View Full Version : my lvl 10 blender?

the mag guy
07-23-2006, 12:07 AM
Ok so I went playing today and was shooting my mag as fast as i can right now. in 2000 balls, i chopped 4. One was on purpose to show my bro lvl 10. and he laughed his arse off when it hacked it in half. I;ve seen the tounge vid and I've seen the dollar bill vid, but I dont think mine could ever do that. I mean the lvl 10 has 4 L X shims in it. if i add another or a ult it leaks non stop, even if i crank off 20 or so dry fires. Currently when I gas up my gun i have a small leak and when I shoot 5-10 times the leak stops, i dont have a prob with that.

I know the LX shouldnt be doing this. Its not a huge issue, but I would like to resolve it.

07-23-2006, 02:00 AM
shims only affect the reset point they dont affect the "softness" of the bolt .... if you want a more "soft" bolt then you need to go to a longer spring.

07-23-2006, 08:29 AM
Firstly, take 2 shims out. Try it. If it still isnt satisfactory, then you may condisder going to a larger spring. Which on are you using now? I like the red one with one wind cut off.

the mag guy
07-23-2006, 09:01 AM
I'm using the red spring with nothing cut off of it. I'll move to the largest one though. I know shims don't make the bolt "softer" but I thought they lengthened the point or changed the point where the bolt could still hit and reset. Anyway I'll strap in the big spring today and let y'all know how it goes.

the mag guy
07-23-2006, 09:02 AM
oh and for the record its not a blender. I consider 4 out of 2000 not bad at all, especially compared to other guns ive owned.

07-23-2006, 09:12 AM
Also try a one size tighter carrier to get the bolt to bounce, seperatly and in conjunction with a heavier spring. More friction on the bolt in the initial stage will slow the bolt down and help with bounce.
Just remember, too tight a carrier can cause bolt stick.

the mag guy
07-23-2006, 09:32 AM
im currently one size smaller than the one that I easily slides on. I believe its one stripe and one dot. I'll check later. thanks