View Full Version : Pick Up Lines!

12-22-2001, 08:32 PM
Lets hear some of those smooth pickup lines ya'll! I'll post some later.

12-22-2001, 08:38 PM
'The word of the day is legs. Let's go back to my place and spread the word...'

'I may not be Fred Flinstone, but I sure can make your bed rock...'

'Is that a mirror in your pants, because I can see myself in them?'

'If you were a car door, I would slam you all night long...'
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH thats a bad one!

Geek Pickup Lines

- I'd like to play on your laptop.

- Need me to unzip your files?

- If you were an ISP, I'd dial you all day long!

- I've got a 21 inch... (monitor)

Keep adding.

12-22-2001, 09:29 PM
Want to see my cocker?

12-22-2001, 09:44 PM
A friend of mine tried this...be forwarned it doesnt work, just gets ya a big old slap

"Suck Me Beautiful"

12-22-2001, 10:45 PM
never use.....

i lost my phone number, can i have yours

12-22-2001, 10:58 PM
are you jamacan, cuz jamacan me crazy

u must be tired cuz uve been running thru my mind all night

you shoulda heard the sound i heard when i saw you, DUURRRR OOOOOO DUURRRRR OOOOOO DURRRRR OOOOOO, thats the sound of an ambulance cuz u broke my heart(night at the roxbury)

12-22-2001, 11:12 PM
hahah zvanut, you stole mine, my brother actually used that one once when he was like 10, and the girl was like 20, lol.
uummm, i know a whole bunch but it's too late to think.

-do you drink alotta milk? cause you'd do my body good(or something like that)

-"were either of your parents theives?" 'no, why' ," because they must have stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes" (now THAT'S cheesy)

i know way more but like i said, can't think right now, i'll post more later

12-22-2001, 11:42 PM
would you like to inspect my gadjet?

12-23-2001, 12:26 AM
Damn, Girl. Your lookin like a speeding ticket, you got "FINE" written all over you.- or something like that

"show me your breasts"- thats gotta be Howerd Stern or Hugh Heffner

lets get the bacon a' shakin'

12-23-2001, 12:51 AM
biodome has some good ones

12-23-2001, 01:54 AM
Biodome...now there is a movie worthy of praise...Whoa, Faulkners got 3 nipples?

12-23-2001, 03:01 AM
I liked boidome... Funny... I'm such a pw...

12-23-2001, 08:33 AM
Here is one for the Holiday season "Can I take a picture of you? I want to show Santa exactly what I want for Christmas." :D

12-23-2001, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by ThePatriot
A friend of mine tried this...be forwarned it doesnt work, just gets ya a big old slap

"Suck Me Beautiful"

Whatcha talkin about?! It works like a charm.

12-23-2001, 09:45 AM
was your father a meat burglar cuz it looks like someone stole 2 fine christmas hams and stuffed em down the back of your dress

12-23-2001, 10:06 AM
isn't that a quote from ladies man?

12-23-2001, 11:53 AM
Yea it is, man come up with your own pickup lines...or at least copy them from decent movies...if that a test tube in my pocket or am i just happy to see you?

12-23-2001, 03:27 PM
dude ladies man is an awesome movie its better then the patriot

12-23-2001, 03:59 PM
My Wife 'Picked' me up... She asked me over to my sister's house for the weekend (because I had not seen her in a while), and we were going to go out that evening.

I was not at my Wife's house (future Wife at the time)for more than 15 minutes (I stopped in there first since my sister was not home from work yet) and she was giving me shots of Tequila (my kind of woman!)... we *DID* go out that night, but I never did end up spending a single night at my Sister's place. And I did not make it home either. :D :D :D We started living together a week later. ;)

I guess the 'pick-up' line would have been "Would you like a drink?"... :D

I guess the moral of the story is... keep it simple. Be honest. And be yourself! :)

(Oh, and she liked to ask.. "What do Cowboys do behind their hats?".... made her ask me all evening until I finally showed her. ;))

12-23-2001, 04:08 PM
hey shartley, can you just post your pickup lines. i know you like your essays though...:D :D :D :D :D :D

12-23-2001, 04:26 PM
LOL I don't actually HAVE any. Never was the type to use them either.

That is the great thing about "Country Music", you can let the Song do the talking. Wait until the right song comes along, and ask her to dance. What song is playing will be your pickup line (in a way) or at least set them mood or direction you want to take. It is not the same as in a *disco* or *dance club*.

If things are right, they happen... easy to do when you are actually *touching* your partner... *dance* music is all about show and about the individual, while *country* is about each other. :) Anyone can grind hips and gyrate around the floor... but belly rubbing is *intimate*, sexual yes, yet not without class. ;) Plus, you can actually still talk while dancing... easy to do when you are so close. :D

I want to dance with my partner, *not* be involved in some aerobics class... :D :D :D The aerobics come later!

I hope this was not too long.. LOL I guess I am saying to let your quarter in the jukebox be your pickup line. :) It is so much easier, and if you are shot down, you can blame it on the song or that she just did not feel like dancing. :D And who knows.... she may have a friend who *does* feel like dancing ;), and you did not blow future opportunities!

12-23-2001, 10:30 PM
Is that a keg in your back pocket cuz i no i wanna tap that azz!

12-24-2001, 05:07 PM
girl you like a ball point pen so fine!

i have no idea where this one came from but it doesnt work.

12-24-2001, 06:22 PM
you make my software hard.

lets play canon, ill lay down and you blow the hell out of me.

that shirt looks good on you but it would look better crumpled up at the end of my bed.

that shirt is very becoming on you... then again if i was that shirt i would becoming on you too.

lets play basketball, now dribble my balls.

baby, baby, put down the gun:eek:

12-24-2001, 06:54 PM
a little dirty but that last one is funny

12-24-2001, 06:59 PM
Hahahah lol BTautomag those r good

12-24-2001, 07:04 PM
thank you thank you. they're a dime a dozen but i'll take a nickel for ten if you want

12-24-2001, 07:10 PM
hey should i post a yo mamma so fat thread:D

12-24-2001, 07:49 PM
Is that a keg in yer pants, cuz I wanna tap that a$$!!!!!!!!!

If looks were dooty, you'd be the sh*t!!!!!!!!!

Nice Shoes...Wanna *$#@????

Now these are only lines that'll get yer butt kicked by women...
but they are kinda funny.

12-24-2001, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by covadsucks
Is that a keg in yer pants, cuz I wanna tap that a$$!!!!!!!!!

If looks were dooty, you'd be the sh*t!!!!!!!!!

Nice Shoes...Wanna *$#@????

Now these are only lines that'll get yer butt kicked by women...
but they are kinda funny.

Women will not kick your butt for saying those. I've said all of them. Except the 2nd one, that one is.....weird.

12-24-2001, 11:39 PM
Got any Irish in ya? I can put some there- Keychain

This leg is Thanksgiving, this one is Christmas, sometime you should visit between the holidays.- Val Venis

"I'm staying in Hawaii" "Really, what island" "Cumoniwannalea" Rodney dangerfield, I think

Dang i used to know so many

12-25-2001, 03:25 AM
That hawaii one isnt rodney dangerfield...its from the movie Grumpier Old Men, and its the old old father who says it to the italian woman's mother...he also chases after her in the supermarket and you hear NO, its ok im a doctor....then the son says, oh, dads tryin to give out free checkups again

12-25-2001, 08:10 PM
one that has worked quite well for me - "Hello"

12-25-2001, 08:28 PM
ther are so many and i can't remember...

let's play circus, ur the lion i'm the lion tamer....u open ur mouth and i'll stick my head in

i lost my teddy bear can u sleep w/ me tonight....

i'll be back when i remember them

12-25-2001, 08:46 PM
lets play canon, ill lay down and you blow the hell out of me.

Its not lets play canon, its lets play Pearl Harbor.

12-25-2001, 11:26 PM
no, its lets play army ill lay down and u blow the hell out of me.

12-26-2001, 03:16 PM
Oh yeah, I couldn't quite remember who said the Cumoniwannalea one, so I guessed at Rodney Dangerfield, it sounded like something he would say. Thanx for the correction.