View Full Version : my new mag

07-09-2006, 11:55 PM
Be sure to check out the video at the end


The tape on the front grip is just to prevent scratching from the qloader mounting bracket.


In both of these pics, I had my barrel aimed at the cameraman's chest.


Since I can't shoot left, this gun works well for me. I can still shoot right handed leaning out the left side of a bunker and have no worries about the gun feeding.


Still haven't played with it yet though. I just got it finished the other day but I'll be playing with it after I get back from my vacation. I gotta bring all my gear back with me when I come. I wanted a gun that was all mechanical and that I could shoot left out of a bunker using my right hand to shoot and still have a fairly low profile.

I made a short video here to show the functinality of it. I took the grip panels off to show that there's no electronics in there but you can't really see them too good anyway. It seems to have response mode if you pull the trigger all the way back, but if you hold it halfway, it goes full auto.


Short video of it shooting (http://s61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/mcclare/?action=view&current=magvid.flv)

07-10-2006, 01:10 AM
Nice. I like the hardline--it looks tight!

07-10-2006, 01:21 AM
New to the 'Mag world, eh?

That's an X-Valve, it has reactivity. The half-way F/A thing is the RT at work (sound like super bounce to me, but I don't know, I can't watch the vid )

Does it have ULT? Or a stock RT on/off? Sounds like ULT...

All technical aspects aside, I must say, that is [B]one friggin' sexy 'gun. I want a ULE 'mag so bad, but because of my cash splurge on my Shocker recently, and college commin' up soon, my purchase-planning will off a while.

What are all the specs? A 'gun that sweet should be shown off! Also, how is the Q-Loader workin' out? I've heard mixed reviews, but want one for woods ball (where I don't have to worry about passing pods to other teammates).

07-10-2006, 09:38 AM
haha, nice e-mag jewels. Anyway, you got it shooting nicely. Nice setup as well, with the angled tank and q-loader, love the hardline too.

have fun :cheers:

the mag guy
07-10-2006, 09:42 AM
well done sir! :headbang:

07-10-2006, 07:00 PM
Hardline is something that definetly "makes" the gun, it would not look so clean without it.

07-10-2006, 07:10 PM
you should still learn to shoot left handed, but, the mag is still nice

07-10-2006, 11:49 PM
That's an X-Valve, it has reactivity. The half-way F/A thing is the RT at work (sound like super bounce to me, but I don't know, I can't watch the vid )

Does it have ULT? Or a stock RT on/off? Sounds like ULT...

All technical aspects aside, I must say, that is [B]one friggin' sexy 'gun. I want a ULE 'mag so bad, but because of my cash splurge on my Shocker recently, and college commin' up soon, my purchase-planning will off a while.

What are all the specs? A 'gun that sweet should be shown off! Also, how is the Q-Loader workin' out? I've heard mixed reviews, but want one for woods ball (where I don't have to worry about passing pods to other teammates).
Gun has xvalve, level 10, intelliframe, gas thru grip, qloader. Doesn't have a ULT

I love the qloader. No problems feeding. Low profile. And quiet. I creep a lot with my gun pointed down and my revvy used to make noise when a ball would roll out of the feed neck