View Full Version : i need some opinions........women

12-22-2001, 10:24 PM
i'm 20. she's 32. pretty good looking for her age. i definitely can.............. what do you think, should i?

12-22-2001, 10:30 PM
hit it then quit it.

12-22-2001, 11:31 PM
Hey, if it feels right... go for it.

12-23-2001, 12:51 AM
listen to miscue, he knows what he is taking about.........:D

12-23-2001, 02:05 AM
Older women is fine....i was going to go out w/ my neighbor who is a grade higher than me, but o wait, she decided ot become psycho biotch from hell and hate me out of no where..

12-23-2001, 03:15 AM
Having an older spouse isn't really a problem... 12 years isn't as bad as my parents... but then again, my mom isn't older than my dad...

12-23-2001, 08:06 AM
If you can nail her right off the bat, go for it. Then never talk to her again.

12-23-2001, 10:18 AM
MagMan5446-- i don't think:
hit it then quit it. is a very good idea, thats just what i think anyways

12-23-2001, 11:30 AM
Older women will do you good. Teach you a few things. However don't be too surprised if she is not the one using you this time. Serve you right with your attitude of "using women" (what ever that means). You know they can do it too? I should think if you are attracted to her you would want to make an effort to please her too? If you don't she will dump you so fast you will never know it. And trust me if you gotto ask you didn't. Maybe if you are willing she will teach you how to do that. Hey ask her! But be carefull and practice safe sex please.

12-23-2001, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by MagMan5446
If you can nail her right off the bat, go for it. Then never talk to her again.

Do the opposite of whatever MagMan says and you'll be fine

12-23-2001, 02:29 PM
a word of the wise..... GO FOR IT, take a chance, you'll never know until it happens.......

~~she's. STONEEEE. cold bush......

sorry i was just listening to that song by rhcp


12-23-2001, 02:42 PM
go for it, you could learn something out of it

12-23-2001, 04:00 PM
i'm with tbone, take magmans advice, and do the opposite.

12-23-2001, 04:43 PM
Hey, it's just my opinion. I'm really not into women that are 12 years older than me though....

12-23-2001, 05:07 PM
Lots to think about....

20M - 32F Now.. GREAT! WooHoo! :D Your energy, her experience.... :D :D :D

25M - 37F Age may start to be an issue. Plus you will have HUGE differences in the ways you look at life. You are still on your way *up* and she is thinking of getting close to 40 and all that comes with it.

30M - 42F What are your goals? How is she aging? How is your relationship?

35M - 47F You are going to start seeing some very distinct differences. You are still thinking 30 and she is thinking 50. Very rough age difference because of the actual ages, not because of the years difference.

40M - 52F I think this could be a rough time for both... You may be entering your *thinking* period and coming to grips with your mortality (maybe), and she will still be in her 50's.


Usually the age differences work fine in reverse, and for many reasons.. no need to get into them. But honestly, it is much harder the other way around (older woman). But we all know relationships that *do* work just fine, BOTH ways.

So, it is really hard to give any advice that means anything. We don't know either of you personally.. but since *you* stated:
pretty good looking for her age. you may want to think about the age chart I made above.

Plus there is the issue of children.... like I said, there is a lot to think about.

It sounds like you may do well *dating* ;), but I find that most women that age tend to be looking for a bit more. It is up to you, and it could be just fine... but I always advise against it when the male is on the younger end, and so young. Plus, if you have to ASK... that is a good indication. Go have FUN! You are only young once. (well, most of the time.. some of us get young a few times. :D)

12-23-2001, 05:45 PM
Strangely enough, I am at the receiving end of pickup lines more often than not... I'm kinda shy and don't ask people out very often. Things I've been told:

"Do you like girls?" :)

One outright sat in my lap and said, "Hi."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"You have pretty eyes."

"Maybe sometime you can come over and teach me how to use my computer." (I kid you not) :)

"What's your name?"

There was one girl in an English 101 class that made sure we were partners... she kept giving me papers she wrote about sex and how it's ok before marriage so long as the couple loves each other... and stuff like that. She followed me around one day and asked me to lunch. Musicians... :)

Pinched from behind, I turn around to see a big smile. Two or three times that's happened... Although I really don't appreciate that... girls can get away with that stuff... :)

Most girls aren't so foreward... they'll try to say things with their eyes... mannerisms... tone of voice. (it's called flirting :) ) I caught one of my sister's friends standing over the stairway watching me play the piano all smiling and stuff... black lacquer reflects almost like a mirror... :)

Personally, I do not like girls who get touchy feely right off the bat. Trying to hug you, sit in your lap, grab your arm and stuff... that irks me. I have to really know someone first... CLOSE friends first and foremost, that's important.

If there's one bit of advice I'd could give... that would be to look for an authentically good person. A kind and honest person. Similar interests... thoughts... goals... at least something in common... that's a good thing. Realize that you can be attracted to someone for the wrong reasons... physical or psychological reasons (like you're lonely or something)... it's important to shut that out. If you want a healthy relationship, you have to know the person - understand them. What are their thoughts? Their desires... aspirations... What makes them sad or happy? Find a way to connect with that person at a deeper level. Don't hurry things, you have lots of time. Relationships are give and take for both persons. Don't expect anything.

I have no 'pick-up' lines to offer because I do not believe in them... but I think I could share how I initiated what I hope to become a wonderful relationship.

I met this most remarkable girl where I work on campus. Brilliant, kind, beautiful... in touch with herself and her emotions. Someone I can talk to, relate with, completely trust... I could tell her anything... and just about have. :) The moment I met her I knew she was something special. The more I got the chance to know her, the more I wanted to be with her. I'm a complete chicken when it comes to this kind of thing, but I forced myself to say something... I just had to. I picked out something simple, something that would not put her on the spot, be uncomfortable, or imply anything. I simply asked her if she might ever have the chance to go out for ice cream... we ended up going for coffee instead because it was cold. We talked for a couple hours at least... shared some things about ourselves... I was scared to death. :) Numerous awkward silences... I'm a lot more comfortable now though. I think at this point, both of us are trying to get closer to each other... but neither of us really knows how. We are both somewhat insecure. I really hope this will go somewhere... I think she's the one I've been looking for.

Ok, now you guys know WAY too much about me. :) But for reals... be careful in what you do, and really evaluate yourself... what you are looking for. Be very careful that you do not like or even love someone for the wrong reasons. A happy life-long relationship is what I'm looking for. I hope you look for the same, know how to, and are lucky enough to find it.


12-23-2001, 05:52 PM
Wow very well said miscue! I hope it works out for you.


12-23-2001, 08:01 PM
man....this made me feel like i was in high school again

12-23-2001, 08:09 PM
Not for me... nobody had anything to do with me until college... I was a dork. :)

12-23-2001, 10:53 PM
whoa, that was pretty deep, almost brings a tear to the eyes.....:( :( :( ...........no. anyways, no, i'm most absolutely not looking for a relationship. even if i were, it owuldnt' be with someone older than my sister. and i know she isn't either. stuff like that only work out for one thing.........i'm sure you all know what i'm talking about. but i don't know, she's mad cool, and i don't like using girls/women like that. i did it once and it just wasn't worth it. very aggrivating. everyone seems to say go for it, but i'm really not that kind of person. hahaha, i feel like the only guy that just doesn't want to get ____. oh well. we'll see, she's forever trying to come on to me. she just tones it down at work cause she doesn't want rumor's going around. she swears she wants to hang out just the 2 of us but we both work 2 jobs. oh well.

miscue- i met that one person once before. still to this day remember our first kiss and what it felt like. i thought she was the one. i never felt like that ever before and i still haven't. what happened? she left me for this little pretty boy. did i mention i hate pretty boys? hahahhhaha. chicks suck.

12-23-2001, 11:06 PM
left you for some pretty boy....that sucks. now go beat the crap outta the pretty boy and get your woman back!!!!!

12-23-2001, 11:07 PM
naaaaaaaa, that was a while ago. plus i realized she was just a stupid little girl. but i can't blame her, i was a stupid little boy(at the time). oh well, i learned alot from here(well, more like because of her) so at least i gained from it.

12-23-2001, 11:09 PM
it kinda reminds me of a song...."stupid girl".....hmmm

12-24-2001, 10:31 AM
Yep, I found my one. Screwed it up big time, and I mean BIG TIME. I hurt her bad. I still kick myself for it now.
She got engaged to one of my fraternity brothers. Guy is the biggest headcase (no offense) ever. They fought and broke off the engagement a few dozen times. After he graduated he moved out of state and she followed a couple months later. Now I figure that she's gone for good and I can forget about her. They lived together for about 4 or 5 months. And go figure they have a big fight. She came back in town about two weeks ago, and showed up to a party I was at, complete surprise to me. Of course I realize that I'm still in love with her, I didn't say anything that night though. A few days later I called up my buddy that had been talking to her while she was gone, I was mad that he didn't warn me that she was back in town. But he had no idea she was back. But he did tell me that she's not engaged anymore and it is supposedly over for good between her and the idiot. Now I've got to figure out where I'm going with all of this. It's been three years since we where seeing each other and we aren't the same people we where back then. I'm not sure she could have the same feelings she had for me before, unfortunately I've still got feelings for her.

anyway this is a seriously abbreviated version.

OK I'm done crying on everybody's shoulder, just felt the need to share.

12-24-2001, 03:03 PM
I say go for it... Just make sure she isn't married:D

12-24-2001, 08:15 PM
Miscue- I applaude your sense of values, but this isn't what was being asked.

Ragu- Date the woman. Enjoy time spent with her, and let her teach you all she can and will. When I was 17 I was dating a 16 year old and a 32 year old simultaneously. While the younger was my girlfriend, and still is currently, the older was taking me here and there and teaching me the ropes to living and having fun. I miss her still and it's been 9 years.
Point is, age is nothing but a number. Do what you want to, especially if you find her attractive. Hell, she may end up buying you an SFL Emag...who knows...

12-24-2001, 08:51 PM
Whoops. You're right. I confused this thread for the 'pick-up lines' thread. Oh well.