View Full Version : ok i need help

12-22-2001, 07:35 PM
i just got my mag...i oiled it looked through everything (cuz i bought it used and stuff)
and i screw a co2 tank on...(non siphon and no remote or ex-chamber but i don't think it'd affect it this fast)
and i hear it run through the macroline and then start hissing out the barrel
is this normal??
i thought i'd hear it leak a little and then cock and be ready....but it just hissed out the barrel so i unscrewed it
i have one star left on it so if it is broken i can send it in for free
(cuz that is what the one star on the valve means right?)
anyway please help

12-22-2001, 07:44 PM
You have to missing a o-ring and it's letting the co2 through

12-22-2001, 07:49 PM
thought about that but what seal or o-ring and where?
and even if it were leaking y didn't it cock?

12-22-2001, 08:19 PM
Pull the trigger and hold it. If the leak stops, replace the PT Oring and put a shorter PT Spacer in it. Simply replacing the PT Oring may fix your problem, if it does not, then go a step down on PT Spacer. If the leak does not stop, then your problem lies in the on/off. Replace all of the orings in the on/off section and then you should be golden. My money is on the PT Oring/Spacer though. Hope this helps.

12-23-2001, 10:54 AM
Yeah it deffinatly sounds like at power tube oring.

12-24-2001, 08:42 AM
ok chef...
i have no spare parts for this really....just got it used for pretty cheap
i gased it up again...it leaks after the first shot out th barrel. but yes it stops when i hold the trigger down.
i'm guessing PT is powertube....if you mean the big flat blue one...if so i have an extra one of those....its got a smaller diameter so and it's a clear pink color.....about the spacers i guess i'll hafta buy a spacer kit right?
and those are the little bronze colored pieces at the end of the powertube right??
i'm tryin my best i don't have a video to shwo me about it or a manual for it .....so thanks

12-24-2001, 09:45 AM
PT is Powertube. The blue thing you see is the bumper. The powertube tip is the bronzish looking piece you see with a slot cut in it. Use a nickel and unscrew it. Under it should be the PT Spacer or PT Spring, depending on the age of your mag. Under that will be the PT Oring. Sometimes, just oiling the PT Oring will fix the problem. If not, order a parts kit and maybe a PT Spacer kit and you should be all set. Let us know how it works out.

12-24-2001, 10:00 AM
well i guess i hafta order a spacer kit
oring looks fine...i'm gonna try and oil i and try again...the spacer sez .220 so i am guesing go one step smaller....but thank you and i'll let u all know how it works out

12-24-2001, 12:37 PM
Your other bumper, is probably for an RT. You only want to use the blue ones on mags.

12-24-2001, 01:00 PM
ok thanks....i knew it didn't look quite right

and just to make sure i go one step lower then the one in there??? or one step higher? w/ the spacers
i have a .220 in there now and there is only one lower...the .215
i put that one in right?
hope that works cuz i can't go smaller.... and it'd suck to spend money on the kit and it doesn't do anything

12-24-2001, 06:30 PM
when you gas it up and leaks is your bolt all the way back(cocked) or is it like a centimeter or .5 cm into your barrel. if it is sticking out it is a worn sear or maybe bolt

12-24-2001, 06:49 PM
it's cocked all the way....cuz i can shoot....it's just if i'm not holding the trigger down it's leaking...

12-24-2001, 06:53 PM
mine was doing that and it was a worn sear, i would check the sear and bolt for wear anyway, if its not that its the pt o-ring like everyone said

12-24-2001, 07:46 PM
i checked the sear and put a brand new one it too....still doing it...
i oiled the pt oring...still doin it....i'm gonna buy the spacer kit....if that fixes it i'll thank chef cuz he's a genious....if that doesn't do anything....i'll be pissed and i'll have no other options...
(except but a new valve....maybe retro....who knows)