View Full Version : Rediculous chopping problem

12-22-2001, 03:57 PM
I just got a brandy new p/f mag, and it shoots quite nicely, but it chops so rediculously much! Im sure its not the barrel, because i used it with a different mag and i didnt chop once... My big suspect is the bolt. I think the stock bolt is just chopping all of the balls. Now, i am left with three choices. choice #1 - Get an ANS foamie bolt, right now i seem to be leaning toward this one right now, although it seems the consenus around here is to stick with AGD. I played an entire 1700 round day with a mag that had this bolt and didnt chop once. option #2 AGD foamie bolt. if i really should stay with agd, this is a high contender. option #3 is the superbolt. Ive heard nothing but good about this bolt, but im not sure that it will correct my chopping problems. im not concerned with recoil..etc. i just dont want to chop! thanks a lot

12-22-2001, 04:11 PM
OK Carlo let's get your problem figured out. If your chopping that much it is probably a pretty big thing and we can get to the bottom of it.

To get you fixed you have to answer these questions completly and accurately.

1. Did you do a bounce test on the paint?, Please do so and report the break numbers here.

2. What barrel and what nubbins are you using?

3. Does you Power Feed Plug have two small holes on the part you grip to twist it?

4. When you chop is paint going up your feed tube or just down the barrel?

5. Does it happen when you fire slow?


12-22-2001, 04:15 PM
Hi and welcome to AO! Hope you can get all your questions answered. I have not used the standard bolt myself, but I hear it is fine. I have used the foamie with no probs. Wait for word from Tom before you get a Superbolt, as they are doing some adjustments on them.

There are so many factors dealing with chopping. You could have a really worn out bolt spring, not sending the bolt all the way back-that may be hanging up the paint. If you don't have a powerfeed plug, that could also be your problem. Send an email to AGD (office@AGD.com) and ask for a Parabolic feed plug.
Also, it could very well be your paint. Switch paint before you do anything else. I had some lame-o PMI and it chopped like crazy and would hang up and stuff, but when I switched to Big Ball, no probs at all. It could be your nubbin not far enough in the barrel to hold up one ball, and two may be going in at once. Just don't adjust it too far in, or else the bolt could catch the nubber and bend it down the barrel-not a pretty situation. If you don't have an agitating hopper, you could be right in the middle of firing when the balls come flyin' down the feed tube, which can cause chopping.

If you could, try to rule out different things. Try different paint, barrels, etc. Also, if you short stroke the trigger, that could cause it. Also, an improperly adjusted trigger rod might have an effect, but I am not sure. Thanks for coming to the best spot to get your questions answered-AO!


12-22-2001, 04:17 PM
hehe, Tom posted as I was typing...yep, AGD service right there:)


12-22-2001, 05:13 PM
My power feed plug has 2 small holes. What does it mean?

12-22-2001, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by AGD
OK Carlo let's get your problem figured out. If your chopping that much it is probably a pretty big thing and we can get to the bottom of it.

To get you fixed you have to answer these questions completly and accurately.

1. Did you do a bounce test on the paint?, Please do so and report the break numbers here.

2. What barrel and what nubbins are you using?

3. Does you Power Feed Plug have two small holes on the part you grip to twist it?

4. When you chop is paint going up your feed tube or just down the barrel?

5. Does it happen when you fire slow?


1. My store carries diablo paint, exclusively. I have tried Blaze, Midnight and Inferno. Blaze has been by FAR the best, and then midnight, and inferno was terrible. I havent done the actual bounce tests, but i have found that i have had NO previous ball break problems with blaze, plus i used blaze with my barrel on a different gun with no breaks.

2. I am using a 12" smart parts tear drop, with whatever nubbin came with my gun. i think its the v nubbin.

3. I am not currently home, so i cant look at my gun, but im pretty sure it doesnt have 2 holes, just one, i'll have to check, i'll get back to you on that.

4. The paint goes mostly up the feed tube and into the breach part of the barrel.

5. This chopping rarely, but occasionally happens during slow rates of fire. It mainly happens during fast spurts, such as snap shooting, where i really need that ROF, the chops are the biggest problem in that situation.

thanks tom

12-22-2001, 08:49 PM
ok! you prolly need a parabolic feed plug (youcan get one free from agd.)

2nd are you usinga motorized hopper? if not i strongly reccomend one. I tried playing with out one one time and i chopped left and right

12-22-2001, 09:04 PM
my mag chops too. My plug has 1 hole. Should it have 2?

12-22-2001, 09:26 PM
Here's the difference between the old PF plug and the new one.

Powerfeed Plugs (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12911)

12-22-2001, 10:04 PM
i should have mentioned it earlier, but yes, i use a 12v with an x-board, and fresh batteries. its certainly not a hopper issue

12-23-2001, 12:18 AM
Short-stroking? Are you pulling the trigger all the way and letting it come all the way back? Have you adjusted the trigger rod?

12-23-2001, 07:07 AM
eh, im 90.7864323% sure in not short stroking, although that benchmark trigger might be a bit tricky ;). Uh, no i havent adjusted the trigger rod for fear of screwing something up, what length should it be anyway?

12-23-2001, 08:16 AM
hmm thats odd i just red the thing about the old and new pf plugs and i have a old one... but the thing is i havent choped since ive had it. put probly 2 cases through it... no chops breaks or anything and the paint seems to hit on target with in about 5 inches or so radius. I dry fire alot since paint, i think, is a little expensive for how fast i fire. and i dont even use a revvy! no chops no breaks old pf plug no revvy... add it all up, it doesnt make sense mabey i am just lucky ( how can u judge your bps? )

12-23-2001, 10:03 AM
Nine times out of ten, you'll be short stroking the trigger. I don't know how many times I've heard people at our field blame chopping on the bolt, or the barrel, or the paint, when the same paint is being shot flawlessly out of the next guy's marker. I've been guilty of it myself. It can take some to get used to rapid firing a mag without short stroking.

12-23-2001, 08:03 PM
heh heh, i got home tonite and took a look at my powerfeed plug and lo and behold it is the old style... so.. how do i go about getting this parabolic plug?

12-23-2001, 09:35 PM

Well thank God, that is your first big problem. Call the factory for a free replacement. Try that, if you still have problems come back and let us know.