View Full Version : MQ automag Valve - Sick of waiting - Got my Summer project all lined up.

06-21-2006, 12:32 AM
Well I've been waiting for the MQ Mag valve for some time now. Quite some time. :cuss:
Long enough to finish picking up my degree in Mech/aero Engineering. So what good are skills if you can't use them for fun? ("Girls only want guys with skills" - N.D.)

I have decided to build my own Electropneumatic marker from the ground up based on the Mag platform. I have the marker layout almost completly designed in Pro-E.
I love mags - but they have their shortcomings. This marker will eliminate the sear operation, Have lower input pressures, Have NO EXTERNAL HOSING, Vert grips, Possibly eyes, Level 10, and no more rail. My biggest fear at this point is the fact that it may resembe an ION if poor milling patterns are chosen. As i do not own an MQ valve yet, I have based my design on assumptions from what i have heard about the MQ valve from others and how the MQ operates in an autococker.

Here are my assumptions Please correct me if I'm wrong:

1)the MQ valve can deliver high pressure air kind of like a cocker poppet valve, except its directly electronically controlled. It can deliver enough air fast enough to accellerate the mag Bolt forward and fire the paintball while shutting off and letting the mag spring return the bolt in the sub 40ms range (25 CPS).

2)the Level 10 should still wok as intended.

3)the input pressure should be somewhat inversly proportional to the dwell times for the valve. Higher pressure=lower dwell.

4)The valve ONLY requires he use of a controller board and a 9V. Because we have a spring return bolt, the valve will extend the bolt like a normal Mag valve and the spring will return it.

5) because we are using the valve to overcome the bolt spring and not fire a burst of propelling air, the dwell time will be significantly longer in the mag than the cocker. This increased dwell time may require the use of a small volumizer sitting directly behind the the valve. I assume the valve can take the extended dwell times.

My first marker will be a pre-prototype. probably look just like a mag with a replaced valve. The second marker will be the newly redesigned platform.

At this point all's that I need to finalize the design and post up my marker is all sorts of specs/dimensions/stuff about the MQ valve. Later on...A sweet machinist.

Coments, questions, Corrections?

06-21-2006, 12:41 AM
im first in line to beta test

06-21-2006, 01:03 AM
I'm second after Rudz :) If I knew more about the MQ and air physics I would help, but that is not in my list of skills.

06-21-2006, 01:09 AM
Good stuff Pneumagger, I have a mq'd cocker and I love it!

You probably already know this but for those who want a more technical in depth review on the mq go here


Good luck with your designs. :shooting:

06-21-2006, 11:38 AM
Thanks for the link twisted, It was super helpful.

So after analysis of an MQ Assembly, I've determined the poppet valve, even when modified, cannot work at high enough flow rates in a tubular valve. So I've designed my ouw "poppet valve" assembly with an integrated Dump chamber. I might qualify it as more of a spool poppet type valve. Almost like a giant on/off with super flow. It's rather simple, two orings and one reciprocating mass.

AO... time for some help! Now I have to choose Orings for this poppet valve. what kind of orings are used in Shockers and IONs? I'm leaning towards these because of the similar movement found in my valve.

Also, since I have a concept for my own poppet, I would really like to only purchase the MQ Valve solnoid. Does anyone here know where I can buy this? I'm pretty sure PBX just buys solnoids from a manufactureer elsewhere. Also, It would be nice the solnoid max and min output force.

Also does anyone know the volume and pressure of a Level 7 mag in the dump chamber? I'm not talking about the initial charge pressure or volume, but right after the bolt is extended jsut before it releases the air. This would be super helpful.

This as actually looking to be easier than I thought!

06-21-2006, 12:19 PM
This as actually looking to be easier than I thought!

I'm glad you think you had me lost a long, long time ago :confused:

What do you guys eat for breakfast? :p

06-21-2006, 12:48 PM
I found the Makers of the solenoids. Magnetic Sensor Systems.

Looks like they make the Emag solenoid. :confused: IDK

Well the MQ valve Soleniod seems to be a varient of the S-10-50. I think the special varient has the ID S-10-50-30PBX

I'll buy some of those and some S-15-75-H tonight

06-21-2006, 01:04 PM
Well the MQ valve Soleniod seems to be a varient of the S-10-50. I think the special varient has the ID S-10-50-30PBX

I'll buy some of those and some S-15-75-H tonight

In English, please? lol!

Seriously though, I can't wait to see what you do with this, sry I can't be of any help... :rolleyes:

06-21-2006, 01:43 PM
those are just thr product numbers or the soleniods hes buying, i had a talk with him about this last night, i have a good feeling this could work and be great.

06-21-2006, 01:49 PM
I will be ordering noids that are more than twice as powerful as the MQ's. Booyakasha.

I need some info though before i pick out some noids. What voltages do aftermarket boards like the micro/mini morlock, predator, Tbaord, Taodo, etc put out. What power (watts)?

All i need is this info. I'll worry about boards later. Noids are cheaper than anticipated :)

If this is indeed the manufactureer of Emag noids (which the noids look like) then grab a replacement for $20!

06-21-2006, 02:29 PM
I'm pretty sure that they are the manufacturer of the emag solenoid. I remember hearing that somewhere...

06-22-2006, 02:03 AM
..Can i skip in line? :ninja:

It sounds really cool.. i hope this goes into developement. :cheers:

06-25-2006, 11:52 PM
you know what i would like

an upgrade optin where the new parts would fit in mag bodies and not require any modifications except swapping grips and valves

i have an emag and love it but AGD should realize how much they could reinter the tournament scene with a electophematic upgrade for the mag

06-26-2006, 12:52 AM
you know what i would like

an upgrade optin where the new parts would fit in mag bodies and not require any modifications except swapping grips and valves

i have an emag and love it but AGD should realize how much they could reinter the tournament scene with a electophematic upgrade for the mag

It will/should be Drop in for the valve. This is all dependant on the fact that i can get Magnetic Sensor Systems to custom make me a Spring return Solenoid. I spent an hour on the phone with them and they wouldn't make me a duplicate of the PBX MQ Solenoid though - so I don't know how easily they are persuaded. With I were a Jedi.

If not, then I have 2 back up designs of equal performance...but in one the rail will have the ish milled outta it to fit the solenoid under the body inside the rail and in the other design has the dump chamber will being the same size as a standard mag meaning 350-400psi operational pressures. I'm shooting for 200-250psi though.

The whole valve will have 2 moving parts (the bolt and Spool valve) and 4-6 orings. Larger dump chamber should mean Lower input pressures - maybe 275-300 psi. Though I'm not sure what it will take to overcome the stock bolt spring quickly the normalmag chamber may be required. We already know that that design is capable of at least 36 BPS (thanks to Zman)

Just a matter of finding an Ideal Solenoid. This by the way will not be an "MQ Valved Mag" It uses a different valve as well as solenoid and board. Meaning it is pretty original in design (i hope). If the Solenoid doesn't work, it will be air actuated with an air solenoid and double acting ram.

06-26-2006, 10:40 AM
when you get done maybe you could offer to sell the design to AGD

06-27-2006, 01:29 AM
(I dont count the freestyle, it was never functionally decent).
oh hell yeah, i love my B2K.......FS's boooooooooooooooooo