View Full Version : The joys of having a mag

07-17-2006, 05:08 PM
Maybe this title isn't really suiting for this topic, but heck... its late and i lack imagination due to lack of sleep.

Last weekend i played at Paintball Jungle in Amsterdam, in the netherlands. In our country paintball is not that big, and even though the sport is growing it is not commonly known as a recreational sport. Alot of people played as rentals, but most people dont know there are a few that go out to play on a regular basis (with own gear and own paint prices)

Jungle is one of the fields that has walk on days for the rec woods player and also has a airball field for sup'air teams to play/train on (Home base of the Buddah Bandits)

Some of the players of our own field joined up to go pay them a visit, and finally play against more than 5 players in woods. (yeah, we have a small field and the turnup sucks this season so 30 vs 30 seemed nice to do once in a while)
I've recently added a warp feed to my xmag and thought this would be the right location to turn some heads between the Tippmanns, Ions, and spyders. :D

Well, it did. With a warp and a eggy i could get 14 bps @ the chrono range, (3.2 software, no xmod) mow ropes where others could'nt, could stay posted because i had no hopper sticking out, and get alot of reactions like:

- Ey! Look at that guy's marker!
- Is that some sort of Q-loader?
- Did you make that yourself?
- Where can i buy it?
- Err, how fast is that thing shooting? <-- ref asking
- Never seen that gun before... What kind of marker is it?
- Wow! what is that thing on your marker?
- Ey! A xmag with warp! Sick man! <-- one of the enlightened ones

Most people over here only know the Tippmann crap and popular stuff... But i was really pleased to meet one person in our team shooting a classic automag :headbang: By the looks of it, it was old and seen alot of action, but still doing damage! For me one of the best moments of the day, knowing that i'm not alone and some freak that uses an outdated gun.

But heck, my marker may be old and heavy, a gashog, not to mention slow compared to some high-end electro markers out these days but it still rocks and i shot about 3000 balls without any chopping. (ACE off, so lvl10 did a great job)

What can you say: Quality always shoots straight! :cheers:

07-17-2006, 06:38 PM
:D Good to hear. Anymore Xmags cant be concidered gas hogs.

Cow hunter
07-17-2006, 09:30 PM
man, mags are awesome, just in the awe factor, they are up there in the rankings

07-18-2006, 04:01 PM
Awesome story.. except at the end... My RT is lighter than any gun i've felt on my field.. there are shockers and egos and dm's and the sort.. and my x-mag is now lighter than my RT.. so enough said there.. also, with the X-mod, you gun would rip just light all other high ends.. Also, the older the better.. because you'll be uniqe!.. also mags are not actually gas hogs.. look at the ion.. OMG, that thing sucks air like no other.. the mags are pretty normal when it comes to air use.. a little on the downside.. but not bad at all..

07-19-2006, 10:57 AM
My mistake... But it does have a warp feed and i have a maxflo on it that kinda makes it heavy. I held a shocker with halo and tank for weight comparison, and that gun was noticably lighter. I still need to pick up a xmod programmer, but it's not a high priority at the moment since i can rip it fast enough. Gas consumtion is not that steep, but noticeable since i also own a DM4 and a Orracle cocker.

I must disagree on ion's being gas hogs... a friend of mine has one and he gets about 1200 shots per fill... not too bad.

the mag guy
07-19-2006, 11:03 AM
:D Good to hear. Anymore Xmags cant be concidered gas hogs.

shoot, my mag consumes air like no other. under rapid fire you can watch as the air guage races toward zero. lol

just this last weekend I got a tad over 700 shots on my tank (114 cu in 3000 psi) :wow: ! Now the tank wasnt empty, but it was just low enough to slow and eventually stop operating.

I remember the days of my cocker, those were efficient days....

07-19-2006, 11:21 AM
shoot, my mag consumes air like no other. under rapid fire you can watch as the air guage races toward zero. lol

just this last weekend I got a tad over 700 shots on my tank (114 cu in 3000 psi) :wow: ! Now the tank wasnt empty, but it was just low enough to slow and eventually stop operating.

I remember the days of my cocker, those were efficient days....

700 shots on a 114/3000? I used to use a 47/3000 with my mags and I always got 450-500 shots out of a tank. What is the output psi on that tank?

Since I got my 45/4500, I only have to refill a couple times a day. :dance:

07-19-2006, 11:58 AM
mags have that "cool" factor to then :cool: :cool:

07-19-2006, 12:04 PM
1200 shots on a 92/4500 is about the best I have done with a mag - red spring Lvl 10

I think the number of times your lvl 10 kicks in ( hopper too slow ) and how much you are on the triger has a lot to do with how fast you run through gas on the mags

I put a tank on my new x-mag, and it seemed to go through air a lot faster than my spyder mag did though.


Skate And Paint
07-19-2006, 12:09 PM
dude, i totally agree. i freakin love my mag, light weight, compact, no chop, fast (for a mech). im either keeping this gun or buying a diff, faster mag. i think that ive been hooked into the mag family and i aint goin nowhere.

the mag guy
07-19-2006, 02:30 PM
700 shots on a 114/3000? I used to use a 47/3000 with my mags and I always got 450-500 shots out of a tank. What is the output psi on that tank?

Since I got my 45/4500, I only have to refill a couple times a day. :dance:

800 psi fixed by nitro duck.

I know it makes no sense, but its the facts. I wish it wasnt true.

07-19-2006, 02:41 PM
urban camo has it right. there is nothing like being the only person at the field with a mag. i love seeing people's heads turn to get a second look at my mag because they've never seen one in person. thats why i bought it, well, that and its about the most long lasting gun in the world. Rock on AGD! :headbang:

07-19-2006, 03:01 PM
I had my RPG vert framed karta setup at the regular field, and I was in the middle of a game, got down to like 3 on 8 ( I was one of the 3 ) and I had to get into the trigger for the first time all day.

I layed a string of paint that was insane into a guys bunker and painted him and his 2 friends in about 3-4 seconds ( and about 1/2 a loader ! ) - all I heard from behind me was someone mutter " Oh my God.... Glad that was them and not me..."


07-19-2006, 07:13 PM
The joys of having a mag must include the possiblity for a well though out conversation. I played at Master Blasters VA and had a good one with a gun tech and the guy filling tanks. Both of them had owned mags and knew about them. We had a talk about Things we do and don't like about the guns, and they helped get me on the road to a Y frame(yeah!!). If I didn't have my Minimag the guy would have never said, "Nice Micromag" :rolleyes: