View Full Version : Nitro Question. Ci vs. Psi

12-21-2001, 11:20 PM

If i have a 48 ci tank with 3000 psi and 48 ci a 4500 psi tank what is the differece in shots?

How many shots i get with a 114 3000 vs a 114 ci 4500 to 4000?

Is 4500 psi heavey then 3000 psi?

Is tank the only thing that weighs in nitro?

Is it worth price difference??



12-21-2001, 11:38 PM
Why is this a poll :confused: It doesn't make sense. :rolleyes:

1. You will get 1.5 times as many shots from a 4500psi system compared to a 3000psi system. (sorry for being Captain Obvious, couldn't help it :) )

2. see #1. I don't like 114's, they're too big for me.

3. a 4500psi bottle weighs slightly more than a 3000psi bottle, given they are from the same manufacturer and the same size (68/3000 v 68/4500). See the link, it compares bottles by specs.

4. I don't know what you mean.

5. For the average player. No.


12-22-2001, 08:34 AM
4) your asking if nitrogen is weightless and the bottle thats the only thing that weighs. nope, nitrogen weighs some too.

12-22-2001, 09:29 AM
Compressed air or nitrogen doesn't weigh much. You'd be hard pressed to notice the difference by hand :D it's not like co2 where you can tell if a bottle is empty or full by it's weight.

If you can get 4500 fills and can afford it, then I reccomend getting it. It's not a big issue though if you can only ever get 3000psi fills. I personally wouldn't buy a system that wasn't 4500 but then I do play a lot of tournies and big events. I usually only fill my systems to about 3000psi (from a scuba tank) but it's very useful for big events and tournies. I prefer the smaller tanks for more shots :)


12-22-2001, 12:29 PM
lol what up with the poll?

i voted for "If i have a 48 ci tank with 3000 psi and 48 ci a 4500 psi tank what is the differece in shots?" and it's winning!

1. about 200-300 shots

2. it depends on ur gun which i assume is a Mag and ur setup. but it should be about 1100-1300 shots with a 114/3k and about 1700-1900 shots with a 114/45

3. Yes

4. the tank, reg, and air

5. well if u shoot alot then the few extra 100 shots should be worth it. I run a 68/3k with about 1000 shots and i'm just fine. I usually do'nt shoot more than 500 a game so i'm pritty much straight.

12-23-2001, 09:23 PM
A good rule of thumb is 10 shots/ci with a 3000 psi tank and 15 shots/ci with a 4500 tank. So, a 68 ci tank will get about 680 shot if 3000 psi and 1020 if 4500 psi. If you're shooting an RT/retro valve, you lose some shots since the gun needs an input pressure of around 750 psi. 4500 psi tanks typically cost more than the same size 3000 psi. Might as well get a 4500 for the extra shots if your field can fill it. If not, you just fill to 3000.