View Full Version : SM1 or Odyssey?

06-14-2006, 11:18 PM
hmmmm looks like the Sanchez Machine barrels to me

But did find it odd the control bore goes up larger than the diameter of the barrel tip????


oddly enough I&I sells the sanchez barrels for full MSRP price as well.... very confused


06-14-2006, 11:23 PM
if you look closely, the link you gave it shows a 2 peice barrel, not the 3 peice like the SM1. the silver back peice is nothing more then a shroud.

and the sm-1 kit =$140, add on the 3 peice sleeve kit = $60 and 2 extra tips =? and you just got that for $150 ;) not bad if you ask me!

now onto the differences of the 2 on the website

odyssy kit (notice the bore sizes are the barrel back. and the tip screws into the bore sizes)


sm-1 kit (bore screws into gun, and slides into barrel back, barrel back screws into barrel front)


06-14-2006, 11:25 PM
SM-1 same setup and pics the center section is just a centerring collar that holds the other 2 pieces together



06-14-2006, 11:31 PM
Oh I get it now, the silver sleave on the cheapy one serves no purpose other than looks and to spin and scratch up the abrrel underneath!!!


06-15-2006, 09:30 AM
Why make the tip smaller then 2 of the sleeves and only bigger then one of the sleeves? That kind of defeats the purpose of the 2 bigger sleeves doesnt it?

06-15-2006, 09:38 AM
I kinda think that might be a typo? maybe its supposed to be .687


or maybe thats why the kit is so cheap

06-15-2006, 09:41 AM
Yeah not complaining about the kit I got from you, heck of a deal! I was just out hunting and couldnt figure the difference until it was pointed out the collar does nothing on the cheap kit. Hoping this will be the last kit I ever need!!

intersting rip off though that could pass unless closely inspected.


if you look closely, the link you gave it shows a 2 peice barrel, not the 3 peice like the SM1. the silver back peice is nothing more then a shroud.

and the sm-1 kit =$140, add on the 3 peice sleeve kit = $60 and 2 extra tips =? and you just got that for $150 ;) not bad if you ask me!

now onto the differences of the 2 on the website

odyssy kit (notice the bore sizes are the barrel back. and the tip screws into the bore sizes)


sm-1 kit (bore screws into gun, and slides into barrel back, barrel back screws into barrel front)


06-15-2006, 10:27 AM
I kinda think that might be a typo? maybe its supposed to be .687


or maybe thats why the kit is so cheap

if you look closely at the cheaper odessy kit, it indeed has a .697 bore.....which is wierd.