View Full Version : Best Big Fish Stories....

06-17-2006, 10:45 PM
Here's mine from a few weeks ago I though was funny but true....

3..2...1... GO !!!!

Uh oh.....gun batts are apparently dead !!!

Hmm , let's try this.....

First , Make back right stand up.... Check.

Mad dash and slide into the snake , bunker opposing player on a wing and a prayer.....Check.

Interesting as it is so far, it get's better.

Player at 'thier' 20 is wrapped hard on my back guy..... dare I ? WTF......Haul booty , slide into blind side, gun placed firmly in his kidneys....Walk and another Check . :)

The only way it could get better at this point would be if thier back guy had a jam or something..... No Friggin Way !!! RRRUUUUuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnn !!!!!! SSSSssslllliiiiddeeee........... He turns , he aims.....he.... panics and walks. Man I love playing walkons !

K ,sitting tight in the opposings' back stand up , looking at what's left of their team and praying for the gods to drop me down a 9v and an allen wrench.... wellit seems like that ain't gonna happen so I suppose I could just slide into someones bunker. They gotta think I'm on their side right ? so off we go again.

Hey , there's a team mate of mine who happens to be playing on the opposing team this game let's go see how he's doing. :D

"Oh , hey Jay...It's just you , cool" Then he reasizes we were on seperate teams this game. ;)

Check and Mate. Not a single shot fired , and they say pump guys are good. :eek:

If only they all went like that.

And yes it's true and yes I have witness'.

Whatcha got ?

06-17-2006, 10:52 PM
Played today....my revvys batteries fell out right off the break...then i got hit trying to grab them. :spit_take

06-17-2006, 11:38 PM
Playing bush ball years back......I'm the last mine against five. Retreat to a boundry so they cant surround me.

2 guys advancing on the right, 2 coming from the center, 1 on the far left.

Guy on the far left is their best player, but he's way out there....what the heck, point gun at about 45 anglel and shoot about 10 balls....score!! Now I have a chance!

One of the guys up front is up on a roof, we're trading shots but cant hit each other. See the two on the right make a dash up the road to flank me, shoot a rope(for those days anyways), take out one, other retreats back.

Guy on roof is still trying to get me...he steps up a little to high, goggled.

2 on one now. Dont know were the other guy in front is, guy on the right is coming through the bushes. I crawl to my right a little, pop up, and now its one on one.

Look in my hopper, crap, only 3 balls left. Time to fix bayonets. Start moving up to get the last guy, and he calls himself out, he's outta paint! :shooting:

This happened about 6 years ago before the electro was out, we were playing with spyders, f4's and mags. None of us were real good, theres no doubt that if any of those guys were lke the people I play with know, I would have been lucky to get out 2 of them.

06-18-2006, 12:01 AM
they call me the italain ninja.

1) 4 people identified me as the italian. (weehoo!)

2) in every game, i ended up on the other side, behind people, and they didnt know i was there or how i got there. always good to get 'em from behind ;) very ninja like. :D


06-18-2006, 07:05 AM
During a rookie tournie a few years back. 3man...

Off the break One of our guys go down on the run to the corner. I make the other corner and my partner makes the "40 home" so to speak. As he slides in his barrel digs into the dirt with an unfixable blockage. As I went in I hit the bunker too hard and break my hopper at the feed.

Its looking pretty bad at this point.

Well Dan starts standing up and throwing paintballs at the opposing players. At first they are like WTF is this guy doing. He is litterally lobbing paintballs at them. Still not knowing what I am doing they just hold their ground for a minute.

After a while they start getting wise to whats up. Dan throws balls and they start shooting at him. At first they stayed under cover, but with a lack of cover fire they start getting brave and standing in the open.

I put a handful of balls in my hand and start feeding one at a time. Pop up and eliminate the first guy. The other two just start mowing on me so Dan moves up and resumes lobbing paint at them. They turn attention to him and I move up unseen. I flank one guy and shoot him once in the side. Their last player decides to try a tapeline run, not knowing I am there, runs right past me to where I was. He stops and is looking around for me right as I finally drop in a ball and shoot him in the back of the head....

06-18-2006, 09:06 AM
Several years ago, my first tournament we make finals out of the rookie bracket - three man. The finals are cross brackets, play everyone. I'm using my mini-mag :) Our first game out is against the #1 team in the top bracket.

It starts raining so hard you cannot see the fifty. I think - wow, I can take the flag and get us some points. On the break I make a wild run for it, grab the flag, and then hide in the flag station.

Only have to stay here for 4:55 seconds more. I look over and the snake player is shooting down the tape. I run to the snake, shoot him in the back and jump over it behind him. Laying in the mud now and I realize the other team doesn't know where I am.

Well, I know theres only two left. I poke my head over the snake and see a player a bunker over, I pull the trigger and watch paint go all over and finally one hits him. :D

I run up the field and bunker the back stand up out - and then hang the flag :)

It was a start of what has been a long run of me doing stupid things in tournaments that are remarkably successful. Yes, I have bunkered the left snake with my run starting from the right stand up :) More than once.

06-18-2006, 10:08 AM
Playing Toledo Indoor when it was around 5 on 5 teams.

Somehow all my team mates manage to get themselves shot out within the first 2 minutes of the game!

Sitting in my bunker, I decide I need to make my move, I step out the right side of a lay down soda can, just as the opposing player was coming around the left side to bunker me - no clue he was coming! I end up 2 shoting him in the back of the leg.

I advance a bunker and start gunfighting with the Dorito. I skip one off his hopper watching the lid fly open and paint dump on the ground.

I walk up the right center toward what would be the 50 and literally walk around on a guy that didn't know I was coming, I could still see his eyes as he was kneeling to reload paint and looked up at me - 2 shots to the goggles

2 guys left and someone starts tearing me up and I have no idea where it is coming from. I run right to the opposing lay down soda can, and as I run I can literally see a stream of paint pouring out of said soda can right in front of me. I get hit 3 times, but none of them break. I reach the bunker and just keep on moving around it, circle the bunker and tag the guy 2 or 3 times in the back as he spins to shoot at me.

Down to about 40 rounds of paint I hop back behind the bunker. There is one guy left. there is some kinda PVC and vinyl stand up bunker with a Dorito about 10' behind it. I come out the left side of the lay down soda can, and positioning the rectangular PVC type bunker between me and the Dorito. The opposing player is shooting at me, but I can see most of his shots hit the PVC bunker, a few slip through, but never hit me. Down to about 15-20 rounds I decide to just try and run him and get it over with, adrenaline is spent, I'm exhausted. I charge him as he ducks into his bunker, come around and tap a few rounds off his side and back. He is crouched down looking at the side of his shocker, apparently the batteries died, or something went down on it, and he couldn't fire anymore - what luck - ended the game with about 6 rounds in my hopper.

My motivation for moving my big butt around the field? I forgot to wear a cup that day and didn't want to get bunkered in the gnads !!! :D


06-18-2006, 11:55 AM
Several years ago, my first tournament we make finals out of the rookie bracket - three man. The finals are cross brackets, play everyone. I'm using my mini-mag :) Our first game out is against the #1 team in the top bracket.

It starts raining so hard you cannot see the fifty. I think - wow, I can take the flag and get us some points. On the break I make a wild run for it, grab the flag, and then hide in the flag station.

Only have to stay here for 4:55 seconds more. I look over and the snake player is shooting down the tape. I run to the snake, shoot him in the back and jump over it behind him. Laying in the mud now and I realize the other team doesn't know where I am.

Well, I know theres only two left. I poke my head over the snake and see a player a bunker over, I pull the trigger and watch paint go all over and finally one hits him. :D

I run up the field and bunker the back stand up out - and then hang the flag :)

It was a start of what has been a long run of me doing stupid things in tournaments that are remarkably successful. Yes, I have bunkered the left snake with my run starting from the right stand up :) More than once.
did this series of amazing successes from stupid actions lead to the hayride incident? ;)

06-18-2006, 03:08 PM
Playing woodsball several years ago at the local field, attack & defend at the large castle structure. Teams are probably about 30 vs 30 and I'm inside with the rest of the defenders.

Unfortunately, I forgot to check my tank before we started and I rapidly realize my shots are dropping quickly as my PSI bottoms out. Doh! So I just start calling out locations to my fellow defenders until I realize we are taking more losses than we are dishing out. About 10 minutes into the game we are down to about 5 defenders left with attackers at the front gate and right side raining paint down a hill onto us. I figure what the hell; what do I have to lose?

I scoot out the small gate on the back side, run the left side boundry and lo and behold come up behind two walk-ons peppering the front side. Since I'm only shooting about 30 feet, I come up quick, nail one in the back of the head and freak the other enough that he calls out. Continuing up that back tape, I cross the road leading to the fort and see another completely unaware of me. One quick shot from about 25 feet sends him packing.

Then I trudge up the steep slope on the right side of the castle and see two more sharing a bunker at the top of the hill keeping the defenders down. Sneak up, poke the nearest guy in the ribs and let him know he's out. I ask him to tap the guy next to him on the shoulder and inform him of the same thing. His buddy is so busy spraying the castle, I have to poke him in the ribs too to get him to stop and surrender. The look in his eyes was priceless :wow:

Finally, just as I occupy their now empty bunker, I realize there are 5 more attacker about seven feet away in the adjacent bunker kinda looking funny at me...I swing my (airless) marker toward them and yell with as much bravado as possible "You're OUT, put your plugs in and get moving!" Two of them ask "What?!", so I advance threateningly and repeat myself "YOU ARE ALL OUT!". Pleasantly, they grumble, but comply, put their plugs in and voila...the game is over!

It was a personal record for me: About 10 shots, no air and 10 eliminations. I've had other good tape runs where I've taken out the entire other team, but never without air. God bless the walk-on rec player!

06-18-2006, 03:28 PM
did this series of amazing successes from stupid actions lead to the hayride incident? ;)

:) Yep. I have moments of amazing stupidity and bad luck from time to time too.

06-18-2006, 04:20 PM
Last weekend...

nearing the end of a short scenario (20 minute) capture the flag game.

Managed to push around the side of the opposite teams flag.

Eliminated two of their flag gaurds.

Pushed hard on the third, I was out in the middle of nowhere, and he was behid cover, I began to run up on him, and he pops out dry firing air at me(No paint left...talk about lucky). Managed to put him down as well.

gently set my viking down, sprint, grab the flag and begin to haul *** back to our flag station.

As I approach my flag station in a full sprint I see one of their guys(opposing team) hiding in the bushes along a trail just down the hill waiting to ambush our flag gaurds. I continue my sprint to his backside with the flag. As I run up on him (about three feet) I lower the flag and jab him in the butt, just under his pack. He calls himself out (thinking it was my barrel) and I continue my sprint up the hill to out flag stationg.

As I crest the hill, my teammates open up fire on me, thinking I was the guy in the bushes (apparantly the fullsize german flag I was carrying and waving didn't get the point across). I get shot three times by my own team, trip on a large stick, and fall flat on my face busting my lip open.

The team member who shot me walks up, looks at me, tells me he's sorry, picks up the flag and walks the 10 feet to our flag station to win the game.

06-18-2006, 04:55 PM
a few months ago i played an amazing woodsball game with my phantom.
i ran and ran and ran and made it to a fort about 300 feet to the left of the opposing teams home base off the break. nobody was with me, and nobody from the opposing team figured that that "empty" base next to them wasn't in fact empty. having no hopper is a good thing when your trying to be sneaky. i was able to move around inside this base and get multiple angles on some people i saw coming. there was a group of people from the opposing team coming out of the dense bushes about 50 feet infront of me and my base. they were headed toward my base, i'd say there was 10 of them + or - 2.
i figured i had nothing to lose, and took a pop shot at random into their tightly packed squad. hit one guy in the head. he was kinda shocked because he didn't hear a shot, and nobody in his group confessed to hitting him. he walked off the field. at that point they were more careful to keep their eyes open. i positioned myself in such a way that i was able to see all of them, and yet they would only be able to see an inch of my red barrel and my two eyes. i had a very small profile. took another shot and hit a guy on the arm. he sweared and left the field. at that point the others crouched and were trying very hard to spot me, yet couldn't figure out exactly what direction i had come from. they couldn't hear my shots. again, i took another shot, and missed. i hit a twig and sprayed one of them. quickly, i took another shot, and hit him somewhere, waited a few seconds for him to check himself, and he called himself out. they were all kinda freaked out at that point and didn't know what to do. a few remained crouched and the others layed down. i continued to move around in my base and shoot them all out. i have no idea why they didn't just get up and run for it, but hey, for all they knew i could have a ramping electro and mow them down when they stand up.
after that game i walked past a few of the people i eliminated and thanked them for the easy shots. they were kinda shocked to see that i was useing a bright red pump gun and a red dye jersey. they spread the word about my supposed ninja skills, and it felt pretty good to have everybody respect me.
i will always remember that game.

06-18-2006, 05:20 PM
Woodsball stories get great.

I'm playing an end of season game in the woods with my phantom. I decide to walk down the path on the edge of the boundaries. My gun down I pause to help an opponent fix his marker (keep in mind with my armband on).

Having walked around everyone I then look back up field and see the field owner who is on the other team. I simply walk through the line and duck into his bunker with him. I just look over and ask him if the deadman's walk is legal. He asks why and then looks at my armband :D

I got up and walked off. Why bother getting anyone upset? I succeeded at doing it, everyone knew I had done it, and I left no hard feelings. I was not shot up everytime I tried to walk off the rest of the day and even to this day we can laugh about it.

Then again, the time I walked up to my opponents changing the flag at the fort. I look at the ref, who tells me "you know there all blue right" I nod, standing in the open I open fire with my minimag. Yeh I took a lot of hits, so did the ref, but we counted like 14 people who I took in the process.

captian pinky
06-18-2006, 06:35 PM
we were playing rec i had my iffy sniper 2 that always has something wrong yes guys i finally admitted it we were playing a shirt capture the flag game well i like pump alot me and a few friends take left tape off the rip im infront im backed by 2 dms and a phantom

it was us on 15 or so (not exagerating) well i start picking people off one by one after hiting 5 people my fridends bunker run the rest take the rest out then sweep around the back of the field one balling everyone else then we decide to kick over i come over the ridge one shot stright to this guys head then decide that that was easy and that i by my self would bunker the last 5 players by myself with my iffy pump

i start hauling i took off my pack and literally flew while i was running by my ball rolled out as i went to shoot the first guy and slide while pumping into a tree stomp

first shot goog second shot goog i cant pump fast enough with 3 left i yell out SURENDER i surendered 3 people with my broke behind pump

then later that day we played in and hour senario with recarnation i led 7 run throughs getting shot 3 plus times per run through with my iffy sniper 2 need i mention i ran the whole way all 300 yards from recarnation to there recantion each time with 14 eleminations for myself alone in the runthroughs

i love broken guns and crazy moves

06-18-2006, 08:09 PM
Here's mine from a few weeks ago I though was funny but true....

3..2...1... GO !!!!

Uh oh.....gun batts are apparently dead !!!

Hmm , let's try this.....

First , Make back right stand up.... Check.

Mad dash and slide into the snake , bunker opposing player on a wing and a prayer.....Check.

Interesting as it is so far, it get's better.

Player at 'thier' 20 is wrapped hard on my back guy..... dare I ? WTF......Haul booty , slide into blind side, gun placed firmly in his kidneys....Walk and another Check . :)

The only way it could get better at this point would be if thier back guy had a jam or something..... No Friggin Way !!! RRRUUUUuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnn !!!!!! SSSSssslllliiiiddeeee........... He turns , he aims.....he.... panics and walks. Man I love playing walkons !

K ,sitting tight in the opposings' back stand up , looking at what's left of their team and praying for the gods to drop me down a 9v and an allen wrench.... wellit seems like that ain't gonna happen so I suppose I could just slide into someones bunker. They gotta think I'm on their side right ? so off we go again.

Hey , there's a team mate of mine who happens to be playing on the opposing team this game let's go see how he's doing. :D

"Oh , hey Jay...It's just you , cool" Then he reasizes we were on seperate teams this game. ;)

Check and Mate. Not a single shot fired , and they say pump guys are good. :eek:

If only they all went like that.

And yes it's true and yes I have witness'.

Whatcha got ?

Wait, I don't get it, what exactly did you do?

06-18-2006, 08:47 PM
Wait, I don't get it, what exactly did you do?
basically he got all the players out on the opposing team, without shooting one shot

06-18-2006, 08:48 PM
This was written by a friend of mine, but I liked it! :spit_take

Can I hang out with you...

So there we were, the day was getting late, I'm shot out and sitting on the sidelines trying to catch my breath and watching my poor friend Larry being converged on. He's the last man standing on our team of 8. It's 3 on 1. He's on our 20 hunkered behind a cylinder shaped inflatable on it's side. He pops over the top and snap shoots one. There's a murmur in the crowd that's formed to watch this poor soul. The last two are converging, one man on each side. It gets silent, He knows it's time for concern. He peeks out the right side and sees one coming. He rolls around the right side, His E-Mag roars to life and he drops back into position. The enemy's hand raises and he steps over the rope into the safety of the neutral zone. Again the crowd stirs. Larry then figures the last man is coming on his left. He rolls to the right side of his prop. The enemy advances and glances at the spot he's sure Larry was. Then obviously figuring Larry must have backed up to the next prop begins to hammer it while walking towards him. He passes Larry's position and once again the E-Mag rips to life. The crowd goes nuts this time. The enemy's hand goes up and he comes out and voices his disapproval of his own performance. Larry runs downfield to be sure his team has indeed been victorious.....it was sweet, sorry you missed it.

Larry came and sat next to me to catch his breathe on the grassy hill. I said "Man, your a badass! Can I hang out with you?"

A bit later in the day we were just about the last two playing. Larry asks, "is it just us?" I said, I think so, but after what I just saw I aint playin one on one with you!

06-21-2006, 07:06 PM
Lets see...

I was playing indoor reball with my palmer PGP (on purpose). We do a 4 on 4 game. I run to the left snake off the break and get in clean (yes!!). I look out and see two bad guys and two good guys walknig off. 2 on 2 now.

I see that the last two are in the back stand ups. Back right is wailing on my team mate center 20ish. Back left (right in front of me) is doing the same. I RUN like hell and manage to bunker back left just as he calls my move. I quick reload (two balls in the gun now) and shoot at back right, and miss, reload shoot, and THACK, head shot.

Everyone watching was like "did the pump guy get both of them? NO WAY!!!"

Keep in mind they were shooting ego's or DM's or timmies or some paint waster.....

I cried a little.

06-21-2006, 07:28 PM
Woodsball stories get great.

"you know there all blue right" .

At Regulators a few years back.....

I had gone on a deep "recon" into enemy territory with about 10 of my own teammates. We got into a heavy firefight, and I ended up in a bush (more of a hedge really) off the side of a main road. A larger group of the other team comes walking down the road and I end up sniping off about 5-6 of them before they figured out where I was shooting from.

I ran out of the bush back towards where my team had been and presumably still were. I run into a group of about a dozen people and stop, telling them that there was some heavy activity back on the road...just about the time we all notice that they are all wearing different color bands. I scream at the top of my lungs and fire across them in a line, while trying to run away as fast as I could. I actually suprized them so much that I ALMOST got away.....lol.

06-21-2006, 07:40 PM
This is a story of friend on mine, so it may be alittle shakey.

The game sarted out as 5 v.5 airball. My friend runs to the right 30 dorito. As he gets there, he sees 2 walk off. Throughout the course of the game, he notices 2 others walk off. At that moment he sees the last player in the snake, so he decides to bunker him. As he rounds the first knuckle of the snake(Now this is a smaller than normal snake with a dorito for a knuckle and a long laydown brick thing for the snake part.), he starts shooting. However, the other player decides to stand up and run backwards. He then runs around the snake with my friend running after him trying to shoot him. Finally, after my friend literally chased the other kid around the snake twice, he shot the opposing player.

It was by far the funniest and oddest bunker move I have ever seen. He was promptly congratulated by many players for his performance in the snake.

Fake Edit- I guess this will qualify-

I was playing at a charity speedball event for a player who passed away. Back then I was shooting a single trigger RT Mag. Now everyone else had Timmies and DM's and such. In fact, Advantage PB was even there.
The game starts with me running to the left 20 brick. I quickly moved up to the snake. As I am doing so, 2 of my 5 players get shot. It's now 3 on 5, great. I move up to about the 40 of the snake. I see someone on the other end of the snake as he slides in. I manage to snap him out as soon as he comes out. Then my focus turns to the player in the back left can. I start to gun fight with him and I keep him down for a while. While he is down, one of their players moves up to the X and the other goes for a run through on the right dorito side. I manage to snag the guy on the run through after he gets one of mine out. Then, I focus on the man in the X- I see his foot in between the bottom of the X and snag him. Bam, now it is back to 1 on 1. Awesome, now to gun fight my way out of the snake and get the back left can out. However, as soon as I go to snap shoot, I get gogged. It was by far the coolest game ever.

06-21-2006, 08:54 PM
Pretty short, but I found it amusing :

Usual agg Kiddies vs me and two walk ons who were alright.

*game starts in 5*
*agg kiddy smack talk*

They all make a break for the left side of the field for some reason..They all get eliminated in about .5 seconds.

What makes it funny? Outside of the smack is the fact they were all clearly angled where they were going to be running to..so we just put the paint there. No talking between the 3 of us and we all knew it was so obvious. Next game they do the same thing...we get 2 off the break and the last one we just keep firing shots at his bunker and keeps his head down. After about 5 seconds he just walks off the field.

Not a real big story, but amusing none the less. My big fish stories tend to be me winning things as it's a fairly rare occourance ^^

06-21-2006, 10:00 PM
This happend a few years back, before I started trading guns every week and only had my trusty 68 classic with a remote, co2, and not even a foregrip.

We was in the woods at my local field, which I know pretty well, lots of thick brush, trees with low branshes, 3 foot tall grass, the works. The teams are even numbers wise, but experience wise the opposing team has an advantage. My teamates decided the best option would be to hide at our base and stay hidden so we could ambush the other team when they walked by... (Why doesnt this every work?) The opposing team gets around 100 feet away and our guys open up and start shooting. At this field the 2 main bases are the worst place to be bunkered down at, there is no where to run and the grass is actually pretty low in that area. We start loosing players fairly fast so I came up with this "brite" idea as a last ditch effort. I decided to remove the remote hose from my marker, drop my pack and pods and screwd my co2 tank right into my asa (no foregrip, no expansion chamber, just a hose running strait into the valve). I thought it would be a great idea if I tried to run past a small opening they had on the left flank, hoping I wouldnt get shot so I could come back from behind them and maybe kill a few. I take off runing as my team starts laying down suppresion fire, the entire other team focuses on me, I make it past them and run a little further to where I am safe, I then check my self and have a ref check me and not a single ball busted that hit me. I start sneaking back towards the other team and notice 5 guys walking back towards me so I duck into the bushes. As they get closer I notice they have their barrel plugs in and everyone else is coming back also, I ask what happend and they told me that a guy had run past their team like he was crazy so everyone started shooting at him. At the same time, the other team shot all of them.

It wasnt the craziest thing I ever done on the field, but its the craziest thing that was actually succesful. :dance:

Ken Majors
06-22-2006, 11:00 AM
About 2 years ago a bunch of guys and I were playing some woodsball at Great Lakes Paintball in Bellevue, Ohio.

We played all day and some of the guys that came out were playing for the first time, so they were using rentals. Pro carbines or Pro Lites....anyway....there was a team of 5 kids on the speedball/hyperball field practicing.

We were packing to leave and these kids asked if we wanted to play some speedball to get rid of any excess paint. Only three guys had any paint left so they all went out.
The rest of us went to watch...As soon as they said 3,2,1 go go go....My friend from work, who had never played paintball before that day, shot all three opposing players with 3 shots from a rental Pro carbine. I have never seen anything like it.

The next game didn't quite go as smoothly....but that first game was priceless.

06-22-2006, 03:41 PM
A couple years ago I was playing some rec ball, the game was basically a bunch of walk ons on a speadball field about an acre in size or so.
It was a 10 minute game (or whatever), about 6 minutes into it each side is at a stalemate, people shooting but nobody moving.
With about a minute left I figured I can make a bold move and be out in a few seconds or the game will time out in about a minute.
So I get out of my bunker, run to the tape and take off down the length of the field (lamely trying to shoot at people the whole time).
Everyone just kind of looks at me but does not react, so I get to the other end of the field and suddenly I am looking at the back of about 15 players from the other team.
I started picking them off as fast as I could since the game was about to end
The most amazing part is that every person I shot got up as though they had no idea where they had been shot from.

06-22-2006, 09:19 PM
Not me. 2 loud brothers filling in at a team practice. Practice ends, they decide to do 1 on 1s. Both are trash talkers. 3 2 1 go, player 1 lanes left side, blows through 3/4 hopper. Player 2 runs straight up to the X. Player 2 gogs player 1 with 1 ball. ooOOOooo. Same thing happens again. oooOOOOooooOOOOooo. I guess you had to be there.

06-23-2006, 01:09 AM
last time i played, my gun starts acting up on me (o crap what do i do?!) than i notice theres only one guy left on the opposing team. my other two guys are back players and keep the fella down fairly well. so what to do?

i set down my gun, grab a pod open it and run up on the guy. i whipped a whole pod of paint on him, and he called himself out

06-23-2006, 01:55 AM
One time, my roommate and I were playing some renegade ball with some other people (I had an original fat striker Spyder, and my roommate had a Stingray I). My roommate was on the other team for the last game. The game starts off kind of slow (big property), but I eventually find someone to shoot at. I let off a burst, and he ended up moving back. I raised my marker higher to compensate, and I ended up missing him (overshot his position). Unbeknownst to me, my roommate was moving about 10-20 yards behind him, and when I overshot, I ended up getting him instead.

06-23-2006, 10:21 AM
Was playing at the local field with my college paintball club. Several of the guys were late and ended up on the other team. They were the tourney players in the club and a pretty good.
So the entire day the other team was just wiping the floor with us (partial thanks to some of our guys and mostly due to the amount or newbies we had.) So last game was to find the flag and bring it into your goal (which differed from where you started). So we send one of my guys with a dozen or so newbies to secure the goal. And the rest of us were looking for the flag.
We engaged the other team at the stream. They have the high ground and better cover but we had an overwhelm force of ppl. As part of my team starts to break the line, we find out the flag is in the stream and we were closer to it. The rest of my club starts to rally the newbies and we approach with the numbers game. We back them off a little but there was absolutely no cover near the flag. Figuring if we held there any longer they would just flank us. I took six ppl and just rushed towards the flag. I grabbed the flag and ran back through my line yelling cover fire.
Since I had to run back and around to the goal I knew I couldn't be slowed down by my gear. I tossed my mag to a teammate and hollering the entire way cover fire. I got within 50 ft of the goal and the area was really rocky. I hopped from rock to rock until 10ft from the goal when my momentum carried me too far and I missed a step and as I was falling I tossed the flag to my teammate who had secured the goal and he ran it in for the victory. So after that game the guys from the other team came out and said,"Hey we saw you running scared. Whats a matter don't have the guts to face us." I laughed before telling them what actually happened.

06-23-2006, 10:57 AM
last time i played, my gun starts acting up on me (o crap what do i do?!) than i notice theres only one guy left on the opposing team. my other two guys are back players and keep the fella down fairly well. so what to do?

i set down my gun, grab a pod open it and run up on the guy. i whipped a whole pod of paint on him, and he called himself out
i tried doing that at my field, although my ref strictly enforces NPPL rules :( he called me out as soon as i took 5 steps from the bunker where i left my gun.