View Full Version : problems here...

12-21-2001, 04:38 PM
i just got this mag a few days ago, and i've been having a hell of a time getting it to work. i ordered it brand new from a online store.

Now for one, the first time i gassed it up and fired it, it was way low on power, the balls were barely coming out of the barrel. Then it started to leak air down the barrel pretty rapidly.

So i took it apart and tried to see anything unusual, but it all looks fine to me. i put it back together and went to shoot it. Now when i try to shoot it, absolutly nothing happens. I took it apart again and just removed the on/off valve, but didnt see anything wrong with it, put it back in and it started firing again, but it was way low on power again.

adjusting the velocity seems to have no effect at all on it, it just plain dosnt have any kick. any ideas?

12-21-2001, 04:42 PM
how far is the reg nut out?

12-21-2001, 04:46 PM
looks like about half of the velocity bolt is out. should it be in more than that?

12-21-2001, 04:48 PM
A LOT MORE. all my mags the nut is in till you almost can't see the threads. i think on my stock mag that i run co2 on, i have 2 threads visible. the others have one or maybe a half.

12-21-2001, 04:54 PM
thanks, that definatly made a difference. still seems to be acting pretty funny though, i'll have to wait till daylight to accuratly see how its shooting.

12-23-2001, 10:24 AM
When your nitro tank runs low on air, it's not uncommon for it to vent out the barrel.