View Full Version : Ever walk into a store and have someone say something that knocks you off your feet?

06-25-2006, 03:03 AM
walk in to get a tux today.

one of the guys that works there says...

"how can i help you homeboy?"


btw. im pale as the background of this page, and look jewish as my last name (thats my username), wearing hollister.

needless to say, i sorta was speechless for a few seconds

/back from my mini-vacation
//youll have to read my stupid rants again

06-25-2006, 06:39 AM
So I walked into a store and a big black guy I kinda knew walked up to me and said "So I heard youre hung like a horse". That was fairly frightening.

Cow hunter
06-25-2006, 08:58 AM
well its not really something someone said, but i was walking on the street with one of my friends and this black guy in a business suit starts to walk next to me, i look over at him after like 15 seconds, and he jumps back like "WOH! why'd you do that?" and started to get an angry look on his face, i had no idea what happened, appantly i did something though because my friend siad to him "sorry about that, just calm down" i asked him about it and he wouldnt tell me...

06-25-2006, 11:45 AM
Everytime I goto Boston PB for something or to play is a new expierence :rofl:

06-25-2006, 02:03 PM
I was in westport (downtown KC) doing some vintage shopping and some older (50 year oldish) mexican women came up to me and started whistling at me.

06-25-2006, 07:34 PM
my friend, who is kinda on the fat side, walked up to a booth at a local festival, and one of the people inside said "you look like you want a hamburger". it was pretty rude, but still funny.

06-25-2006, 08:41 PM
LMAO...AO is racist!!!! everyone of these has to do with a black guy, or someone of the mexican persuasion. i giggle everytime someone types "and this big black guy came up to me"
-anyway i was in walmart yesterday, i pick up this magazine and some big retarded black guy walks up to me and said something that resembled "this isn't a library" so i gave him a lollypop and went home. :rolleyes:

06-25-2006, 10:19 PM
Yeah, so I walked into the store one day and these white people came up to me and started to speak korean to me. I looked at them funny and told them I was chinese.

06-25-2006, 10:24 PM
I was with my mom and we were going to the carwash across from the PB store. We were taking stuff out of the car so that they could vacuum the carpets and there was this african american guy cleaning the windows while we were doing it. I pulled out my paintball gun and he looked, went something like :wow: , and then proceded to say "WOAH MAN WOAH WOAH WOAH!!!!!!".

I think he scared the puppies out of me more than I had scared him.

Cuss again, and get a ban...Army

06-26-2006, 12:27 AM
One time i went into a store and couldnt find anyone in it.. usually 5 people are working at walgreens. I waited for like 45min and someone came in and went to the register. There was like 20people there, no one stole anything which is great to see. :D

06-26-2006, 01:54 AM
i walked into the bar i usally play pool at and there is noone in there except for this really really fat lady. there are 2 guys standing at the tv's. im with a few friends. i say "wow, nobody is in here!" and one of the guys say "yeah, she ate everybody"

it was weird and kinda funny at the time...

06-26-2006, 08:34 AM
Well...I was on a call at work and had to tell a guy who had been working on a claim for 8 months that we were not going to pay it because he didnt get a referal. So he started screaming and banging the phone on his desk about 50 times before he finally hung up.

I just hit my mute button and laughed.

06-26-2006, 10:23 AM
i walked into walmart once at 3 am, and the door greeter/cart sitter was talking to himself. he started to get mad and was like yelling at himself but only like every three things he said were words. it was wierd.

06-26-2006, 06:55 PM
Not so much as walking into a store and sayin WOW as much as your customers making you say WOW.

I worked for a pizza delivery where once a couple of really drunk girls were going to give me a "tip" as clothes started hitting the ground. Got offered to come in for beer, etc. many times. Used to have one couple that would call for pizza and we would race to see if they could finish marital relations before I got there.....funny actually cause they called at the same time every week with the same order, so I made thier order before they called and really messed up their groove...

What was even worse than that was working at a drive thru gas station at night during college. I saw things that I can't honestly tell people over a public forum. The worst I can remember was a guy pulling in in an old bug. He started pumping gas and was talking to some friends in the parking lot. I didn't notice how long he was there cause I was reading, but a while later he had pumped over $100 worth of gas all over the parking lot. This was while gas was like .60$ a gallon....turned out he was tripping on acid and forgot what he was doing. The fill neck of the bug was huge and the nossle fell out while it was locked on.
We had to call the FD to come hose the parking lot down...EPA showed up, it was a mess.