View Full Version : problem. and no clue what 2 do

06-18-2006, 01:26 PM
ok, i have a small problem, and i am not a mag tech, so first i will give ya my info
custom slug body
classic valve with lvl 10 kit
Qlab hurricane valve reg
benchmark dbl frame

this is my problem...
I can shoot the marker fine if i fully pull the trigger back every time and release it fully

if i for lack of a better term" short stroke" the trigger, the marker leaks out the barrel and the bolt does not reset, i pull the trigger a few times and it will reset, but it continues to happen if i am not paying attention to my pulls of the trigger.

i know it is probably a silly fix, but i am at a loss since i did not do the work myself to my marker and i should have!

06-18-2006, 06:29 PM
Tune your Level 10 with the loosest carrier that will not leak. Next take all the shims out. Hold a squigee @ 1/4" away from the bolt and fire it. The bolt should stay forward. Next add i shim at a time and place the squigee 1/4" away from the bolt and fire it again. Keep adding shims until the bolt reset itself after hitting the squigee. The classic (11-13bps) valve is very slow compared to an X/E/RT valve (26 bps) and is very eaisy to short stroke. If your looking for spped trade your classic valve and stock bolt into Rouge at the mag smith for a credit: http://automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=197384

06-19-2006, 05:52 AM
Definately increase your carrier size. It appears you are having bolt stick issues.

06-19-2006, 02:17 PM
I am kind of partial to the classic valve, it is a very old marker i have owned many yrs, and worked a plus till i have the level 10 kit installed(i just wanted to improve the ball break issues) i should have left well enough alone..

i am gonna try what was suggested, but i will most likely have to get some parts or take it to t agd tech since i have no other parts from the kit since it was not installed by me and got nothing"extra" returned with the marker

does anyone know a good mag tech in central nj?