View Full Version : Raw ULE bodies and X-Valves?

06-19-2006, 06:39 PM
Does anyone know where I can get raw ULE bodies, Xvalves, and or Cocker barels?


06-19-2006, 06:49 PM
Raw ULE bodies are not hard to find. :D

You can purchase an XValve custom anod from Tunaman, they cannot be purchased raw.

Cocker barrels, easiest way with those is to call a barrel mfr. and ask them. Or, strip one you already own.

Whell then, could someone direct me to one of these raw bodies?

Cow hunter
06-19-2006, 07:38 PM
does having a raw body affect any of the size specifications?

06-19-2006, 08:58 PM
---> [email protected] .

saw that coming

any of the dealers should have some instock

06-20-2006, 03:33 PM
agd still sells raw ules you just have to ask
