View Full Version : Trading Idea

06-13-2006, 04:18 PM
Hey, I have an idea concerning trading, but I don't know if it should be in this thread or the trading thread, so mods can move it if they'd like.

Why not start a list of members, the markers they'd like to trade, and the markers they'd like to recieve? Once there's a sufficent amount of members, 3- 4- or even 5- way trades could be set up, to make more people happy. I don't know the feasibility of this, but I'll start anyways.

PPS SupersStocker
pre2k PGP w/ holster

Belsales Evolution

06-13-2006, 08:00 PM
guess im losing my mind! :eek:

i was confused earlier...but now that my brain is working sounds like a decent idea... :D

06-13-2006, 08:24 PM
no its putting all trades on one post so people can easily find what they are looking for
personally i think its a great idea

06-13-2006, 08:48 PM
wow. Ingenious.

Who ships first? :confused: LOL

06-13-2006, 09:22 PM
wow. Ingenious.

Who ships first? :confused: LOL

yea, that was what I couldn't figure out. PBN does that "good trader" list thing. Perhaps some kind of verification? Or if you had a multi-party trade I guess it's in itself a 3rd party.

06-13-2006, 09:48 PM
PBN's good trader thing is BS.

Basically - "give us some paypal and we'll call you a good trader until you scam someone and sign up for a new name"
Kinda like how only their "Premium members" get to search only with a hint of false trding security.

Maybe if the posters and mods were halfway mature, i would consider giving them some Paypal. I'd give AO some paypal without thinking twice if they had the same type system PBN had - simply cause the AO community a 10^100 better than PBN kiddies.

back on topic: Great Idea though. Keep thinking - mayby try a thread like that stickied in the BST.

06-13-2006, 09:51 PM
That sounds like a total waste of time to me. ;)

06-13-2006, 09:55 PM
mayby try a thread like that stickied in the BST.

I was thinking wouldn't this jsut be a consolidated WTB list? But no-one would be able to edit in real time...

06-13-2006, 10:18 PM
Hey, I have an idea concerning trading, but I don't know if it should be in this thread or the trading thread, so mods can move it if they'd like.

Why not start a list of members, the markers they'd like to trade, and the markers they'd like to recieve? Once there's a sufficent amount of members, 3- 4- or even 5- way trades could be set up, to make more people happy. I don't know the feasibility of this, but I'll start anyways.

PPS SupersStocker
pre2k PGP w/ holster

Belsales Evolution

This is what the Buy/Sell/Trade forums are for. If you want a Belsales Evolution you search for it in its respective forum. If you have a PPS SuperStocker and pre2k PGP w/ holster and you want to sell them, you start a thread and other people who want said items will run search for them and hopefully buy them from you. It's a much simpler process than the chain you purpose. Deals between 2 people are confusing enough, adding extra members will only confuse the matter further, and people will end up getting screwed somewhere along the line.

06-13-2006, 10:40 PM
nothe brilliance in this idea, if it were setup properly, instead of having to comlete like 5 trades and have to pay for shipping 5 times to get what you want you could get it right away. It'd be a logistics nightmere though.