View Full Version : webcams...

07-10-2006, 07:03 PM
should be illegal
the picture quality sears my eyes with each time i see another horrid image of someone's gun, setup or part
can we boycott them? Demand a recall? Or at least make them better megapixel resolution wise?

:ninja: Better idea. If they weigh as much as a duck, they're made of wood, and therefore, a WITCH!!!! LET'S BURN THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111oneoneon eoneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneononeonone

sorry, the agg virus is a mighty hard one to fight off, but its even more humorous when i make fun of it by exponentially increasing the gap between the expected and the reality. In other words, my irony is quite ironic

07-10-2006, 07:06 PM
Haha... well I agree with you on several things there, but don't very small rocks also float?

But anyway I have a webcam, and I use it only because our digital camera isn't setup to work on my pc.

Honestly I'd never use it to show pictures of things I was selling, because as you said the quality is very low.

Nice post though. Good thoughts.
