View Full Version : buy a nerve?

06-30-2006, 07:35 AM
Been a 7 year mag user/owner (and 8 mags) but ready to move on. Have a couple of Ions but so does everyone else. What's the honest opinion on the Nerve. I want reliability.

06-30-2006, 07:38 AM
My opinion is this. SP offers the best value for each marker they sell. Not the best marker, and not the cheapest, but the best combination thereof.

In my experience quality control at SP sucks. You may have some tuning/repair issues when you first get your marker. Once you have it working right, they work very well.

The nerves I have seen have been pretty good on the reliability factor - they do have some muzzle rise on long strings.

06-30-2006, 07:45 AM
They are nice markers , but rumor has it that they are no longer in production. It could be a dead end. You should look around a little more better value marker is the promaster or Lasoya promaster , easy to work on after you get past the being scared of the electric stuff.

06-30-2006, 08:19 AM
ive also been looking around at buying a nerve. I want to belive that it has got to be about as reliable as my ion.

06-30-2006, 08:36 AM
I've shot a promaster, I liked the Ion better.

06-30-2006, 11:01 AM
instead of paying 450 for a nerve....buy a used timmy. bob long makes EXCELLENT guns, very good quality

06-30-2006, 11:15 AM
You could easily find a 05 Speed, dm4 or PM5 for $450.

Honestly, i think the nerve is a terrible gun stock. I work at a pb field and its not fun watching them mess up in the chrono room. Generally my all-around experience with SP guns has been bad except the ion(still havent seen anything bad go wrong with them).

So generally... ion > Nerve....<<<< Dm4, pm5, 05 speed.. etc

06-30-2006, 01:39 PM
i shot one side by side with my DM5 last week, both have jsut about eveything doen to it (or so the owner told me) I found the trigger was very smooth and easy to walk on the nerve, effeciency I'd assume to be better, but kick was whole different story, a lot of kick in comparision to my DM5, and the entire setup (stock with the SP drop and a 68/4500) felt uncomfortable, IMO I'd look at a used Matrix or Timmy, maybe even a shocker, all of which can be found for cheap usually upgraded a lot too

06-30-2006, 02:03 PM
timmy's/matrix's > shocker/nerves/imps

if you want to go SP, get a super upped ion for 450. new board, new trigger, new feedneck, lazer eyes, new ASA, new barrel, new bolt, QEV, exc.... with the right ups, the ion shoots as smooth if not smother than any matrix and can trade paint with the best of them.

06-30-2006, 04:02 PM
Nerves in my experince, are not reliable. I had mine for 9 months 6 of them it was in the shop. No joke. Don't get one unless you want a gun that works great when it works! :D

06-30-2006, 04:21 PM
dont get a nerve... just dont believe me...

06-30-2006, 04:45 PM
You can find nice timmies, dm4's, pm5's, and vikings for around and under $450 in classifieds on here or pbnation, all so much better than a nerve. A nerve's just an impulse with minor improvements, a different body, and a shocker frame.

06-30-2006, 05:01 PM
if you want to go SP, get a super upped ion for 450. new board, new trigger, new feedneck, lazer eyes, new ASA, new barrel, new bolt, QEV, exc.... with the right ups, the ion shoots as smooth if not smother than any matrix and can trade paint with the best of them.

:rofl: :rofl: Paging Bill, paging Bill :D

06-30-2006, 05:04 PM
its true. aside from their looks and how much people hate them, find one with a t-board, lazor eyes, cp trigger, clamping feedneck, freak barrel kit, QEV, and an SP firebolt, and you will know what im talking about. i was a hater for so long, but with all the ups, they are sweet, and dont break down...ive never seen one at any of my 3 local fields with a problem. so if your not gona stay with mags....go that route.

06-30-2006, 05:12 PM
Given that the Nerve is a poppet valve marker using a board that has been on the market for a while and an eye that has been the same for many years, I cant see how they could be as unreliable as all these people say. Admittedly, I haven't owned one. I have only seen a few, but they all worked fine. It couldn't be any more unreliable than a Shocker....

Efficency should be above par, parts will be easily available, "upgrade" boards will be easy to find, as well as barrels. Given what they cost brand new right now, and the level at which they are outfitted it needs nothing more than a barrel. Be aware that SP markers in general use soft aluminum that scratch and wear easily. You will rub the anno right off.

06-30-2006, 05:17 PM
One of my good buddies has a nerve, I've played with it on quite a few occasions.

For what they're going for right now, they're completely worth it.

However, they're out of production, and have a really sloppy stock trigger.

As much as it pains me to say this...get an Ion.

I know a few people at SP. Theres a new very "hush-hush" mod coming out that will allow the Ion to compete with ANY marker out there.

06-30-2006, 05:35 PM
its true. aside from their looks and how much people hate them, find one with a t-board, lazor eyes, cp trigger, clamping feedneck, freak barrel kit, QEV, and an SP firebolt, and you will know what im talking about. i was a hater for so long, but with all the ups, they are sweet, and dont break down...ive never seen one at any of my 3 local fields with a problem. so if your not gona stay with mags....go that route.

Yeh, because I've never owned an Ion. Its not like I ordered two the day before they were released, or have bought and sold several more. Its not like theres not a highly upped one behind me.

Trust me, I know what I'm talking about, the Ion is great for what it is, probably one of the three best values in paintball today. Lets not make it out to something it is not.

06-30-2006, 05:39 PM
I know a few people at SP. Theres a new very "hush-hush" mod coming out that will allow the Ion to compete with ANY marker out there.

I hate to say this as its so cliche, but given the 15BPS cap and the availablility of aftermarket parts, it already does compete with any marker out there.....

/I am going to go hang myself now.

06-30-2006, 05:56 PM
[QUOTE=mag_lover05]its true. aside from their looks and how much people hate them, find one with a t-board, lazor eyes, cp trigger, clamping feedneck, freak barrel kit, QEV, and an SP firebolt, and you will know what im talking about.QUOTE]

....what advantage does lazer eyes give you over the stock ones? (none)

As a person who has owned plenty of markers that sell for over a grand, i still agree, that a ion is JUST as good as anything else on the field. Its small/light/shoots 15 (can go faster, but, no need since most leagues are using PSP shooting rules anyway), quiet, little recoil, dosent break, dosent break paint, shoots straight, ect. Among the many markers i currently own/use, i have a shocker, which, i feel, offers no performance advantage at all over the ion. Then why shoot the shocker, or any of my other, more costly markers? Because I can.

06-30-2006, 08:14 PM
As good as ions could be for the price or even in general, wouldn't you just feel dirty with it ?

" Hey, What guns do you guys got ?"

" I got an Euro X-mag "
" I got an 04 viking"
" I got a Dark Timmy"


I guess it's how the gun works, not what it is.. somtimes. :ninja: .. but ions...


06-30-2006, 08:32 PM
I've shot a promaster, I liked the Ion better.

I have owned both , the ion is slightly smoother but when it comes to taking it apart & cleaning /lubing them the promaster is by far the winner. I was looking at buying a nerve a few months back. I spoke with owners & shot a couple. But I saw them break down over a few tournies. It could have been "user " issues. I then turned to the promaster for less money I was able to snag a lasoya promaster. It has been rock solid. But My team-mate has a new 06 shocker with the nerve board & has nothing but trouble with the eyes. He runs it with eyes off.

07-01-2006, 12:47 AM
I hate to say this as its so cliche, but given the 15BPS cap and the availablility of aftermarket parts, it already does compete with any marker out there.....

/I am going to go hang myself now.

Yeah...but the things that come along with allowing the firepower.

reduced kick

It just makes an all around better marker.

Trust me.

07-01-2006, 12:48 AM

no, pride took down vikings.

07-01-2006, 12:52 AM
I still totally think you can get a better gun for the money.. does anyone else agree? :ninja:

07-01-2006, 01:57 AM
I still totally think you can get a better gun for the money.. does anyone else agree? :ninja:

no, i dont think you can get a "better" gun, period, a marker you prefer, yes, probably, but, "better"? i doubt it.

07-01-2006, 11:56 AM
no, pride took down vikings.

I was told in the aka section of pbn it was sp

07-01-2006, 01:22 PM
Trust me, I know what I'm talking about, the Ion is great for what it is, probably one of the three best values in paintball today. Lets not make it out to something it is not.What are the other two, in your opinion? (If I missed it somewhere, sorry)

07-01-2006, 01:45 PM
I was told in the aka section of pbn it was sp
Well many of the old AKA crowd isn't around posting anymore. Personally I don't think the owners of AKA wanted a court battle. They are at retirement age.
So rather than ante up to the Gardners brothers table and agree to pay royalties like the other companies that got targeted by lawsuits, AKA agreed to stop production of electro markers.

Yeah, its been rehashed a million times. SP flexed some Intellectual Property patent infrigement on some smaller competition. Legality and morality are not the same and its all buisness anyways.
Hows that go:
"It ain't cheating if you don't get caught."

07-01-2006, 03:16 PM
What are the other two, in your opinion? (If I missed it somewhere, sorry)

The Ion at $180 or whatever you can actually get them for, at least to me, far surpasses any marker in or near that price range.

The Shocker competes with any of the super markers there (in both function and perception) and is priced at about $550 to $600 - noticeably lower than the competetion.

Throw the Nerve in there as a midrange marker between them at $450 or whatever they sold at and you had a remarkable trinity of value.

Best markers out there? No, but great values.

07-01-2006, 05:33 PM
I was told in the aka section of pbn it was sp

If AKA had REALLY wanted to continue producing vikings, they could have continued producing vikings. They were just to stubborn to settle for what SP offered/ had no desire to continue further into the paintball market

07-01-2006, 05:50 PM
If AKA had REALLY wanted to continue producing vikings, they could have continued producing vikings. They were just to stubborn to settle for what SP offered/ had no desire to continue further into the paintball market

or too smart. Does anyone truly beleive they are simply building old stock? Or did each part that they had in inventory count for the right to produce one more? Face it, SP and AKA worked out some sort of deal that let SP win and did not destroy AKA.

07-01-2006, 06:09 PM
I had a nerve for a while. I have also had an Xmag, Karni, G7, Ion way upped, ULE mag, Upped Nasty shocker and have used several other guns. The nerve was in the running with any of them. All of the guns had their strong points but the nerve was all around a great marker. The only reason I sold it was to get money for an Angel One. With the nerve you get a great barrel stock, the newer ram and the back is ported so you do not need to buy a ported back plate. The eyes and feed neck all work very well. The only think you would ever have to do and it would only be personal taste would be a board and a trigger. The stock trigger has a hump and squared edges which I personally do not like but many others think its fine. My nerve shot VERY fast smooth and consistantly. The gun is pretty efficent to boot and the settings are easy to master with a simple button on.off. The whole ballance and feel of it in your hand is comfortable and well ballanced. I had a couple issues with mine breaking paint. Neither instance was the fault of the marker. I either had bad paint or hopper issues. As for maintenance the nerve is simple. Twist and remove the bolt, wipe it off, clean breach and reinstall. Once in a great while you can take the gun apart and clean the ram etc but I never had to do anything other then clean it. All in all for $475 which is the going price new the Nerve is a great marker. As people have stated you can but this or that used gun for the same price but why when you can buy your own NEW Nerve and not be getting some one elses screw ups or problems. Honestly I think the babble about nerves are problematic and this or that gun is more reliable is BS. In my exp the Nerve was just as reliable as other markers if not more so then many. Also because it has an enclosed bolt and smooth milling it is very easy to clean and there is not prob with getting stuff into the works. Something else I just thought of is the bolt removal. Like exposed bolt guns aka Timmy,Ego the nerve is super easy to clean with a pull through squeegy on the fly. Twist and remove the bolt, pull through Squeegy and reinstall bolt.

07-01-2006, 06:10 PM
I had a nerve for a while. I have also had an Xmag, Karni, G7, Ion way upped, ULE mag, Upped Nasty shocker and have used several other guns. The nerve was in the running with any of them. All of the guns had their strong points but the nerve was all around a great marker. The only reason I sold it was to get money for an Angel One. With the nerve you get a great barrel stock, the newer ram and the back is ported so you do not need to buy a ported back plate. The eyes and feed neck all work very well. The only think you would ever have to do and it would only be personal taste would be a board and a trigger. The stock trigger has a hump and squared edges which I personally do not like but many others think its fine. My nerve shot VERY fast smooth and consistantly. The gun is pretty efficent to boot and the settings are easy to master with a simple button on.off. The whole ballance and feel of it in your hand is comfortable and well ballanced. I had a couple issues with mine breaking paint. Neither instance was the fault of the marker. I either had bad paint or hopper issues. As for maintenance the nerve is simple. Twist and remove the bolt, wipe it off, clean breach and reinstall. Once in a great while you can take the gun apart and clean the ram etc but I never had to do anything other then clean it. All in all for $475 which is the going price new the Nerve is a great marker. As people have stated you can but this or that used gun for the same price but why when you can buy your own NEW Nerve and not be getting some one elses screw ups or problems. Honestly I think the babble about nerves are problematic and this or that gun is more reliable is BS. In my exp the Nerve was just as reliable as other markers if not more so then many. Also because it has an enclosed bolt and smooth milling it is very easy to clean and there is not prob with getting stuff into the works. Something else I just thought of is the bolt removal. Like exposed bolt guns aka Timmy,Ego the nerve is super easy to clean with a pull through squeegy on the fly. Twist and remove the bolt, pull through Squeegy and reinstall bolt.

07-02-2006, 08:03 AM
or too smart. Does anyone truly beleive they are simply building old stock? Or did each part that they had in inventory count for the right to produce one more? Face it, SP and AKA worked out some sort of deal that let SP win and did not destroy AKA.
AKA is selling 'old stock' just as much as AGD is still selling Emags. At the time of the SP AKA 'agreement' AKA could fininish off its current production run. Well late 03 and early 04 was showing enough upswing that AKA was projecting with a pretty sizeable production run. Something like 2000+, probably closer to 2500+ when factoring Vikings and Excaliburs come from the same three tube extrusion. So at the agreement only a fraction of the last production run was even fully milled and ready for assembly. They are still selling 2004 stock currently. The 'lifetime guarantee' has been nerfed once or twice and doesn't fully emcompass everything (but the board originally) anymore and their staff and techs are gone or at a bare minimum.

AKA also undercut its few dealers without notice last year on the remaining stock. Anything that happens to AKA is by their own design in my book. Late 90s they went to court over the Merlin/Focker design (and won), I just don't think they wanted 'in the game' any longer. Back to just being LEADS for production and let AKA die slowly. All the brains of AKA went to STD anyways.

07-02-2006, 08:49 AM
thanks 68 and mirco, for filling me with some aka history

07-02-2006, 01:56 PM
For around $500 you can look into Dm4's, Shockers, Promasters, Emags, Timmys even some 2k5's, there are lots of markers. Hell if you wanted to spend like $700 you could get a Dm5 with a UL frame if your lucky! If you want a marker you can go with and it doesn't break down get a Timmy or Promaster, plus they are fast and easy to clean. Go for it. :)