View Full Version : for the ULT's out there

the mag guy
07-21-2006, 07:16 AM
Want more bounce in your trigger?

this was all before I finished my pneu conversions, so at the time of the test it was all mechanical.

Ok so I assume most of you use LX shims in your ULT to compensate for the lack of ULT shims. Now I am basing this on my X-valve, not any others, but they should all have similar results. btw this is on a 114/3000psi 800 fixed output tank. My old setup was 4 LX shims. For most people this is fine, but my gun still wasn't getting any bounce. If i added a ULT shim, I got nothing from the trigger, and if I tried a LX instead, the valve wouldn't fit in the gun

I made an assumption yesterday that even though LX shims are twice as thick, there are prolly some imperfections (ex. Ult shim = .052 instead of .05). Therefore two ULT shims could be a little larger than a single .10 LX shim.

So I removed two LX shims and tacked on 4 ULT's in its place (so still 8 shims total). When I gassed it up it shot once, not something I was used to, but i liked. so I pulled the trigger once and like the pull/lightness, but in the second pull it shot twice. Thrid pull same thing. now these pulls of the trigger were within a couple of split seconds between each other. Needless to say I was very happy! It was trying to run away, but I think it didnt due to my lower pressure tank.

If I ever switch back to mech from pneumatic, I'll try 6 ULT's and one LX.