View Full Version : World Cup Predictions

06-27-2006, 08:19 AM
I havn't gotten a prediction wrong so far, but I figure I'll go on record here and predict the rest of the tournament.

Brazil over Ghana.
Spain over France.

Germany over Argentina.
Italy over Ukraine.
Portugal over England.
Brazil over Spain.

Germany over Italy.
Brazil over Portugal.

Brazil over Germany to win another World Cup.

We'll see how these pan out. So far I've guessed the winner in almost all the matches.

06-27-2006, 10:42 AM
Brazil up 2-0 at the half.

What amazes me is Brazil doesn't even have to play well to dominate a game. Its like watching the NY Yankees play the Bad News Bears sometimes with them.

06-27-2006, 11:52 AM
My prediction? The US is going to get their butts whooped. Oh, wait, that already happened...never mind.


06-27-2006, 12:05 PM
I havn't gotten a prediction wrong so far, but I figure I'll go on record here and predict the rest of the tournament.

Brazil over Ghana.
Spain over France.

Germany over Argentina.
Italy over Ukraine.
Portugal over England.
Brazil over Spain.

Germany over Italy.
Brazil over Portugal.

Brazil over Germany to win another World Cup.

We'll see how these pan out. So far I've guessed the winner in almost all the matches.

You should be a very rich man then afterall the bookies would have given you fantastic odds for predictions to this stage.

Stats say Portugal will lose against England...scoreline will be either 1-0 for England or a total collapse and 2-0 to Portugal.

Ole Unka Phil
06-27-2006, 12:26 PM
I predict that Soccer will catch on in the USA at the same time the Metric system catches on...


06-27-2006, 01:08 PM
In order, im rooting for Ukraine, England, and Germany... its what ive got lineage in :)

Seeing as chile wasnt even good enough to make it to the world cup, ive had to fall back on my reserve teams :)

06-27-2006, 01:10 PM
My prediction? The US is going to get their butts whooped. Oh, wait, that already happened...never mind.


Just cause Italy was a full half of our offensive production for the entire tournament :D

06-27-2006, 01:29 PM
I predict that Soccer will catch on in the USA at the same time the Metric system catches on...


Not enough padding in soccer for americans plus unless you get subbed you have to play for the entire 90 mins ;)

06-27-2006, 02:01 PM
Mark, most bookies also use goal differential, so picking a winner isn't always enough.

ANd of course, as soon as I start gambling, my teams will start losing :)

There were a few surprises but most of my picks made it through to this round.

06-27-2006, 03:29 PM
Well I blew one prediction :) Looks like France is gonna eliminate Spain.

Sets up Brazil for a revenge match against France though.

06-27-2006, 05:09 PM
Mark, most bookies also use goal differential, so picking a winner isn't always enough.

ANd of course, as soon as I start gambling, my teams will start losing :)

There were a few surprises but most of my picks made it through to this round.

I know what you mean I can pick winners in a horse race or at the very least a place but if I put money on...pennies not real money I always lose :(

I would have got quite good odds on England reaching the quarter finals but personally I am amazed they have got this far as is usual with England they build all the hopes on a single person, this time it was Rooney last time it was Owen, well Owen is out and Rooney is most of the time average and far from match fit, Joe Cole is awesome but you can't rely on individuals. Hence Brazil doing as well as they are, they play as a team sure they have some stars but that is just icing on the cake and if Ronaldo was fully fit the score lines would have read a lot different as he would have got the World Cup goals record before the group stage was over.

06-27-2006, 06:08 PM
I predict that Soccer will catch on in the USA at the same time the Metric system catches on...

Hahahahaha over my dead body.


06-27-2006, 09:46 PM
What amazes me is Brazil doesn't even have to play well to dominate a game. Its like watching the NY Yankees play the Bad News Bears sometimes with them.

I disagree, Brazil did not play very well. Ghana by all means out-played but unfortunitly they weren't able to finish anything. Brazil's second goal was off sides too, Brazil got really lucky on this one. My Predictions is Brazil over France, Portugal over England, Argentina over Germany, Italy over Ukraine. Then Portugal over Brazil and Argentina over Italy. For the final I'm taking Portugal over Argentina, though my prediction is very biased. I'll be in Portugal for the semis and the final so I really hope Portugal makes it that far because it would be amazing to be in Portugal for all the celebrating.

06-27-2006, 09:53 PM
Are you a college basketball fan by any chance? :)

I havn't gotten a prediction wrong so far, but I figure I'll go on record here and predict the rest of the tournament.

Brazil over Ghana.
Spain over France.

Germany over Argentina.
Italy over Ukraine.
Portugal over England.
Brazil over Spain.

Germany over Italy.
Brazil over Portugal.

Brazil over Germany to win another World Cup.

We'll see how these pan out. So far I've guessed the winner in almost all the matches.

06-27-2006, 09:58 PM
Uhm, no, I hate basketball. What does that have to do with anything?

As for Brazil, one of their goals may have been offsides, but early in the game Ronaldo was called offsides when he was onsides, so it all balances out. And my point is Brazil playing badly can still beat a team 3-0. Today Ghana played well, Brazil didn't, and look at the scoreboard. If this happened once in a while, it'd be a coincidence. But Brazil has not played very well all tournament and they havn't lost a game.

06-28-2006, 03:37 AM
Uhm, no, I hate basketball. What does that have to do with anything?

As for Brazil, one of their goals may have been offsides, but early in the game Ronaldo was called offsides when he was onsides, so it all balances out. And my point is Brazil playing badly can still beat a team 3-0. Today Ghana played well, Brazil didn't, and look at the scoreboard. If this happened once in a while, it'd be a coincidence. But Brazil has not played very well all tournament and they havn't lost a game.

Good at predictions+ College basketball fan = $$ made during march madness

06-28-2006, 08:26 AM
I'd have to follow basketball to get any of those predictions right :)

I follow soccer, so at least I'm informed when I make those predictions :)

06-28-2006, 09:21 AM
Thats not necessarily true thordic. I think it was an espn bracket a couple years ago that was won by a woman who picked entirely based upon how she liked the teams uniforms. Just get drunk and chances are youll be right.

06-28-2006, 10:31 AM
Just get drunk and chances are youll be right.

Woo hoo, then I'm set!!

06-28-2006, 10:35 AM
Just get drunk and chances are youll be right.

This man speaks teh wisdom.

/Ronaldo is fat OMG Everybody Panic!!1

07-01-2006, 12:31 PM
Four out of 5 correct so far. :)

07-01-2006, 07:11 PM
Wow, France over Brazil.

You can throw my predictions out the window now. At this point I think its anybodys cup. I really thought Brazil would pull it together and win again.

07-01-2006, 08:40 PM
I cannot believe that Brazil lost to France AND England lost to Portugal.

Germany wins over Italy in the finals 4-2 PK

07-01-2006, 08:51 PM

italy 1 vs. germany 0
thats my prediction

07-01-2006, 11:33 PM
Wow, France over Brazil.

You can throw my predictions out the window now. At this point I think its anybodys cup. I really thought Brazil would pull it together and win again.

I can't say I am surprised at the outcome. They have been playing at the level of their oppenents the entire tournament. I think they may have just gotten alittle too cocky for their own good.

But yeah, France of all countries...

07-02-2006, 05:11 AM
wenuliveudie is right brazil came into this cup very cocky and full of themselves. they deserve an early exit. final is going to be portugal germany with germany unfortunately winning.

07-02-2006, 03:49 PM
I think the ability of the Italians to be a bunch of diving (insert a bunch of sexually slanderous expletives here) should not be underestimated. That being said, I stick with my theory of the drunks will prevail. Go Germany.

07-03-2006, 07:50 AM
In addition to the above-noted Italian skill at diving, their defense has been extremely effective this World Cup. They have not allowed a single goal so far except for that own-goal against USA.

If anyone can shut down Klose and the German offense, its Italy.

If Italy can take Germany, they could win the whole thing.

I don't have any predictions now, but what I'd LIKE to see is Italy over Germany, Portugal over France, and Italy over Portugal in the finals.

07-03-2006, 11:15 AM
I can see it being a France German final, with Germany taking it as it is their World Cup.

I would also like Portugal to just die already :(

07-04-2006, 09:36 AM
Brazil LOST?!?? Waa?!

Good thing I am routing for Germany, now I can see them having a better chance to win.

Hopefully those brazilians don't go home to have their country throw rocks and **** at them, as I understand some countries do....

07-04-2006, 06:01 PM
Italy 2 - 0 Germany

Took them until the last minute (really was the last minute) of extra time to take it beyond Germanys reach.

I am wondering when the football players (from many different countries) in this World Cup will get presented with their extra medals for Form and Presentation in the diving competion?
the diving this tournament has been laughable to the extreme even in the Germany match above sure the italian had got clouted in the head...by an elbow but why was Balick (sp?) holding his forehead???? also the dives are so damned obvious since they all look identical, if you get hit from the side etc then you are going to go down in maybe a sort of similar way but identical 'falls' :rolleyes:
I seriously think that this World Cup has shown that because it was in Europe and the 'prestige' of the event has meant many camera angles, it is now time for the 'Forth Official', Other football leagues (non european) have shaky camera work to say the least, generally too far away (the south american leagues are very guilty of this) this has been done in the UK with Rugby league and of course Cricket has had the extra guy in the camera room for several years now. One of the WC matches I saw the player was in the penalty area and the defender was hanging onto the attackers right arm with both his hands, the referee was unsighted but the cameras didn't miss it.

07-04-2006, 07:47 PM
I am pretty biased about my opinions here, I love Germany/Germans, and well, I don't have much to say about Italians..

HOW THE :cuss: DID GERMANY DO THAT TO THEMSELVES?!??! I mean, the first Italian goal was exceptable, not exactly prime timing for the Germans but you have to give it to them, it was a good goal. When the Germans let the second one in I just sorta went to myself, "Why was I watching in the first place"..

Either way, the game kept me near the edge of my seat the entire time, so at least you can say the Germans gave a good effort, until well, the bitter end.....


07-04-2006, 07:54 PM
it was a great game

but like ive been saying:

07-04-2006, 10:31 PM
I was at Nevada Smiths in NYC for the game, which is THE soccer bar in NYC. The place was nuts. It was probably 60-70% Azzurri fans, but the German contingent was loud and present. It was packed full, and probably at least 100* in the bar for the match as the AC was crappy and everyone was packed in like sardines on an already hot and humid day. But the atmosphere was great, I might have to head back there for the final on Saturday.

The second german goal was due to the fact the germans knew they had very little time to tie it up so they played very aggresively, and didn't leave as many men back on defense.

07-05-2006, 06:34 AM
I was at Nevada Smiths in NYC for the game, which is THE soccer bar in NYC. The place was nuts. It was probably 60-70% Azzurri fans, but the German contingent was loud and present. It was packed full, and probably at least 100* in the bar for the match as the AC was crappy and everyone was packed in like sardines on an already hot and humid day. But the atmosphere was great, I might have to head back there for the final on Saturday.

The second german goal was due to the fact the germans knew they had very little time to tie it up so they played very aggresively, and didn't leave as many men back on defense.

Sounds like you had fun, plus you appear to be a true fan of soccer since you had no team that you really supported playing. Slight worry though, if you go to this bar on Saturday to watch the final you will have the place to yourself as the final is on Sunday even with the time difference ;) or are you talking about the 3rd and 4th place match.

07-05-2006, 07:44 AM
Oops, yeah, I realized later that the final was on Sunday :)

And I support Azzurri, even though I had them pegged to lose. I was in Italy during the 1998 and 2002 WC's and had a blast out at the bars and cafes watching the games.

I kinda root for the US but I don't have any expectations from them. I root more for Italy. We hang the flag out, and I have my Azzurri scarf that I picked up in Italy in '98 that I wear to the games. I have Inter and AC Milan jerseys, no Azzurri jerseys though, I meant to pick one up but I forgot.

In any case, yeah, it was a great time. Nevada Smiths is voted the best soccer bar in NYC for a reason. Great atmosphere, at least 20% of the people in the bar were European and brought their chants over with them. Quite a few German fans were in tears after the match, and there was one altercation outside the bar involving a group of large Italians and a German flag-waver.

07-05-2006, 11:20 AM
Well I have no idea of the 'extra' wages these guys earn when they play for their country but given what is happening in Italy re the domestic clubs match fixing allegations (not really allegations more a case of who gets put in the frame/dock) the players in the national squad are effectively on their swan song obviously hoping for lucrative transfer fees to other countries domestic teams...if the transfers don't happen quickly they (the players) are going to lose out big style as many might well find themselves on free transfers :cry: = for them