View Full Version : For you that played today....

12-22-2001, 11:47 PM
For you people that played paintball today, was it very crowded? My field was out of rentals and had to issue all of its pumps and pistols. I guess the saturday before christmas drew alot of people. There was at least 200 people at my field. It was chaos! Teams of 50 on 50 was fun! At least I had my defiant and mag to lay down some paint. =]

12-23-2001, 12:01 AM
I finally played to day after almost a year off. Didnt go to an actual paintball field, juts 8 of us playing 4 on 4 at someones ranch in central texas. I got to try out my minimag and the superboltHad alot of fun. Only broke one ball and that was when I shortstroked it. The funny part of the day was the last 2 games when i was out of HPA. I actualy used my pump talon and got 3 out of the 4 in one game. I got lit up like christmas lights the next game. lots of fun though its good to be playing paintball again.

12-23-2001, 07:19 AM
Where Nutz and I played, it was very crowded, atleast 100 guys showed up to a field which usually gets 30. Than again, field fees and rentals were free yesterday.