View Full Version : scammed by adrenaline junkie

06-15-2006, 02:36 PM

heres the deal:
he had more feedback then me so i agreed to ship first...he sends me an email confirming he got the gun and that the money should be to me within 3 days...so i wait..the money never comes and he no longer will return messages on here and email...its been about 1 week nad a half since he said the money is comming and still no money, he wont answer his cell phone. my gun is 1 of 3 shark attack annod xmags..
his profile is...

his address..

Chase Christman
3680 emma lane
allegan, MI 49010

if you live near there, help me out please

heres a pic..


Cow hunter
06-15-2006, 02:42 PM
well there is always a silver lining, you have his name/adress(if its real...) and the shark attack anno shouldnt be all that hard to find if he tries to sell it (it is only a one of three)

06-15-2006, 02:47 PM
yes i do have his address and his cel phone, im pretty sure its his real name cuz thats waht it said on hte answering machine...but he wont answer his phone and wont reply to messages...so its not gonna be thaaat easy, now i just hope some1 finds it and gets it back to me

06-15-2006, 03:31 PM
Go to your grandmas house or something and use thier phone to call him. He will probably pick it up if he doesnt see your name.

06-15-2006, 03:47 PM
rudz wants to shoot someone, so mabey this can be the guy :rofl: anyone have an M16?

06-15-2006, 03:48 PM
Was this deal done on here or over on pbn? Maybe somthing happend to the guy and he hasnt been able to get on his computer or somthing?

06-15-2006, 04:12 PM
I live about 45 mins away from allegan. If I see the gun I will definatly grab it!

I will see it if he plays at colors and I will look out for it at tournies and stuff

I would email tc paintball. www.tcpaintball.com he might play there if he is in to speedball and such

06-15-2006, 04:26 PM
Why am I not finding his name on AO or PBN? Can you provide a link to his feedback.

Also, and this is by no means an attempt to rub salt in the wound, higher feedback sending first really applies to trades. I can't think of a time where I have seen anyone apply that rule to buying a marker or other item with cash.

How was he supposed to pay you?

06-15-2006, 05:58 PM
I live about 45 mins away from allegan. If I see the gun I will definatly grab it!

I will see it if he plays at colors and I will look out for it at tournies and stuff

I would email tc paintball. www.tcpaintball.com he might play there if he is in to speedball and such

This is going to be good Ben. Pray tell, if you see someone with a stolen marker, how are you physically going to get it away from them? Call me when you do this, cause I think I'd pay money to watch.

Mail has been slow this week around here though, if it helps you at all.

06-15-2006, 05:59 PM
rudz wants to shoot someone, so mabey this can be the guy :rofl: anyone have an M16?
Will an M4 work? :p

Cow hunter
06-15-2006, 06:11 PM
This is going to be good Ben. Pray tell, if you see someone with a stolen marker, how are you physically going to get it away from them? Call me when you do this, cause I think I'd pay money to watch.

Mail has been slow this week around here though, if it helps you at all.
you know i always imagined this situation, you KNOW its stolen, what do you do?!

id wait till he looks away, nab it, and leave the field.... or i just ask him too see it, then say, i know its stolen, and im not giving it back

06-15-2006, 06:14 PM
you know i always imagined this situation, you KNOW its stolen, what do you do?!

id wait till he looks away, nab it, and leave the field.... or i just ask him too see it, then say, i know its stolen, and im not giving it back

I'd wander over to him, tell him I had good reason to suspect it was stolen and see what happens. Chances are I could get it back. That being said, you have to understand paintman1234 :) He is not physically intimidating.

06-15-2006, 06:15 PM
If you go to a field bring a copy of the guys personal information and once the thread starter posts his for sale thread link up print that out and bring that as well. If you see the marker, notify the owner of the field or someone important at the tournament and have them read the info and request that the guy hands the gun over. If he doesn't, have the cops called.

06-15-2006, 07:03 PM
talk 2 ur local sheffif ofice see if they can help u u never know

06-15-2006, 07:15 PM
Did you look at his feedback thread? Espically the last post....But let me get this right, he bought the gun off you and you sent out the gun first? That doesnt seem right to me, you should always get the money before you send something out, in my opinion atleast.


06-15-2006, 07:22 PM
That really sucks. I never ship first anymore.

06-15-2006, 07:23 PM
I've shipped first on cash deals to people I "know". That being said you should have checked feedback - and at this point I would call the Allendale police, they tend to be pretty decent people and will likely at least knock on a door.

06-15-2006, 09:20 PM
shut it rob!!

You have seen me on the field, I run up it.
That running can also be done in a non-game situation

Im not going to fist fight the guy but If I know a gun is stolen im not just going to sit around

06-15-2006, 10:54 PM

Yeh, I've been scammed by him. I've send you a PM regarding the situation, as I've not seen a resolution and I've totaly lost contact with him.

What username is he visiting AO under if he's been dealing with you? His profile I'm aware of shows no activity since February...

paint magnet
06-15-2006, 11:01 PM
you know i always imagined this situation, you KNOW its stolen, what do you do?!

id wait till he looks away, nab it, and leave the field.... or i just ask him too see it, then say, i know its stolen, and im not giving it back

What if he happened to be 6'7", 280, and the legitimate owner of one of the other two Shark Attack Xmags? :D

06-15-2006, 11:07 PM
I hate to say it, but you really made a mistake sending first. Especially an X-mag. Ouch.

06-15-2006, 11:12 PM
A friend of mine in michigan suggests the following:

If it is USPS try going to their webiste and filing for mail fraud

Also, since its went over a state line, it's a federal offense so the FBI can now be legally involved

also, contacting him (allegan sheriff) here

06-15-2006, 11:35 PM
i live about 3 hours from him. the only way i would think of going there is if i got gas money, or the gun :p

06-15-2006, 11:35 PM
Will an M4 work? :p

rudz says an m4 will work, and if he kills the guy he keeps the gun. and droppin, you should have sold rudz the x-mag instead and then this problem wouldnt have happened

06-15-2006, 11:36 PM
i know AJ fairly well from the ion forum over on pbn and my opinion is that he is a stand up guy. just keep trying to contact him. you will get your money

06-15-2006, 11:37 PM
heck, if i get an M4 out of it....I'll Fly Up There And Do It

06-16-2006, 12:30 AM
I live VERY near Allegan. I may just have to check it out for ya. And I know Rick (the owner of TC Paintball in these areas) fairly well, I'll definately tell him to keep an eye out for it there!

06-16-2006, 12:39 AM
That sucks man hit with mail fraud.

I got a 30-06 if you want some range.or I can loan you my uncles 8 gauge double barrel if you like the close and personal feeling.

06-16-2006, 12:48 AM
RE: adrenaline junkie
He sold me a tank that he didn't have. First he claimed shipping problems with USPS. Said they would not ship a tank. Almost laughable! Then finally admitted that he didn't have the tank that he had 'for sale' in a pm. Deleted his 'For Sale' thread. Never returned the $'s I sent him. Ended up with another AO'er almost covering the amount that I sent to him. Then adrenaine left that guy poor feedback. I ended up losing only a few $'s but... Words of warning, BE CAREFUL!

06-16-2006, 09:19 AM
i'd get ahold of tony and put a hit out on that guy....thats just me though.

06-16-2006, 09:46 AM
Is he a minor do you know?

06-16-2006, 10:07 AM
This is why you dont ship first.

06-16-2006, 10:49 AM
I get up that way once in a while, I'm 6'2" and 240 and I have an M-4. If he isn't any bigger I'll see what I can do. He always pissed me off on the Ion form anyhow.

06-16-2006, 01:14 PM
rudz says an m4 will work, and if he kills the guy he keeps the gun. and droppin, you should have sold rudz the x-mag instead and then this problem wouldnt have happened
He can keep it if i can get an Xmag out of the deal :cool:

06-16-2006, 04:36 PM
250 for the inabilty for him to walk for afew months and 2.5k for him to have the inability to see day lite for a very long time... plus half travel expesnses (AO discount)

06-16-2006, 04:42 PM
This is why you dont ship first.

Thats a hard call to make. Then no one anywhere will want to ship first and trading will cease.

As has been said here already is that you just have to check feedback, and really just have a bit of faith that you are dealing with an honest person. Up until recently this guy seemed to be so.

06-16-2006, 05:54 PM
Its been taken care of.

06-16-2006, 05:55 PM
What does that mean?

06-16-2006, 05:57 PM
AJ had some family issues and a lot of work he had to take care of. He has gotten in contact with droppin and everything should be fine. I know AJ personally and he can be trusted.

06-16-2006, 05:59 PM
what about strider?
adrenaline junkie has a pbnation account named choas theory

Posted by strider


Yeh, I've been scammed by him. I've send you a PM regarding the situation, as I've not seen a resolution and I've totaly lost contact with him.

What username is he visiting AO under if he's been dealing with you? His profile I'm aware of shows no activity since February...

06-16-2006, 06:03 PM
I wouldnt know about the others, i used to live by AJ and we had a small team named chaos theory which is why i used this. I know he has the same name on PBN.

I dont believe he has a new AO name.

06-16-2006, 06:17 PM
good try i know its you adrenaline junkie
Why is that choas theory posted about buying this gun:


heres the pbnation link

cause adrenaline posted that gun in the ion off topic section on pbnation?

06-16-2006, 06:21 PM
Bah, you got me. lol

I just didnt want to be bombarded on here.

Seriously though, if anyoe has somethign they need worked out lmk and i will do so. My hiatus (sp?) from AO was due to some deaths in the family (i had 2 grandparents as well as othes go within a short time).

06-16-2006, 06:24 PM
ok heres the deal....dont respond to anyone that says its been takin care of unless its me since im the one who started this thread..when it has been all taken care of i will let you all know..at the moment he has contacted me and plans on sending me hte money by MO soon, if/when i get the money ill let you know

06-16-2006, 06:25 PM
You can contact me here on AO as well droppin, this is my name on here.

06-16-2006, 06:34 PM
probably couldve avoided some of this had you told him that earlier...

06-16-2006, 06:37 PM
I didnt know he had an AO account till i saw this thread.

chemical x
06-16-2006, 07:57 PM
i know AJ fairly well from the ion forum over on pbn and my opinion is that he is a stand up guy. just keep trying to contact him. you will get your money

But you shouldnt have to get what is yours, Be it money or gun.

It is people like that that make people hesitant to deal over the net.

06-16-2006, 10:01 PM
I have sent you a Private Message Chase. I would apreciate you contact me through email as well at [email protected] or post your email here in this thread.

I look forward to resolving this situation.

To everyone else, thank you for the assitance with this. Hopefully things will work out in the end. :cheers:

06-17-2006, 11:14 AM
PMd you back. :)

OEM Petey
06-17-2006, 11:58 AM

i hope droppin got his money.. looks like its up for sale

06-17-2006, 12:00 PM
Read the thread, i stated i will not sell until droppin recieves his money. Im putting it up now just to see what offers i can get.

Ive also contacted strider and dsrkd.

As i have said, i dont have any intention of scamming people.

06-17-2006, 12:22 PM
No intention of scamming people?

That ^ thread was started on the 07/05, just now you are contacting him?

06-17-2006, 12:31 PM
If i was trying to scam him i would not get in contact with him at all. Damn some of you are stupid as hell. Im just awaiting his address so i can send the money out.

06-17-2006, 12:39 PM
Well not contacting him untill now, and then when you try and clear your name w/ droppin, you wouldn't even post under the name adrenaline, pretending your were some else, or his friend like you said lol

06-17-2006, 12:41 PM
Yeah i know, the name thing wasnt a good idea. I just didnt want to be attacked. I know what i did was wrong but i am trying my hardest to fix it now.

06-17-2006, 02:17 PM
Am I missing something? Seems pretty simple to me, quit being shady using other names and pay the dude. You know, just pay him!!!!!!!

06-17-2006, 02:19 PM
Am I missing something? Seems pretty simple to me, quit being shady using other names and pay the dude. You know, just pay him!!!!!!!

I am paying him. I swear the people on AO have gotten dumber since i was here ;ast. I have already contacted him and a few others and they should have their money by wednesday at the latest. You guys really need to stfu, i said id repay everythign and i am. Stop being dick heads about it.

06-17-2006, 02:24 PM
I am paying him. I swear the people on AO have gotten dumber since i was here ;ast. I have already contacted him and a few others and they should have their money by wednesday at the latest. You guys really need to stfu, i said id repay everythign and i am. Stop being dick heads about it.

Oh the irony about the level of smartness on AO, that's a semicolon, not an l. Spelling things correctly helps too, although all the letters are there. Manners, manners, and manners always help rebuild your reputation when you've done something wrong. Finally, in case you havent noticed, AO is a more tight knit group than most owner group forums. No one likes to see anyone else scammed, especially over such a beautiful and rare item. Just my two cents.

06-17-2006, 02:27 PM
People make mistakes when typing, it happens, get over it. This isnt a spelling contest and its not like i typed everything wrong. As ive said they are being paid. I clearly stated i would gladly pay them and some of you are just being idiots. My manners were more than good enough till you start attacking me about it. If it were most other people these guys would never see their money again

BTW, you spelled and wrong.

06-17-2006, 02:31 PM
People make mistakes when typing, it happens, get over it. This isnt a spelling contest and its not like i typed everything wrong. As ive said they are being paid. I clearly stated i would gladly pay them and some of you are just being idiots. My manners were more than good enough till you start attacking me about it. If it were most other people these guys would never see their money again

BTW, you spelled and wrong.

Eh good call on the spelling error. Anyways I guess I should have made some sarcasm marks somewhere in there. Most of the things I stated in my above post were just generalizations what will help throughout most of life. As long as things get cleared up things will be all good again.

06-17-2006, 02:33 PM
Thank you. As ive said im just trying to fix everything. I dont appreciate people being hostile towards me when im trying to fix everything. As i said most people wouldnt do what im doing right now.

06-17-2006, 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by OEM Petey

i really hope you got the original his owner his money before you trying selling the gun that wasn't paid for yet

My original post has been edited. I wont sell the gun till droppin is paid.

Edited or not, this is not any kind of way to do buisness.

Until such time that droppin, and whoever else you owe money to are taken care of, I can't see how you could expect to do any kind of trading/selling. Maybe you should consider sending buddy his marker back, or if you two have it worked out, and he posts here that it IS worked out, send the marker to the other guy you dealt unfairly with a year ago(and until now have been dodging).

Coming here and pretending to be another person is low down and ban worth in my opinion. If you had any inkling on your own to do the right thing you would never have hidden your identity.

Its a shame to see such a nice marker tied up like this.


I posted this in his for sale thread which was promptly deleted.

I think in regards to your last remark much of what I said applies here as well. You are the kind of person who makes it hard for honest people to make smooth transactions on what for the most part is a good board to trade on. I do all my online trading here and I take offense to what you did. It affects me and every other good trader on the board.

06-17-2006, 02:39 PM
Guys, lets just leave it alone. As of now, they are trying to work it out. If we keep attacking Chaos Theory/Adrenaline Junkie, and it leads to a ban, it will only make it harder for the REAL involved parties to get their money.

06-17-2006, 02:40 PM
Yes, i deleted the thread. You are right, its not right to sell it yet.

I plan on clearing things up and prob not posting here anymore. I am trying my hardest and all you guys do is attack me. IDC how high and mighty you guys think you and your forum is now but some of you need to lay off.

Even when i try to clean everythign up for the most part you guys are ******** (with the exception of a few of you). I dont normally say things like that but i wasnt expecting to be treated like this when i sated id pay everything back.

06-17-2006, 02:47 PM
You come on here not even on your adrenaline name, knowing most people wouldn't recognize you. Lieing in your first post, trying to hide, and now its "O don't worry this times I'm serious about sending the money. How do you exspect people to respond, I mean seriously.

06-17-2006, 02:49 PM
Yes, i deleted the thread. You are right, its not right to sell it yet.

I plan on clearing things up and prob not posting here anymore. I am trying my hardest and all you guys do is attack me. IDC how high and mighty you guys think you and your forum is now but some of you need to lay off.

Even when i try to clean everythign up for the most part you guys are ******** (with the exception of a few of you). I dont normally say things like that but i wasnt expecting to be treated like this when i sated id pay everything back.

I am curious to know how you expected to be treated, or what you thought we would say?

You are the person who scammed someone, and not only once. You are the one who posted under false names and pretenses to avoid the consequence of your action. Attempting to fix what YOU did doesn't just instantly make everything better. I am glad to see you making an effort, but you can't honestly expect us to embrace you because of it, can you?

06-17-2006, 02:49 PM
**** you. Seriously, i am here apoloigzing for everythign and trying to get ahold of everyone to get things resolved and your all bashing me.

I dont expect you to embrace me or anything but god damn at least give me credit for trying.

Theres no reason to attack me right now. If i stated theres no way in hell i was going to pay then there would be an issue.

06-17-2006, 02:50 PM
BTW, you spelled and wrong.


Attacking? Do you honetly believe you are being attacked? Come on now you attempted to get away with one of the rarest and most recognizable Mags ever and you claim it isn't fair to be attacked? :wow: That isn't fair, for you to make those statements alone isn't fair...

BTW, are you shipping first when you sell the marker? It would be extremely ironic if someone did in fact scam you on that marker, maybe not funny (No one likes seeing someone getting scammed), but ironic...

06-17-2006, 02:52 PM
I wasnt stealing the ****ing xmag. Damn do any of you idiots read. My phone got trashed and i havnt been able to get on the comp. I am not trying to scam anyone.

Screw all you ********.

The poeple i need to stay in contact with have been contacted. The rest of you can go to hell for all i care (except for Steelrat, he seems like a decent person).

06-17-2006, 02:56 PM
**** you.


Thanks, my sex life has been a bit slow lately. Nice to get a good grudge ____ out of the way.

/smokes cigarette

06-17-2006, 02:58 PM
I dont want to have enemies around here or anything. Im sorry i swore at you or anyone else. Please just try and understand that im trying my hardest to get all of this worked out. I dont appreciate being attacked after stating id get everythign worked out.

06-17-2006, 03:10 PM
its quite simple, you didnt have the cash and took his gun, your a theif, instead of trying to scrape the cash together to pay him and making elaborate BS lies, when your TRYING to get rid of his gun. Why dont you just pay the $40 and send it back you ****in idiot?

06-17-2006, 03:12 PM
I did and still do have the cash you dumbass. I told you, my phone got jacked and i was to busy with work and some family things to get to a comp. I had no intention of scamming the kid for the xmag.

I didnt come up with elaborate lies. I PMd droppin before i posted anythign in this thread.

How many dam times do i have to say it. If i didnt have the money why the hell would i be contacting him strider and dsrkd. Get a clue kid.

06-17-2006, 03:17 PM
I did and still do have the cash you dumbass. I told you, my phone got jacked and i was to busy with work and some family things to get to a comp. I had no intention of scamming the kid for the xmag.

I didnt come up with elaborate lies. I PMd droppin before i posted anythign in this thread.

How many dam times do i have to say it. If i didnt have the money why the hell would i be contacting him strider and dsrkd. Get a clue kid.

to stall them from filing mail fraud lol, anyway you look at it, your ****in with people, and pissin people off, get your **** straight

06-17-2006, 03:17 PM
no your weren't, you had no intentions of contacting snider unless I didn't point out you were chaos trying to hide as adrenaline...

06-17-2006, 03:20 PM
OH. and its pretty convenient to have your phone die and then family emergencys directly after someone ships you a $900 marker. hmm :clap: :clap: <- clap clap for the handi-cap

Ship the guy his gun back, be done with it :mad:

06-17-2006, 03:20 PM
I was not trying to stop anyone from filing mail fraud. What the hell is wrong with you kid, it was hardly a week or maybe a lil more since i got the gun when the kid posted. I was not ripping him off. Maybe your life is all peachy and nothing comes up but i had more important things that needed attention. I contacted droppin and told him what was up and everythign is ok with him.

True, i wouldnt have contacted strider cus i didnt know how to get ahold of him since i didnt remember his name on here. I did however contact dsrkd.

Im sorry my phone got messed up after it was dropped in a water tank at work. My bad, ill make sure it never happens again. Its not like i ran off for a long time and never got ahold of dropin it was around a week. I apologized to him already.

You guys assume i tried scamming him because of what happend with strider and dsrkd and thats not true.

Your hostility isnt needed. Im not making anything up here, so please dont assume i am.

My grandpa had to go into the hospital because of a heart condition. Maybe you arent that close to your family but it ment a lot to me to be there.

I will ship the gun back if he wants that over the cash. I may just do that anyway since itll never sell now anyway. Im not a back stabbing or double crossing kind of guy.

As ive said before i dont want to be anyones enemy on here. Please dont attack me if you dont know the situation. Yes im at fault with strider and dsrkd but not with droppin.

06-17-2006, 03:32 PM
so it took an entire week that you couldn't find a payphone, and do you live in mexico? dont have a home phone to call him. the fact is it took you a week and simply your trying to justify it. It is best you give it back cause that gun will never sell under that city/your name.

06-17-2006, 03:35 PM
I dont have a home phone, i use my cell phone for everything. Even if i did have a phone i didnt have droppins #, he only had mine. The last thing on my mind while i was in the hospital with my grandpa was calling him over a few extra days. If it were any longer i would have. As ive said, im not scamming anyone. I will do things however those people want them done.

06-17-2006, 03:37 PM

I mean, what is it exactly that you guys are after? He has already admitted wrongdoing, and has said he will make things better.

06-17-2006, 03:40 PM
Can we PLEASE!! stop the slaughter? This is really starting to get grotesque and immature about pointless little things. Yes I agree with what has been said, stuff happens, but he's correcting it. Family matters is a big deal and you really really shouldn't dispute those.

06-17-2006, 03:42 PM
Thank you.

As i have said, what happend with dsrkd and strider was 100% my fault and i was in the wrong.

With droppin it was just bad timing and i will pay or return the gun.

06-17-2006, 03:46 PM
Hah ya steelrat and 3pacs doesn't have their 1000 gun in this guys hands lol. Grotesque and immature haha, wow ya... and the fact he was lieing ripping of strider and others doesn't offend you? interesting.. and no wants to hear this guys excuses..

06-17-2006, 03:48 PM
Hah ya steelrat and 3pacs doesn't have their 1000 gun in this guys hands lol. Grotesque and immature haha, wow ya... and the fact he was lieing ripping of strider and others doesn't offend you? interesting.. and no wants to hear this guys excuses..

Im not making up excuses though. I did not try and scam droppin.

As ive said a million times already, what i did to dsrkd and strider was wrong and i am paying them back ASAP.

06-17-2006, 03:51 PM
Can we PLEASE!! stop the slaughter? This is really starting to get grotesque and immature about pointless little things. Yes I agree with what has been said, stuff happens, but he's correcting it. Family matters is a big deal and you really really shouldn't dispute those.

I guess the matter is that this is not a pointless little thing. AO traditionally has been a tight knit community and watches out for one another that way.

How many pages are dedicated to the "devilmag" and pred. board threads, even further back the Logic thing... where people go on and on about being ignored , out money, product. etc?
Just about every person who has dealt unfairly on these boards has been put through the ringer. If it weren't for another posters digging we may still be under the assumption that chaos was just another poster, not Adrenaline.

And just like all the others AFTER things get made right then perhaps this will all fade away.

Chaos, I hope that you do make right by this. Its good to see you taking the steps to do so, just follow through and all this will become as pointless as others would like to think it is.

06-17-2006, 03:55 PM
Hah ya steelrat and 3pacs doesn't have their 1000 gun in this guys hands lol. Grotesque and immature haha, wow ya... and the fact he was lieing ripping of strider and others doesn't offend you? interesting.. and no wants to hear this guys excuses..

Yo bro fyi, I've been scammed before, it's no fun but there is a professional way to go about it.

I guess the matter is that this is not a pointless little thing. AO traditionally has been a tight knit community and watches out for one another that way.

How many pages are dedicated to the "devilmag" and pred. board threads where people go on and on about being ignored , out money, product. etc?
Just about every person who has dealt unfairly on these boards has been put through the ringer. If it weren't for another posters digging we may still be under the assumption that chaos was just another poster, not Adrenaline.

And just like all the others AFTER things get made right then perhaps this will all fade away.

Punkncat, I totally agree with what you said and I had said it earlier in my other two posts. But the pointless little things, the facts and such, when it all gets boiled off, the guy lost contact, the circumstances under which he was unable to contact, that's another story, but look at what's really happened. Just no need to wage war. :cheers:

06-17-2006, 03:56 PM
Im thinkin this thread needs to just be locked since we are not making any progress towwards this "goal" we are trying to reach. What is everyone trying to accomplish with this thread anyways?

06-17-2006, 06:02 PM
I think there is only one dick head in this thread, I think the people in this forum are getting smarter, which is why this thread is here, and there is only one person who needs to stfu as you so elegantly put it. I promise no more responses but you are your own worst enemy.

06-17-2006, 06:49 PM
ok can this thread be closed...if i dont recieve the money ill post another one....but as of now he is trying to resolve the issue by paying me which i would like. stop *****ing at him and stuff, i had the thread to get help on getting my marker back or contacting him, now that that has been done..thank you but you dont need to attack him...unless i dont get money which im sure i will.