View Full Version : Lobstah men!

Soopa Villain17
07-04-2006, 12:39 PM
anyone else on here a lobster man by occupation ? id like to compare poundage and prices and stuff. right now shedders are 3.75 a pound and hardshell is 6.00 a pound , me n the captain are averaging aboot 400 pounds a day right now , the shedders havent hit yet.

on a side not , has anybody ever seen a 2 color lobster split right down the center , perfect. my girlfreinds father caught one last year , one half was redish the other almost a white color . it looked really cool. he also caught an albino lobster with red eyes.

07-04-2006, 01:02 PM
Rock Lobster!

07-04-2006, 03:57 PM
ive caught one diving and it was very tastey.

how some people dont like spiney lobster, i have not the slightest

where you located out of? cause if it happends to be maine you have a new best friend! :D

Will Wood
07-04-2006, 04:07 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek: chris you might have a friend!

Yea im in maine I dont like seafood but every year my family has a clambake in rockland. get them fresh off the boat, we go and pick em up. then we make a big ol fire and cook em all up in a huge pan.

Soopa Villain17
07-05-2006, 02:18 PM
yup right out of cushing maine. just got in from haul. ive been wearing sleevless shirts to get a tan but i look like neopolitan ice cream , my forearms are very tan , my upper arms are red and sunburned and my shouldes are white as snow lol. im makin very good money now :wow: , been doin this for a few years on/off now full time , ill tell ya its a helluva lot better than flippin burgers at mcdonalds :cuss: . ahhh time to relax gutta haul again tommorro @ 4:30