View Full Version : Automag Vs. Impule,Cocker,B2K, Angel

12-22-2001, 06:02 PM
Ok Played today and I was using my Nitro kit setup Tippmann with a 68ci 3K tank remote.

I ordered a Automag knowing it can out perform a Tippy.

The following parts was with the Automag order

jj 12in. Ceramic
Dye double Trigger Frame (45)
Dye Trigger shoe
Kapp Drop Zone II
Kapp on/off valve
macro line

now with the stock bolt and valve

can I oout shoot any of these guys?

my main concern were the Impule and Cocker...always seem to bump into them. can the Automag hold its own against the Impule

I'm trying not to upgrade the vavle or the bolt just yet or maybe I won't, depending on what you guys think.

thanks to all

12-22-2001, 07:08 PM
i think once you get your mag you'll beable to answer some of your own questions.... but here are some quick answers anyway

as far as out shooting the other markers.... it all depends on your trigger finger(s) and learning the trigger of a mag....
as long as you remember when workin the trigger to give a full pull back and a full release before the next pull... you'll be fine.... higher bps comes with practice.....

now as to holding its own with the likes of a cocker and imppy and the like..... i've seen people with rental pumps that were more then a match for some people.... it all depends on the player....

as for the marker itself the mag will give you a lot less trouble in the long run.... as long as its oiled, has good orings, and you work the trigger right... it can be more then a match to those "other" markers

as for whatyou got coming with it.... i see no problems there... ya should have a really relible marker there

12-22-2001, 10:39 PM
honestly, IMO, i think the gun won't compare in performance. it will however be better in reliability. keep it oiled and clean, it'll last forever. well, maybe. the other guns won't last as long and you could probably beat the mag up a little bit and it'll still shoot good. i'd take a stock mag over any angel. that i know.

12-23-2001, 12:17 AM
so, would the retro valve and super bolt bring it up to par with the IMP? Cocker?

12-23-2001, 12:24 AM
A retro valve takes it FAR beyond an impy or a cocker.... FAR beyond.... :)

12-23-2001, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by TheBigRaguPB4L
honestly, IMO, i think the gun won't compare in performance. it will however be better in reliability. keep it oiled and clean, it'll last forever. well, maybe. the other guns won't last as long and you could probably beat the mag up a little bit and it'll still shoot good. i'd take a stock mag over any angel. that i know.

of course the gun will compare in performance. but it all depends in the user. i can get off 9bps with my mag on my single trigger. i shoot the mechanical trigger faster than an electronic. some people can't shoot 5bps with their mags. its all in the user. the mag will beat the others in dependability and customer service.

12-23-2001, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Cha0tic

. the mag will beat the others in dependability and customer service.

isn't htat an oxymoron? i mean, if it's so dependable, what would you need customer service for? i really should but i've never registerd any one of my mags. why? because they never break. i have never had to call agd because of a problem. cause mags nefver breat. i know i'm repeating myself, but mags just rule.

12-24-2001, 12:21 PM
hey not trying to be a ******* bro but all guns go down, look through this forum, theres lotsa peopple w/ problems w/ their mags, like any gun, but don't worry about what other people have, the gun doesn't matter, just play your game and don't worry, its all good.

12-24-2001, 01:26 PM
mac2k-i know what you're talking about. people's guns do mess up. but i'll bet you with a parts kit and the know how, 90% of all people's problems could be solved. most people with problems are new to automags and don't know the little tidbits that go with fixing mags. the only thing i can really think of going wrong that you would really ahve to send it in would be the power tube coming off. and even then it would be a LONG time for that. unlike other guns, especially elctro's that break down due to one little wire coming loose and you not knowing what could be wrong. that's just how i feel and why i'll more than likely always go with a mag.

12-24-2001, 09:00 PM
i think mag will out shoot a cocker but im not sure bout impy, they can rrrriiiiipppppp!!!!!!!!!!!

12-24-2001, 10:08 PM
A Mag can hold up with a Cocker, Imp and BM2k EASILY. They are all along the same price, so pick which ya like more. For me, I love the Cocker and Mag styled trigger feel, but hate the overall feel of a cocker, so I got a Mag.

Its all your choice

12-24-2001, 10:55 PM
go retro but you can shoot a reg mag very fast with practice. if you have trouble chopping you might consider the intelliframe. I bought one and sold my benchmark.definetly a shorter trigger pull.exchange your valve now through airgun for 200. its on sale I think.