View Full Version : Rambling about the closet again

07-18-2006, 06:20 PM
I was sitting here wondering.....

How many really nice oldschool markers are just collecting dust is some closet, basement, storage box, attic, etc.? It is almost boggling to consider how many gems are just forgotten and collecting dust somewhere.

I recently came to critical mass with my storage area and had to clean it out. It wasn't a bad thing for me, or for a few lucky buyers here on the boards either for that matter. I made a pretty good chunk of change that helped pay for a nice primary marker to use. I do keep myself a few backups and loaners still. Mostly they just sit around, which got me pondering about this ramble.

Heh!!! I am down to "barebones" and still have five working markers(and one coming in the mail), full setups for at least four people, two scubas, and two bags of various gear. :D

07-18-2006, 06:29 PM
I currently have more markers than I care to think aboout just sitting gathering dust out in my garage. I try to take each one out at least once a year but I have a couple that haven't been touched in forever. :argh:

07-18-2006, 06:41 PM
ive got 5

-spyder i won at a tourny
-2 mech mags
-e-mag primary (got in trade for aka excalibur)
-mech autococker

sadly i have no way to play with any of these , short story is local field owner closed down field to use as hunting ground.

its been about 6 months since ive played but i would never sell any of them

07-19-2006, 03:58 AM
i found my ICE Panther the other day. was rather refreshing to see that again, i thought i lost it

07-19-2006, 04:53 PM
I have been wondering the same thing however, not just about classic markers. I have made myself a nice little collection of older but still very cool electro markers that are not the latest greatest thing but are still fairly quick and are in good shape

traded for a $75.00 repair job

was given to me in parts and spray painted

ahh the $30 phantom because "pumps suck and stuff"

and in my eyes the cream of the crop, a sub $100 almost brand new eclipse led (new enough to still have the decal on the backstrap!!) because any electro without eyes sucks

alot of those markers in the attic and back of the closet are owned by people who no longer play or care at all about them and you can get great deals if you talk to the right people

now they have new homes with me where they will be treated with respect and dignity

07-19-2006, 05:37 PM
I was sitting here wondering.....

How many really nice oldschool markers are just collecting dust is some closet, basement, storage box, attic, etc.? It is almost boggling to consider how many gems are just forgotten and collecting dust somewhere.

I recently came to critical mass with my storage area and had to clean it out. It wasn't a bad thing for me, or for a few lucky buyers here on the boards either for that matter. I made a pretty good chunk of change that helped pay for a nice primary marker to use. I do keep myself a few backups and loaners still. Mostly they just sit around, which got me pondering about this ramble.

Heh!!! I am down to "barebones" and still have five working markers(and one coming in the mail), full setups for at least four people, two scubas, and two bags of various gear. :D

why don't you post on PBn "20 bucks for your box o parts" LOL :rofl:

07-20-2006, 11:07 AM
For me, the big bonus of SP dropping the bottom out of its marker prices is the corresponding drop in the used marker market. Of course, as I'm collecting those unpopular mechanicals ('cockers, 'mags, and Tippmanns), it makes the prices even nicer.

Current collection:

2 classic 'mags
6 Tribals
1 custom 'cocker
8 Tippmanns from M98 Custom all the way back to a SL-68 I

All (excepting a couple of the rarer Tribals and the 'cocker) for well under $150, more than a few under $75. Love the new paintball economy.

07-20-2006, 11:42 AM
2 markers.

Rat Impulse

thats about it.. no upgrades on the emag aside from lvl 10, imp is stock except for clamping feed neck.

I can't imagine having like 5 and 6 markers, I have a hard enough time switching between two lol.

07-23-2006, 03:28 PM
I have 60 +- guns the pics I put up are just of markers I have aquired for mext to nothing

07-23-2006, 03:37 PM
The old maticres shoot money..they are just as fast and just about as smooth as the new matrces just a little heavier.

07-23-2006, 03:43 PM
I always wondered where all the DM4's and Angel LCD's and such went. I guess everybody has just thrown them in the closet and forgotten about them. I'd love to get some old DM3's, but I just don't need them. My Viking is all I need...

I did find some old gear in my closet though: Old packs, lenses, etc.

paint magnet
07-23-2006, 07:50 PM
I have been wondering the same thing however, not just about classic markers. I have made myself a nice little collection of older but still very cool electro markers that are not the latest greatest thing but are still fairly quick and are in good shape

traded for a $75.00 repair job

was given to me in parts and spray painted

ahh the $30 phantom because "pumps suck and stuff"

and in my eyes the cream of the crop, a sub $100 almost brand new eclipse led (new enough to still have the decal on the backstrap!!) because any electro without eyes sucks

alot of those markers in the attic and back of the closet are owned by people who no longer play or care at all about them and you can get great deals if you talk to the right people

now they have new homes with me where they will be treated with respect and dignity

I'll take that Phantom off your hands for $40 :D

the mag guy
07-23-2006, 11:32 PM
ok im lookin for a cocker if anyone of these guys has one to spare from their arsenal. doesnt have to be fancy, I just want another one to remind me of the old days. I'd prefer newer than 2k1. I;d also like some kind of electro. the only electro ive ever owned is a 2k1 dark angel. Loved it, but i wanna have a back up electro to my pneumag. Any takers, I wont lowball, I wanna make a deal, but I am looking for a deal.