What loaders should I consider?
2)Is there a real advantage to an adjustable HPA reg, or should I stick with fixed?
3)I like J&J, has anybody used the Edge kits?, and I need Autococker threading, right?


1) Halo/Empire no question. This is not about speed it is about keeping pressure on the ball stack.

2) No - an adjustable tank will allow you to get mechanical trigger bounce easier.

3) Autococker barrel - use whatever you like. Personally I would pick one good, medium-large bore barrel (I use .691) and use it. You have a detent and ball to barrel match is overrated. There is negligbile difference between the better brands out there.

11 Bravo
06-13-2006, 02:47 PM
Go with a Halo or Reloader you may wish you had it if you upgrade to the Xmod.
J&J barrels are good - you wont go wrong with them.
Fixed output or adjustable? If they are the same price go with adjustable. If your going to save alot $ with a fixed output - go with fixed.

06-13-2006, 02:49 PM
Fixed output or adjustable? If they are the same price go with adjustable. If your going to save alot $ with a fixed output - go with fixed.

I disagree on that one. Fixed output tanks require very little maintenance. The adjsutables I have had have required maintenance from time to time (both Max flos and Dynaflos). If you have a reason to want an adjustable, maybe, otherwise I wouldnt bother.

06-13-2006, 03:06 PM
1. halo or empire reloader B
2. get a fixed hp tank
3. you can get much better then j&j. i have a cp kit and love it. if you play with alot of different paint then get a kit. they come in handy especially at a tourney that sells paint that is very large bore. at a tourney we shot paint that was bigger then .693 and ppl with UL barrels couldnt even shoot it. but we all had kits and we were fine with the paint.

06-13-2006, 03:10 PM
I got a question now.

Viewloader eVLution II cost $70 while empire cost $140. Can you explain why to spend extra $70?

06-13-2006, 03:16 PM
I got a question now.

Viewloader eVLution II cost $70 while empire cost $140. Can you explain why to spend extra $70?

A) Empire does not cost me $140
B) Its what I am used to and has, over time, proven itself to me. I'm comfortable with it and if I switched to something else would spill a pod on the ground everytime I podded.
C) The Evlution looks stupid to me :).
D) I have not seen a lot of Evlutions that don't have tape holding something together.
E) I trust the force feed of a Halo to be more consistant (but thats just idle talk cause I can't back this)

06-13-2006, 03:17 PM
So basicaly nothing else but personal preferences? Thank you.

06-13-2006, 03:18 PM
So basicaly nothing else but personal preferences? Thank you.

Yep :D

Point being?

06-13-2006, 03:19 PM
1. eggs break ALOT easier, i suggest an apache, they are more durable and reliable than a halo or an egg.
2. a 68/45 air america HP tank would work fine.... crossfire is also good.
3. i use a 14'' j&j ceremic barrel with my emag, and since i only shoot RPS paints, or empire, wich is the same, they are smaller bore, and work awsome with the ceremic since it is med. to small bore also. CP barrels are also good, i used to use one, but i somehow scratched the inside :confused: idk how.... but anyways, the j&j's are teflon coated, so IF you chop, it cleans out very easy. J&J, or CP are the best barrels for about $38

what kind of paint do you use? if you use alot of varieties, you cant go wrong with the edge starter kit, 3 backs and one front is all you need.....

06-13-2006, 03:20 PM
So basicaly nothing else but personal preferences? Thank you.
its also faster and more consistant. and i also see a lot of people with tape holding the battery cover or lid like Lohman said. the halo/empire B is built better and has a much stronger feedneck.

06-13-2006, 03:21 PM
I just thought that maybe there are some technical superiority between this two loaders.

I played with both and dont see a reason to spend $140 for empire. I though maybe I missed something.

To add: Stronger feedneck is so strong because its enourmosly thik. So thik that it wont fit emag ULE feedneck and you will have to either shell money for clamping feedneck or send down empire feedneck.

Empire lid hold by screw. So you need screwdriver to open. Not a big deal but still need extra something. On the other side I got 2 evo and both work fine and nothing broken as of yet (5 months)

You dont need loader faster than 15bps. Its a legal limit.

Basicaly its the same situation when you pay extra money for something you will never use.

06-13-2006, 03:22 PM
I just thought that maybe there are some technical superiority between this two loaders.

I played with both and dont see a reason to spend $140 for empire. I though maybe I missed something.

There is a technical reason. Technically I'm a wee bit on the vain side :)

06-13-2006, 03:26 PM
why do you all argue????? read, learn, and shut it. no one cares which one is better, people will still get watever loader they please.

06-13-2006, 03:35 PM
why do you all argue????? read, learn, and shut it. no one cares which one is better, people will still get watever loader they please. so to your arguments, i refer you to this:

Who's arguing?

06-13-2006, 03:38 PM
exactly! We simple talking. Arguing its when you hear people shouting at each other. We just stating our opinions and point of views.

BTW dont you think that you just offended Mescalito by posting this picture?

06-13-2006, 03:43 PM
you keep bickering about which hopper is better....

06-13-2006, 03:45 PM
you keep bickering about which hopper is better....

I don't think so. I think we were discussing the strengths of both so that the reader could make an informed decision rather than just having a festivity where we all praise what the other person says. It tends to be a bit more informative that way :D

06-13-2006, 03:53 PM
from my experience, i find the evo2 is also quite back heavy. if the feedneck isn't clamping down hard on it, there's a chance that the loader will start swinging/rotating around when you tilt your gun on its side. especially if you snapshoot and whip your gun side to side violently.

06-13-2006, 03:56 PM
you keep bickering about which hopper is better....

I hate "forum police deputies".

06-13-2006, 03:56 PM
I would suggest a screw-in tank, so you can easily bleed the residual pressure in the line. Level 10 retains a lot more pressure than level 7.

I have liked the build quality and functionality of my Halo B, I also have used a Empire Reloader B with good luck.

Ton of barrel choices out there. Most are really good. Pick something largeish bore that's got a reasonable cost and you like the looks of.

06-13-2006, 04:01 PM
OMG dudes get the ARCHON Hopper111!!!! 11bps no batteries!!!!!!!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7236441527&category=71157

revolutionary new design!!!!111!!!!!!

Get an apache......:) jsut cause i think they look cool and ive never heard anything bad about em.

06-13-2006, 04:03 PM
I hate "forum police deputies".
Well then good thing he's the Sheriff. :ninja: :shooting:

06-13-2006, 04:08 PM
I just thought that maybe there are some technical superiority between this two loaders.

I played with both and dont see a reason to spend $140 for empire. I though maybe I missed something.

To add: Stronger feedneck is so strong because its enourmosly thik. So thik that it wont fit emag ULE feedneck and you will have to either shell money for clamping feedneck or send down empire feedneck.

Empire lid hold by screw. So you need screwdriver to open. Not a big deal but still need extra something. On the other side I got 2 evo and both work fine and nothing broken as of yet (5 months)

You dont need loader faster than 15bps. Its a legal limit.

Basicaly its the same situation when you pay extra money for something you will never use.

I have to say, I have had 2 evolution 2's with zboards for over a year (I just sold one a few months ago though), as well as a halo, so far I havnt had the chance to use the halo but a couple times and havnt had to clean it yet. The evolutions I have had to clean after every use from a ball break inside the hopper and then I found out that if you dont tighten the screws the same amount that somthing will cause it to bind and inturn keep it from working right, but only when its full of paint. I only had to buy a new set of shells for one of them once and that was becuse it got smashed in my gear bag. I would rather have the halo for a vert setup, but a evolution is just so perfect for a warpfeed IMHO.

06-13-2006, 04:09 PM
I hate "forum police deputies".

well, it was useless space, you could of PM'd back and forth..... if he wanted to know the strengths he coulda just gone to pbreview.com

he said "which loaders should i consider." not "tell me the +'s and -'s of an egg or halo"

06-13-2006, 04:12 PM
I guess I am the only lucky user of egg's. Never had single problem.

06-13-2006, 04:30 PM
So basicaly nothing else but personal preferences? Thank you.

That's what I asked for. I evaluate each suggestion myself, I just want some ideas from people with experience with the equipment. Thank you all for your help and advice

06-13-2006, 08:51 PM
An upgrade not discussed but highly recommended is the XMOD 1.7 from Lornecash. His info on this new software is in the Deep Blue forum. I have this software and it gives you all the latest modes of fire for the original E/X-mag board. Tunaman does know about this software and can also give you some info on it. I highly recommend this for any E/X-Mag...it brings our markers up to par if not exceeding it in regards to today's high end markers. Well good Luck. "Outlaw5"

06-13-2006, 08:55 PM
Do you really think that it is firing mods that bring emag on pair with other high-end markers?

Today high-end markers are very light, very efficient and very pretty outside.

Emag can offer you only that: very pretty. And only after some additional work.

06-13-2006, 09:06 PM
What are you smoking?

06-13-2006, 09:07 PM
An upgrade not discussed but highly recommended is the XMOD 1.7 from Lornecash. His info on this new software is in the Deep Blue forum. I have this software and it gives you all the latest modes of fire for the original E/X-mag board. Tunaman does know about this software and can also give you some info on it. I highly recommend this for any E/X-Mag...it brings our markers up to par if not exceeding it in regards to today's high end markers. Well good Luck. "Outlaw5"

I love this. When E-mags didn't have ramping the attitude was all ramping is cheating, doesn't prove the gun any better, its not the gun etc.

Now the E-mag gets ramping. All of the sudden not only is it equal to, but now that software makes it exceed todays high end markers.

AO needs to decide what its argument is


06-13-2006, 09:10 PM
Do you really think that it is firing mods that bring emag on pair with other high-end markers?

Today high-end markers are very light, very efficient and very pretty outside.

Emag can offer you only that: very pretty. And only after some additional work.

Is a dm5 high end? It may not be a nexus ego, or pl dm6, but is it not still high end? And last time I checked, Dm5s are not light, not efficient, and I dont think they look super great. But maybe that's an opinion.

06-13-2006, 09:13 PM
Software wise it does jsut that, bring the Emag up to date with current firing modes.

Also ramping was cheating for a long time. The standards have changed for some tournements and some fields.

06-13-2006, 09:40 PM
Ego 06, Cyborg 06, DM6. This is modern high-end electro markers. In no particular order.

Cyborg is only $175 more than emag. And if you add $100 to make emag XMODed its only $75 difference. Does it really worth it? Unfortunately even Xmod cant bring emag to the same level with modern electro.

And here comes magical phrase "personal preferences". This is the only thing that sells emags so far. But as soon as you try this one marker that is only $75 away you will never look back.

11 Bravo
06-13-2006, 10:10 PM
Hes smoking Cyborg crack. Gets a new gun and now everything else sucks.
Were glad you got a new gun and like it. Give it a rest. I just bought a new gun to, but I am not running around telling everyone on the mag forum that mags suck. Cause they dont, mags are very good guns and with the right upgrades will keep up with anything you can come up with.

06-13-2006, 10:18 PM
Did I say "mags/emags suck"? All I said is that there are better value for money out there.

By the way it was you who was lowering value of Xmags. Not me. And you were wrong. So relax man - you are not the brightest.

06-13-2006, 10:27 PM
i have used a borg, and a proto matrix, and i still came back to mags. just thought you should know that. :) nothing is more reliable, and the MECH/ELEC. choice is genious!!!

11bravo, the sad part is, his new cyborg crack is up for sale :D he doesnt know what he wants, kinda like all of PBN, lol

06-13-2006, 10:32 PM
oh I am sorry . "kinda like all on PBN". What is next you gonna say? "kinda like all of this color"?

Well why dont you put "Mag owners only" sign on this forum? Or say something like "we dont care about your kind around here"

Stop being stupid. And dont forget to buy new transmission for your house.

06-13-2006, 10:37 PM
dude^^^ chill. you come in a mag forum and tell us to get a borg, you will get beat on a lil. and cant you just pick a gun and keep it? you should worry about your game more.....

how are we being racist? and....whats with the car/home thing....no one is hurling insults except for you.

06-13-2006, 10:39 PM
I am stating my opinion. Deal with it. I dont need you to agree with my opinion. I am also pretty fine to see you disagree with me. But stop teaching others how to do stuff. Or what not to do. Cause you are just a nickname on my screen and that is all.

People dont like to be bossed around!! You know what is sad thing? That there are were no people in your life to teach you simple things like that.

06-13-2006, 10:42 PM
oh I am sorry . "kinda like all on PBN". What is next you gonna say? "kinda like all of this color"?

Well why dont you put "Mag owners only" sign on this forum? Or say something like "we dont care about your kind around here"

Stop being stupid. And dont forget to buy new transmission for your house.

The URL does read automags.org... I don't know if you noticed that or not, but what you're doing is like going to a Chevy truck forum and telling everyone your F150 is a better truck.

06-13-2006, 10:44 PM
The URL does read automags.org... I don't know if you noticed that or not, but what you're doing is like going to a Chevy truck forum and telling everyone your F150 is a better truck.

Nope, what I am doing is telling people that for same money they can get better car. But I dont say that your car is bad.

. Do you really think that emag is THE BEST VALUE FOR MONEY out there? That is all I am saying.

06-13-2006, 10:47 PM
Nope, what I am doing is telling people that for same money they can get better car. But I dont say that your car is bad.

. Do you really think that emag is THE BEST VALUE FOR MONEY out there? That is all I am saying.

That's not my point and you know it. Why do you have to argue every little thing into the ground?

06-13-2006, 10:47 PM
Why do you call every conversation an argument?

11 Bravo
06-13-2006, 10:57 PM
^^^^^^ The new Yakitori...only not. :(

06-13-2006, 10:59 PM
it was so peaceful around here when you were band.

you have to find something wrong with everything, if cyborgs were that great, EVERYONE would use one..... i, personally, would rather use a tippmann if mags werent around

would you want me on your team if my gun only worked 1/4 of the time?

06-13-2006, 11:00 PM
He needs to be shown the door. Permenantly.

By the way hotshot, people on this forum are receptive to positive comments about guns OTHER than mags. The problem is that you tend to come across poorly in your posts.

06-13-2006, 11:03 PM
So that is good reason to be banned?

06-13-2006, 11:04 PM
So that is good reason to be banned?

You are combative, argumentative, and rude. Sure sounds like good enough reasons to me.

06-13-2006, 11:09 PM
And you sure sounds like member of some sort religios groups that lives in mobile house. Should you be banned?

Be tolerant to other people opinion. Its not my posts that disrupts this topic. Its the way you respond to my posts causes all BS.

06-13-2006, 11:13 PM
And you sure sounds like member of some sort religios groups that lives in mobile house. Should you be banned?

Be tolerant to other people opinion.

That doesn't even make any sense, whatsoever.

Why do you think me, or anyone else, is being intolerant of your opinion? I've frequently stated my preference for AKA markers on this forum, yet I do not get flamed for it. You need to take a step back and look at your attitude, thats a big reason why you are catching so much flak.

06-13-2006, 11:17 PM
But I dont care what you are posting. At all. I am simple replying to your posts. And as long as you continue to post I will post too. You post your opinion I am posting mine. Why your opinion should be posted and mine cant?

I am stating that emag is not the best value for money marker. I am 100% sure that even AGD creator will agree with this statement. And that is all I am saying. But most of you cant react normal to it. You all want to say some smart arse comment to me. Insted of saying YEAH , SO WHAT.

And after that our convo will be over.

But you are unable to stop dissing me for stating my opinion. Go trough all my posts. I never ever said that mags suck. But almost everyone claims that I did said that.

Why is that?

06-13-2006, 11:19 PM
But I dont care what you are posting. At all. I am simple replying to your posts. And as long as you continue to post I will post too. You post your opinion I am posting mine. Why your opinion should be posted and mine cant?

I am stating that emag is not the best value for money marker. I am 100% AGD creator will agree with this statement. And that is all I am saying. But most of you cant react normal to it. You all want to say some smart arse comment to me. Insted of saying YEAH , SO WHAT.

Okay buddy, knock yourself out. It's obvious that you can do no wrong.

06-13-2006, 11:20 PM
Thank you. :shooting:

06-13-2006, 11:21 PM
but you dont do that on a mag forum, thats why your catching heat. and im sure every mag owner would wana kick you for saying it. we love mags, mags own all, your not gona change our thinking...

06-13-2006, 11:24 PM
See what I am talking about. He is not talking like normal human being. He is talking like sect member. Pure fanboy.

Its like taliban that banned afgani soccer players from wearing jerseys and trousers. Just cause its against their beleife. Worst thing in this world is when individual cant say true to him self. He lives delusional. And he is the one who responcible for that.

I can already predict that one of next posters will point out my language mistakes as last argument.

06-13-2006, 11:31 PM
One cool feature of this forum is an "Ignore User" function. If you don't want to bother with a specific user, bring up their profile and click the link that says "Add USER to your Ignore List". No more posts from that user. It's quite handy at times.

06-13-2006, 11:33 PM
It also reminds me 3 monkey picture. One closed her mouth, one closed her eyes and one closed her ears.

See, perfect example of person that is dishonest to him self. He is rather hide his head into the ground insted of facing the truth.

But he is hypocrite to the max. He gives you this advise yet still reading all my posts.

06-13-2006, 11:49 PM
Be tolerant to other people opinion.
is it just me or does that sound a little ironic? You are pressing your opinion on other people that you can get something better than a mag for the money. Obviously people are still buying mags, so AGD must have done something right

06-13-2006, 11:57 PM
people are also still eating other people, people are also still killing other people. So who did right in these situations?

I dont press my opinion. As I said I am simple posting it. Its up to you how you understand my post.

06-13-2006, 11:57 PM
OK, I just orederd my shiny new E-mag from Tuna.

Congrats and Welcome to AO. :ninja: :cheers:

06-13-2006, 11:59 PM
Congrats and Welcome to AO. :ninja: :cheers:

All I can say you will enjoy this marker. Tunaman is the best.

06-14-2006, 01:19 AM
And you sure sounds like member of some sort religios groups that lives in mobile house. Should you be banned?

Be tolerant to other people opinion. Its not my posts that disrupts this topic. Its the way you respond to my posts causes all BS.
Ehhh, yeah. How about all the opinions other than your own seem to be shouting "DIAF KTHX BYE!" So its not just a select few ;) .

06-14-2006, 01:33 AM
See what I am talking about. He is not talking like normal human being. He is talking like sect member. Pure fanboy.

Its like taliban that banned afgani soccer players from wearing jerseys and trousers. Just cause its against their beleife. Worst thing in this world is when individual cant say true to him self. He lives delusional. And he is the one who responcible for that.

I can already predict that one of next posters will point out my language mistakes as last argument.
How about this is Automags Online, if you read the wikipedia article on automags, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automag, it states " It enjoys a small following of loyal customers who customize and maintain their markers through the forums at Automags.org." So if you dont understand why youre recieving negative posts back then think about that for a while also think about the comments youve made in attempt to put down fellow AO members. So dont come on here complaining and telling us how dumb we are while comparing us to taliban. Then expect us not to get angry.

But I dont care what you are posting. At all. I am simple replying to your posts. And as long as you continue to post I will post too. You post your opinion I am posting mine. Why your opinion should be posted and mine cant?

I am stating that emag is not the best value for money marker. I am 100% sure that even AGD creator will agree with this statement. And that is all I am saying. But most of you cant react normal to it. You all want to say some smart arse comment to me. Insted of saying YEAH , SO WHAT.

And after that our convo will be over.

But you are unable to stop dissing me for stating my opinion. Go trough all my posts. I never ever said that mags suck. But almost everyone claims that I did said that.

Why is that?
To this I have to say, I beleive if you keep posting and trolling then youre on a one way train to be banned. Not to mention, I think why youre being "dissed" is because of youre negative attitude blows man and no one is going to put up with your crap so stop whining and go suck on your thumb or whatever else youd prefer. DIAF KTHXBYE

Edit: sorry docscott posts are a little off topic :-/ so yeah sorry to hijack your thread.