View Full Version : Name that gun

06-23-2006, 08:14 PM
I know their are a couple gun nuts here. Anyone know anything about older ones?

All I know of the gun I'm looking for is it was made by Mauser I'm pretty sure and is a pistol which can be converted into a rifle.

For anyone interested in the story.
My grandfather died and his gun collection amoung other things was to be split up and I was supposed to get part of it. One of my uncles with a reputation for being a scumbag beat everyone there. He got all the guns, the jewlery, and coins. He denies takeing anything except the guns the most valuable of which he denies having and one ring. Now we have to go to court over this stuff (which is why I need the name of the gun so we can figure out what it is worth) some of which is going to be very hard to prove he took, one coin is about the only thing that he couldn't get away with selling for cash and having no record of.

To name some of the more valuable guns
1873 Winchester with a very low serial number produced in 1873 which has never been fired.
The Mauser mentioned above
A Luger from WWII
A double barrel shotgun which was more of a show piece then anything else. Very detailed engraving on the entire gun.
Few guns from the civil war
A few guns from the revolutionary war
A bunch of WWI and WWII guns worth five hundred or so a piece
An old Colt revolver

Then about a hundred thousand dollars in jewlery went missing and he knows nothing about it. This includes my great great grandmothers engagement ring which annoys me more than anything.

Then the coins willed to my father were magically picked through and all the valuable ones missing. This includes one colonial coin of which two are known to exist, this would be the third. It would have been worth just over a million dollars.

06-23-2006, 08:25 PM
Probably the C96 broomhandle...although not shown on the following link they was a stock so it became a sort of rifle. If you do a search about Winston Churchill he was shown using one in the film of his early life.


06-23-2006, 08:45 PM
I believe that is it. Thank you. Their are a few of the stripper clips used for loading lying around the house. I also remember my grandfather telling me about it when I was much younger saying somthing about a rifle with a pistol in the stock.

06-23-2006, 10:01 PM
Wow i hate that man,why cant people just take what they are given and be happy with it? especially in a time when a love one has died...

anyway i cant really help you with the guns but i was intreagued about the coin...so your grandfather had a coin that only 2 are known to exist...and he has a third that no one but your family knows about? Did he know this, or did you find out since his death? If he did, why did he not sell it before?

Anyway just wondering...sorry about your loss man, and it sucks even more that you have to deal with this other crap..

06-23-2006, 11:59 PM
He's been gone for about two years now so it's nothing new. My grandmother is still around so all the kids (my father, his two brothers, and his sister) agreed not to take anything from the house as long as she is alive. My one uncle though now that she is getting somewhat senile took advantage and removed the most vaulable things from the house.

As for the coin. My grandfather found out what the coin was worth about twenty one years ago. My father saw a picture of one of the other two known to exist in a coin magazine (he collects coins obviously) and a local store verified what it was and that it was authentic. Until then it was just an old coin that his father had given him when he was younger. If he found out what it was worth when he was younger he probably would have sold it. However when he found out its value he had plenty of money so he held onto it and didn't let anyone know he had it most likely so he would not be bothered with people trying to buy it. Anyway if he sells that he's going to have to have it graded by one of the big companies and it won't be hard to get information from them about wheather or not they had that coin come through even if that means reporting it stolen which it was.

06-25-2006, 05:24 PM
man, dont take that crap. people who do that arnt worth the protection of " oh well hes family" he treats the rest of you with such disrespect i wouldnt even consider him part of my blood. not to mention depending on where you live, and what the laws are. takeing the guns, that were willed to you is felony possesion of a firearm. also if he doesnt have all the nessesary licenses for rifles and pistols. id seek a means to get all that stuff back

06-26-2006, 12:29 AM
MarkM= AOs Official Gun Master :headbang:

06-26-2006, 02:16 PM
One of my uncles with a reputation for being a scumbag beat everyone there. He got all the guns, the jewlery, and coins. He denies takeing anything except the guns the most valuable of which he denies having and one ring.

wow dude, that sux. I think it's time to call Wayne Brady


I too would be interested in learning more about this coin. Do you know any specifics about it?

06-27-2006, 12:01 AM
Wah!? Its.. "Is wayne brady gonna have ta choke-a-bich?"

Then.. "White people like wayne brady, because he makes brian gumble look like malcom X"

06-27-2006, 10:55 AM
Wah!? Its.. "Is wayne brady gonna have ta choke-a-bich?"

Then.. "White people like wayne brady, because he makes brian gumble look like malcom X"

i know that, but i think pistol whip fits this situation a little bit better :D

Ole Unka Phil
06-27-2006, 01:08 PM
Let me make sure I am perfectly clear on the situation...

Your Grandfather died and the stuff was left in a Will to each of these family members? Did anyone ever sign for them to revcieve them? This is normaly done within a year.

Each item was described and specificaly conveyed to them in a valid will at that time is what I am asking?

Or... he left it all to your Grandmother but left wishes that she do it later? Because thats not really enforcable.

Because it can make all the difference which way whether the stuff was probated or not. In hind sight leaving it there either way was a mistake... but if it was never conveighed to them directly then its all just wishes and not subject to probate and she could do as she wished with them. And if she is not willing to say they were taken without her agreement its going to be hard. If they were left specificaly in your Grandfathers will they should have been distributed and they be signed for in the probate of the will. Or they could be considered abandoned and no longer subject to probate.

It's a mess it sounds like to me.