View Full Version : ~*C&C Battery Housing*~

07-19-2006, 07:35 PM
I know these are pretty hard to come by but does anyone know where i may be able to get one? I need it for a project gun im building and ive had little luck (actually none) finding one. I know Tuna made tuna packs but imo they looks pretty ugly so im not that interested. The only other option i can think of is getting a stock one and having it milled. However, even finding a stock one is proving to be a challange. If anyone could help me out thatd be great. Thanks

07-19-2006, 09:10 PM
I know these are pretty hard to come by but does anyone know where i may be able to get one? I need it for a project gun im building and ive had little luck (actually none) finding one. I know Tuna made tuna packs but imo they looks pretty ugly so im not that interested. The only other option i can think of is getting a stock one and having it milled. However, even finding a stock one is proving to be a challange. If anyone could help me out thatd be great. Thanks

You can always buy my lowers :)

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11 Bravo
07-19-2006, 10:18 PM
I have one I would sell but it wont be cheap. lmk. :cheers:

07-19-2006, 11:59 PM
You can always buy my lowers :)

Click here (http://cgi.ebay.com/Emag-lowers-Xmod-Automag-Xmag_W0QQitemZ230008792597QQihZ013QQcategoryZ47252 QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem)
Your battery pack doesn't look CnC. Maybe it's just bad lighting in the pics though...?

07-20-2006, 01:52 AM
im sure agd has battery housings, i believe they are 40 buxx, if i remember, and rrfireblade already said he could cnc a battery pack.

07-20-2006, 01:57 AM
Your battery pack doesn't look CnC. Maybe it's just bad lighting in the pics though...?

It is not CNC. It is stock.

07-20-2006, 05:38 AM
It is not CNC. It is stock.

07-20-2006, 05:33 PM
Not interested in buying lowers, all im looking for are places or people who have a C&C housing.

11 Bravo
07-20-2006, 10:50 PM
I have one I would sell but it wont be cheap. lmk. :cheers:

Nevermind - just sold it.