View Full Version : fps no consistent

06-16-2006, 07:03 PM
I have a Xvalve mag in a logic a rail with90 grip and and IT body, my barrel is an armson stealth soon to come in mail is my stiffi barrel. Air system is a SP Maxflo adjustable reg 88/4500.

When i try to crono my gun my fps will shoot like 287 then 290 then 250, 286, 316, 205, 243 and so on It wont shoot consistent because of this I'm chopping balls like crazy some times ill get a low 204 then a high 313 and the first ball will blow up in the air right in front of my gun as the fast ball hit it. most of the time it just breaks in the barrel. Sent my valve into Airgun before the may and they replaced the level10 bolt spring and the on/off was replaced not ule. PS its also a gass hog I could fill my tank go and drop a hopper in at the crono and be at 2000psi from 4000 just like that.

06-19-2006, 06:01 AM
Check the consistency of the paint you are using and also the paint to barrel match. That can have a big effect on fps consistency.

06-19-2006, 03:53 PM
most of the paint was pretty crappy lots of dimples but i did have a hopper of some good paint that was very round and preity close too the same size. They still did the same thing, I'm getting a new barrel in tomorrow see what happens.