View Full Version : Emag shot counter. Need Help please

12-23-2001, 12:24 AM
Hey I know that Emag shot counters can go back down to zero after the battery dies and you recharge it. I have the 1.37 software. I was playing in the rain today and when we packed up I checked my shot counter and it was at 550,000 (haha). That won't look too good to a future buyer :D . Does anyone know why it happened and how can I reset it to zero? Before the shot counter was around 4,000.

12-23-2001, 12:26 AM
The shot counter can get that high if you adjusted the magnet too far in... It needs a little more distance from the sensor. You can re-set it by draining the battery completely.

12-23-2001, 01:32 PM
yeah I just left it on all night so the shot counter reset. I will move the magnet now. Thanks. Is there anyway you can reset the shot counter without draining the battery though?