View Full Version : Need Newbie gun advise

06-19-2006, 07:04 AM
I can pretty much know a little something about most any high end gun out on the market, but I havent been a newbie since oh about 1991-1992 so I need a little educated input on the subjet.

Here's whats up. My brother and my sisters boyfriend came out to ball this weekend with me and my two other brothers. Both were instantly hooked. The brother im talking about played sparatically once in a while, even going back to my very first game in 91, but he is still in the newb class cus he is pretty much clueless.

Both of them want to buy equipment of their own. I want to point them in the right direction with the markers. Both of them used mech mags this weekend, and at times were overmatched against experienced players. So I am leaning much more towards electros.

So what would you guys recomend that is electro, somewhat idiot proof, and not too expensive? Im thinking IONS because by far you get the most bang for your buck, but my exerience with them makes me think I better have some spares in the parts box for them.

What do ya think?

06-19-2006, 07:29 AM
Cheap E-spyder.

Personally I believe every noob should start with a spyder or tippy. Its simple, easy to use, and easy to take apart and clean.

06-19-2006, 07:50 AM
Go with ions. Compared anything else in the same price range they are way better. With only a few minor ups (if they choose to buy any) they are good to go.

11 Bravo
06-19-2006, 08:10 AM
Wrath or Ion. :bounce:

06-19-2006, 08:27 AM
been seeing Wraths go for 100-150 on ebay a lot lately.

Ion is best bet for "performance" setup. Or even an A-5 with E-trigger if you want something more rugged. works off CO2 just fine, pumps out the paint, and you can dig yourself a foxhole with it if you need too.


06-19-2006, 03:48 PM
can the ion run on co2? are they going to get hpa anyways?

I would take a look at the new spyders that have eyes. I think those are nice enough guns.

06-19-2006, 03:55 PM
if you could find one, an older style angel (2001 or so) go for really cheap. i just picked one up for $150

you may have them look into the old bushmaster or a gen 1 defiant

but if theyre lookin for something new, i hate to say it, but the ion is a good choice (if they ever upgrade to a body kit, please send me the plastic one....i've always wanted to put one in the microwave for 10 minutes :p )

06-19-2006, 04:05 PM
I have heard claims the ION will run on CO2....but I would like to see it not turn into a block of ice at 15bps ramping mode without some serious modifications.

Best bet A-5 with RT or E-trigger. RT triger is usually a bit stiff, but if they are allowed burst and full auto it is nice and cheaper than an e-trigger.


06-19-2006, 04:09 PM
It has a lot to do with how often you expect they will actually play. If very little I would say go for the Spyder/Tippy. Most local fields should cater to less experianced players and run mech only or new player only games.

As far as bang for $$ there is no beating an Ion....right? Their quality control has gotten better, but expect that you will have a few minor problems. Problem is that with an Ion they will also need a motorized hopper, HPA, etc.. That runs the low price up a bit and should be factored in.

There are quite a few companies making "Black Dragun" knockoffs that are pretty dependable like clones generally are, and will run on HPA or CO2. The one I got(won) for my son doesn't care if it has a gravity fed loader. I am quite pleased with its performance and they go really cheap.

Used Imps or Bushies are a pretty good bet as well. Great prices available on what has proven to be a good marker over time.

As I said earlier I would factor in how long you really expect them to play.....even w/o that factor, get them something super cheap to begin with and IF they stick with it more than a few games THEN consider something a little better.

06-19-2006, 04:30 PM
I am going to throw some ideas their way. Like someone said, it all depends on how much they are going to play.

Since I have the toolbox, I'll be the sucker that has to do the upkeep. It really doesnt matter to me. I just dont want anyone to be out gunned.

06-19-2006, 04:31 PM
I am going to throw some ideas their way. Like someone said, it all depends on how much they are going to play.

Since I have the toolbox, I'll be the sucker that has to do the upkeep. It really doesnt matter to me. I just dont want anyone to be out gunned.

someone will always be outgunned.

06-19-2006, 04:59 PM
E-Spyder or Pirhana EVO. They don't need anything above that.

06-19-2006, 05:07 PM
ion if they want to spend the money or if they want to save some money they can go with the Pirhana EVO like warbeak2099 said. I have 3 cousins that were in the same situation as your brother and your sisters boyfriend. 2 of my cousisn got the EVO and the oldest with more money got the ion.

Cow hunter
06-19-2006, 05:16 PM
E-Spyder or Pirhana EVO. They don't need anything above that.
seconded, both are easy to maintain and shoot fast enough. the new spyder electra with eyes would be a best bet

06-19-2006, 05:50 PM
seconded, both are easy to maintain and shoot fast enough. the new spyder electra with eyes would be a best bet

Do the ones with eyes all have those rocking triggers?

06-19-2006, 06:11 PM
Do the ones with eyes all have those rocking triggers?

Yep, the PMI EVO is a good bet. They run about $100 have eyes +13bps & run on anything for air source.

06-19-2006, 06:23 PM
I am going to go with the ion as well, they are great right out of the box and you can get them brand new for like 200 bucks. They may need a few parts every now and then but nothing hard to fix, they are pretty simple design really. I have seen used halos go for like 60 add a tank and for like 350 you are rocking.

06-19-2006, 06:25 PM
ion or bushmaster. maybe even timmy's (i got my lasoya for 350 with some upgrades)

06-19-2006, 06:45 PM
Noobs huh. I say go with Eblade Cockers. Simple. Reliable. Easy to maintain. Idiot proof.


06-19-2006, 06:50 PM
I can pretty much know a little something about most any high end gun out on the market, but I havent been a newbie since oh about 1991-1992 so I need a little educated input on the subjet.

Here's whats up. My brother and my sisters boyfriend came out to ball this weekend with me and my two other brothers. Both were instantly hooked. The brother im talking about played sparatically once in a while, even going back to my very first game in 91, but he is still in the newb class cus he is pretty much clueless.

Both of them want to buy equipment of their own. I want to point them in the right direction with the markers. Both of them used mech mags this weekend, and at times were overmatched against experienced players. So I am leaning much more towards electros.

So what would you guys recomend that is electro, somewhat idiot proof, and not too expensive? Im thinking IONS because by far you get the most bang for your buck, but my exerience with them makes me think I better have some spares in the parts box for them.

What do ya think?

Sell them your mags. Since your basicly a dead man walking getting married and all. :eek: :D

06-19-2006, 08:07 PM
Sell them your mags. Since your basicly a dead man walking getting married and all. :eek: :D

QFT :tard:

She pretty good about it though.... she knows that its either let me run around shooting people with painballs, or one day it will be the real thing :D

06-19-2006, 08:27 PM
I used to answer this that the Evo was a great alternative to the Ion. I shot an EVO again last weekend for a game. I think I own pistols that have less recoil to them. Ion / Promaster (I am more impressed with the Promaster than the Ion) / Defiant 2 if you want to get into the bottom $$ high ends.

06-19-2006, 08:49 PM
if you could find one, an older style angel (2001 or so) go for really cheap. i just picked one up for $150

I'll second that motion. My older LCD Angels never required much maintenance (unlike my current Ion) and have the ease of an electro, while being pretty cheap nowadays. Only drawback is lack of eyes, but new players are rarely pulling more than 5-6 bps and a revy can handle that.

06-19-2006, 09:22 PM
Hands down an emag! Gees BigEvil, really! Aren't you silly. :rolleyes: You are a mag freak, but when it comes time to get the family involved it's anything but?

So what would you guys recomend that is electro, somewhat idiot proof, and not too expensive?

Mags are/were idiot proof. Seems today they build a better idiot. :rolleyes: You must have the hook up to build a couple of emags up cheap enough. Raid the parts bin if you have to.

06-21-2006, 08:10 PM
i have to recommend an a5 with e-grip.i used mine for two years with zero problems.they are built tuff.im more into the scenario aspect of paintball,so am more drawn to the a5.the only part i replaced in two years was the ratchet after installing the rampage board and doing 20bps in full auto.i doubt my new e-tac will match that even with my eventual purchase of the x-mod.

06-21-2006, 08:29 PM
What about the WGP trilogy, or any of the 'cocker low ends? Can anyone speak to those? I was really amazed that new cockers were under $00, never mund $150 now.

How are they for reliability/.ease of use/accuracy/breakage/loudness/air efficiency and accuracy?



06-21-2006, 08:41 PM
I really like the idea of a blowback with eyes. Or if you want something cheaper, get a used cocker. I'd only suggest the cocker if you think they can grasp how it works.

06-21-2006, 08:47 PM
Really depends on price range, but I'll assume that we're talking no Hpa.

Ions are decent, everyone and their mom has one...so they can be found really, really cheap.

Wraths can be found even cheaper and I like them a bit more than Ions...but thats just personal preference.

If they are stepping up to HPA I'd really suggest an Angel speed - They are cheap, relatively quick and they are pretty. I picked one up with a 45/45 and an egg2 for 300$ Usd.

For the price of what I can get a 98c locally I can pick up a Wrath with an aftermarket trigger/delrin bolt for the same price...So they are pretty damn cost effective.

You can get Bko's for a song and dirty look..but I don't particularly like them

If you like to tinker (and I believe you do) there is a plethora of things you can do to e-spyders to make them fun little markers (lowering psi to about 50 or so, nice bps, throw on eyes...etc) that can grow with them as they continue.

06-21-2006, 08:52 PM
Are they against used guns? You can pick up fully upped dm4's for fairly cheap, of course then you have to get nitro...matrices are easy to maintain,fast, effecient..the dm4 may not be the lightest ever but they are great guns and they can always put Ul trigger frames on them down the road to lighten then up...just a thought.

06-21-2006, 10:12 PM
1. Ion, they are really easy to mantain for a "high end" gun, I would use co2 on them unless you buy a better reg like a. Palmer male stabalizer or b. (a little cheaper) a bob long torpedo. Either of those should do fine with co2

2. E- Blowback, simple to mantain and slightly more reliable then an ion I think. But expect them to be out gunned against ions and other guns

3. Cocker, I love mine but they are all very fussy. I would suggest this after they get some experience cleaning other guns. The first time they try and clean a cocker they are going to finally figure out how it works...

just my 2 cents,
This is the point in my post where I tell them to buy a pump...

06-22-2006, 12:24 AM
well, you cant go wrong with a good e-spyder. never break at all. idiot proof unless you tamper with it...

otherwise an ion. but i also liked the way that BKO's shot, my favorite was a 2000 B2K. you can run them forever on CO2.

06-22-2006, 08:50 AM

I would suggest the Type-R, RX, or R3 These are the same as dragun/odessey markers. They really are some nice markers, and would be great for a beginer imo considering the price. I would rather have one of these then an ion. ;)

This guy on pbn has some very good prices on them, you can find them on ebay as well.